Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 24

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Z4· WI L'M E T T E LI FE Deeember 10, 1926 Makes Haste to Finish !Sell Season Tickets for · This Home by Xmas Time Northwestern Gage Games Mrs. Hart Edward Baker announces the reopening of the Sant~ Claus .and the rapt ~ ~~~ to . Northwestern university basketball proachmg Yu1ettde season are. c O\ ing Gustave P. Kros ~dhel, bu~~i~~ ~~ complete the new rest ence ' . is erec~ing for Robert. Ho~mat}n a.t 175~ Htghland avenue: 111 tnne. or a Chnstm~s house\Ya rmtng. a htg · tree and a dmncr. . . Mr Kroschcl announce~ that tt wdl · d S t The sfi ·o~ n !> e up to Roh ert an. 1 a.n ~t.added 1 mslhtngl tour 1t~ artet no l_:' >lt~·tltllgco tt·tg" t 1) t 1e 10u~t a pre ,. · ng :, c 'type hlutldfmg ottfl s le\l·e ntf r1oro,.t~lk ~· (lctlo'1.-l structe( o 1110 cc >U > t c · f t i 100 feet 0 11 .0 1 I 0 11 1 1 a" g ~ rlon age Ill with . 10 0 H! 1 1 11 . g1 flatH · . ;ltrg.c. sutfl t ,.. '0 £ ·tl1 e tt 1 e oor. ts a p easmg ea ur._ 1 ,. Ttt··lttcl 1ou..;e '1'1 1ere are t >a t1 1"· ._ 1 · g ,t ,· 1 t1 1e llllprOYl'llH'll · t ,· :-. (·n-,tin . <r 111 1c ot. .... · · · ' ' 'dl Unprecedented demands for ticket , Baker Loom Craft Studio in new and enlarged quarters at 1103 .Central Ave., Wilmette Here will be found smart models of dresses, blouses, coats and ensembles made from handwoven fabrics suitable for sports, travel, college and general purpose wear. Each garment is woven to measure. and may be had in white and all colors, on short notice, and at reasonable prices. ,,.P aroun d $25000 ·· · Gift Ideas Baby Blankets - Infants' Garments Men's Lounging Robes - Scarfs Bags - Rugs PHONE WILMETTE 3075 CASTLE LEADS VOTE Th e vot e for stat e representatin: in th e Sen·nth SL' natorial distri ct. includ ing Ne\\' Trier Town ship, as shown by th e canvass just completed hy the Count\· CanYas~ing hoard, \ras as fo1 lo\\' s: ·ca ~t le. 55,338: Propper, 53,527 ~~ ; Finn eran, 45,831. --- l games this season has caused the ath letic department to adopt a. system l li season ticket books for the hon tt · game~. These tJckets, which will bt sold for $10 apiece, will be good f111 seven games beginning with the t\lltr t Dame game January 3. \ f t. k t 1 k . . ~ ,· ~tem o se aso n tc ·e JOO -~ t<··· h;_ ;~k c thall i~ a new venture and ut H· which is not used hy o ther school. j ,l . th e conkrence. However, tht· grl' a' demand for tickets at ::\orth,,·e~te t, · 1 1 1 dunng th l' la :; t two year s 1a s ec at1 , Jctic officials to adopt the plan in ord1· i that the regular patron !'- " ·ill he a~surl·d . 1 1 k a ~ea t a so ma · ~ · . . . t at the. game s. p us~ tbk a !'-<l \'lllg on eac h gallll' . ·· . . k .. Pnrcha ser~ o t se;.~.son ttc ·t:t.., ,,11 , han· the ~<ll lll' r c.;crn ·d seat at itl: ganH.·~ play r d in Evan s ton hegitlllil l..,: \\'it h th(' ~ nt re Dam e gantc. TlH ,,l wlto hu,· thl'ir tirkch hdon.· t1H· D rakt ga 111e ";1 D L·rcn tlwr 1R "ill abo l'l'l't'i , t t i c \.; (' ts i or t hat co 11 t l ' "t a 11 d t It e !I ttl · ,,·ith ~I irh iga n ~tate 11 11 Dl'CL'll1 1H·r 211 \" c ~rth\\l'-,krn\ hctlll(' h a :-. k' t· t ], :tll . . rltc·duk thi-, :-.l'il:-'011 i-, t~IH ' .,j thl' lllt h! attract iq· pn·-,t·ttte d in ·_ , Tar:- . \\" ;th;t . . , ct]H'th thl' -,rla·d uk on lk n ·n1hn II :tt lf[ \\ill bring tc · 1-:Yatblttll onl' ni th · -,tn·ll~l·-,t ft\"l'" in lndiana. Tltt·tt rcll tl\Dr a k l' flll Dt.T<:Il l hn 1X \\'it h a pc l\\ n I11 l t l' a 111. T he :-l' '" i :-. it or~ \\' i 11 1 lt · i o 11 m, 1 · · ll\ ~lir higan :-tall'. Dt.·ct·nthn 2(): \"c1 tl:L. D ame . l atll tar\' 3: Tllin()i-.. l:tllt l.tr' H: l'lticag1~. Jani1ar~· 12 : \\ 'f-.rnll.,i' t. lanuan l.i: Indi ana. l a nu :tn· 17 : \l it ;H':-.11ta.· F l ' h r u a r y . .!.ft at~ d l' md t: . J ~farch 7. SOCCER LEAGUE DANCE T1H· \'orth ~hmt· ~ncrn kaguv \\i: gi\'1.· ih liiOllt hh· dance at Contlllllt ti:·· !l ou .. ~.·. \\' intn:t.ka. Saturday l' \"l'nin:..:. Dl'Cl'tnhn 11. Th e ld ea1 orrltt·..,tr:t i, tc1 prorirk th e lliu .~ic. I I ~~ r. and ~f r!'-. Edward P. \1 urph~ 103 \\'oodhin e a\'Cmtc. antw ttn rc tlw birth of twin :-;, Donald and Rnhrrt. r11 1 !\o,·emher 10. ·at ~ he St. Jn -,eph htt . . pita!. { I ~ ~: \~· .~· I' j \!' ' ·~ 'I Christmas Joy for Ten Little Toes In Pool ~ Piper Shoes and Hose. Things to wear are the most practical g i f t s for little folks. Telephone Winnetka 84 7 GILL OIL BURNER SALES 658 Center Street Winnetka ERNEST E. ELLIS ·PooL & PIPER· ·II'CC· a,n.DAIN'S SHO! SPI!CIAUSTI J 6o8 Chicago Avenue Evanston University 9 7 3

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