Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 22

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2Z WILMETTE LIFE December 10, 1926 pleased the Father. Of himself he could do nothing.. He was about hi s Father's business, and that busin ('-,,; according to the record, had largeh· t·c; do with healing. · GIVES·LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE $'l l1 THE !HIGHEST WE EM PLDY-· ....,_.....,g,.~...u.. OUR COAL OF COMFORT YOU'LL ENJOY ! STANDARDS Editor's ~otP : Thl:' a C'c ompanying· is ] es us di s tinctly commatHlcd hi s di.;. PX <'f' rpt from a lf'f'ture given by Frank ciple s to g,o into ·all the world a nd I() Bell, of Philadelphil'!-, mf' mber of the heal tlJ_e sick, and th ey \\' en .' to t\'a_- :1 Board of Lectureship of the Mother II 11 1 · 1 1 d <?llllllandvd f' hurc·h . 'l'h t· First < ;hureh o f ( 'hrist, 1 a men a t .1mg ~ 1C 1a C ·s cientist, in Bol'i ton, 1\fa sR., gin·n Tln-!n;- them. (: e rtam stgns, he satcl, shou1(r day en ' ning, J? Pc~'m?e r .~ 1 . ~t th ~ First folio\\· them that believed, cc rti fvi wr Church of (' hn st. Se1 cnti8t, m \Vllmette. to t I1c genmncne · < I'tsctp · ItshiJI. - .·"' ss o f tl 1e1r Among th ese sign s he spccifi cal i\ Th e Christian Sc ienti st combat s nam ed th e h ealing o f di sease. T hrl~ l disease o n th e ba sis that it is a mani - \\'ho loved him would ke ep hi s cc1 1'fes tation of imperfecti on. It is an ·im - m a ndment s. Could th e auth or it v i< r pud ent ass ertion of the exi stence of a hea ling as a n inclispen sahl c p a~t \It po,H r apart from th e omnip otent God. Chri tianity he more complet e? S ur e ~\' The concl it ions oi di se a se \\' ould af- it is th e bu sine ss o f r eligion t o llll'l:t firm that man , to " ·hom God gave dom- and ma st e r t\'Crything unlike Cod. inion , is in subj ec ti on to evil ; that man , S urtly no thing could be mo r e unlik e· whom God mad e in Jlis im age and Gnd th a n di sease. · 1 lik eness , th e Jiken c:-;s o f perfec tion, is Christi a n hea lin g is di s ti ng u i~ht r l a poor , helpl c. s thing. crippled, ham - iro m th ~ r c. ult s a ccredit e d to d rul!~ p c n~ d , ultim ately ki lled by nonint elli - hygiene. o r hypn oti :=; m il1 th at Chri · ge nt , inanimat e matt er. ti a n hea lin g involve s mora l r egtiiL·r.t Th e Chri sti a n Sci enti st appr ehend s tion. Th e r enc\\'in g nf th e m ind h th at it i. a part of hi s Chri st ia n du ty p rimary, h ealing o f the body an i: ito .disp rovc the affirmations o f di se ase . ciclent al e ff ect. The pu rpose is t.· to add to th e a ccumulation of evi de nc<.: br ing out th e perfe ctio n of man in th·· th a t sin , disease , a nd death a rc neith er lik eness o f God, Sp irit ; th c: r ciort· rro1 11 crea ted, sent, sanc tioned, nor toler a ted p k tc p h ~·:.; i ca l lwa lth , ~o-ca ll ccl, wit h ~,,. God. Tt is becau se t he Ch ri s1 ian · o ut a Cflrrt·'-t p(Jn rlin g illnmin at i<lll 111 ~·cicnt i s t is' a\ra k C' nin ~ to the· t·~,t·nt i al -,pir i: ua l ~<:nsc . \\'ottld lar k a C'hri-.ti.t:l u n .~..;o d liness oi t· ,·il tha t he re.l!arrb tl1e l'""t'llt ial. ).J nc ph~·-.ica l ht·;t! th j, P· heal in g o i di. . ea.; e hy spiri tua l lll t·ans as . . i!;k i 11 th\.' lo\\'('S t ani111 al. a dis tin ct!\- r eligio u:; a ct ivity. T he pri - 1 Jc·-,u< rt·r ip c for l1t'a lt h ,,.a., ( 1· .:::· 111a. n · mo tiv e in this ac tivit y is the cl cm- , 5 :I-l l: "~in 1w nH,rt·, lt·,t a \\or-,t· i:1·: _ fl llstrat ion o f the pe rfect ion (lf ma n, I C<·llll' unto thtl'.' ' T hn~ t · \\'llo ;trv 1 · iand this no t for the gr at ifiraticnl nf 1rcarh· t<· he l>ettn IIIL'll and "' 11, · lllan. hut inr the g l<il·_,. oi c (l(l. are ;Hit n·a(h' i<JJ' trllL' Chri-,ti :lll ht ::' \\'hen the ptople. at ~ ight oi tht· l ing. But on~ need not too ha-.tih· ;, heal ings oi J c~ u s, .l.dnrifit·d c()(l. it ~Uilll' that he i-; unrcadv !IJ he ],; . :·' n.ltht h_a:·e hl'(:ll ~~erath<.: thv:· caught Oiten tll<hl' ,,·ho Ct!lllt' · \\·ith 1 u1 " Jt, :· t ~ l.l:. r~ ll g i~J l l'i :-.Ig l llfiran~·c of " .· l1at \r.t.:; I r<!Jbri_ous rks ire tha_n to l>t' r('li n, ·l ( cl),; Ill g p),'L C (' · _] l' ~ tl S, 0 I (' ( lll r :-\.', 1f II d lT - < lt p l! l ll f1 II<) tha t \\' It h u t1 f k 11 t 1 \\ j 11" ' ~to.(ld t lll~. I:1v d.('clan: ~l tha t i.; \ras 1tilL'}' ;trL· _..;e_L'k i n~ n·ka:-.L'. ir<llll ,_i1 1. 'I·, th~ F~thcr \\ Jth hnn d\)111).[. ti~L'. \\'Or~,.:;. , lt: aV L'l.l (d nghte < JlbllL'S" b ,,·orkllll! u: f It ri HI a hra)·s tho:-c thmgs \d Ji ch :-.t v11 111 Ill all _ ,. a hca r t. II w E will fill your bin with real coal-satisWe hand)e a faction. grade of coal that gives the proper amount of heat. lt 1 s safe coal to buy for your home. INDIAN HILL ESTATES We have homesites in this wonderful subdivision at prices so low they Phone Winnetka 450 For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 ' will astound you. Can you conceive of a lot of well over ha)f an acre for less than $10,000 near some of the finest golf courses in the world and among some of the most artistic homes in the \Vest? From Basement to Roof REINS EN REALTY 421 Fourth ~t. WiJmette Phones 2760-460 co. 720 Elm St. Winnetka Phones 254-1470

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