')ecember 10, 1926 , I ·Do Your Christmas Shoppi~g at HOFFMAN BROS. Wilmette Avenue at Ridge SLIPPERS Everwear Silk Hose warm. lined, a oandy gift $2.3 5 and up. Women's Felt or Leather Slippers ...... ... $1.15 to $2 .50 Men· s Felt Slippers. per .pair ..................... $1.85 · Men's Leather Slippers at ........ $2.90. $2.50 and $2.00 Neckwear Snappy Ties that are good buys at $1.00. others at $1.25 and $2.00 . Pure silk from top to toe, $1.95, $1.65, $1.35. Infants' Silk Headwear :aps of knitted silk, warm lined · $1.35. in Everett or Romeo styles. Socks Socks of beautiful lvool. in p 1a ids or s t r ipr s 6 5c to $ 1.0 0 . Creepers for Baby PAJAMAS Cooper's Pajamas. a practical gift. priced .... $1.50 to $3.50 made of gingham, crepe or broadcloth. $1.00 and up. Linens Rayon Underwear Lumber Jacks Socks for Kiddies Fancy piltow cases. boxed. A practical gift, $1.7 5 and $1.2 5. Dresser Sets 3 -piece sets of pure linen, splendid value at 85c per set. J Bloomers and Step-ins, $1.30 and $1.35. Chemise beautifully made, $2.25. Towels Pure Linen Towels, embroidered, each 6 5 c. for boys. girls and men, every garment 100 ~ wool, small sizes. $3.90. Larger sizes from $4.25 to $7.50. Waterproof coats. $8.7 5 to $10.50. BURLINGTON JUVENILE HOSE We have a large variety of cotton socks. prices ranging from 29c to 75c. Wool socks for skating. per pair 9 5c. Bath Robes women a childre $3.25 ·to $6.75. , t Breakfast Sets Lunch doth and six nap~ins to match, per set $3.25 to $5.50. Other Suggestions Slips Gowns Leather Bags Handkerchiefs Neckwear Ash Trays Velvet corduroy robes for women $4.50 and $6.50 . .