6 · . .-... - - -·· - ..·. W1 L Ni·E T 1: E : L IF£ .. Decemb· e r 10, 1926 ., ~ - .. A tl n1anv pleasant affairs · · mong 1e , .J served hY Wilmette Lodg-r, A. F. and which have been held at the new Ma\Vilmette Chapter, Izaak Walton -- l -~__, A. · M .. a·t tJ:e Wi!mette Masonic tem- sonic temple in \Vilmette since its releague of America presented th e -----·- a ----=~ pl~ Thursday evc~ing of last we~k I cent formal de(.lication, was the dediwith a record au ·hence of Masons 111 't 1 1 11 tllere Jact Sunday sport sman's classic, "Fishing Days on ~~m~~EWAra~mm~miil~~ attendance. Music by t I1e I mperta . 1 eaton· ·' occasion ". the Nipigon" Thursday evening, P e~ f ~ reel a t 4 lC ,( lock The quartet featured the evening's pro- ~-~~~It\~~n d:dicatfo~ of· the new organ cember 2. A large gathering of tn gram. . in the temple. There was a large at~ thu sias tic \Valtonian s witnes sed t ht· . Pa"t masters of \Vllmettc }odgc were tendance to enjoy the splendid pro- four reels of thundering water s, peril m c~1arge of the ceremonies of the gram given by William H. Barnes, or .. evenmg and confer!ed the Master ~Ia- ganist of the \:Vilmette Baptist church. ou s rapid-shooting-trout, in the wildr ~t, on degree as a chmax to the general a ss isted bv Mrs. Rose Holt and ~1 rs. most adventurous whirl of fi shin g progran~. Past Masters who shared Bertha D~rling a s vocali sts. episodes that most of them ever lived m the ntual wrrc George W. Hess, ArTl f 11 w . through. 0 0 1 ~ prograJ~l thur J. Taylor, Luman R. Slawson, J. s· The meeting was addressed hy ~~ r. N. Maralister, Frank C. Nason, Charles Capnce Her01que . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnet Gordon, a national lecturer of th e H . .l <lcks01i. Cl~ar~es H . Ho ken, James Allegretto . . . . . . . Vollman league, \vho spoke at some length o:1 G. Wray, Hu~m T. Zarrmha. Clifton Koctume Ferrata the wonderful progress and activiti<:~ L. Keith, Earl A. Pettihone. Charles C. Mr. Barnes that the organization had made in ;t Schultz, Irvin R. Adkins ·and Charles 2. Morning and Evening short period of five years. C. Cameron. How Lowlv Are Thev Dwelling Mr. Gordon pointed out that th t' Wilmette Lodk'e. A. F. and A. M ., Bowl of R-oses . greates t problem with which th e held its annual election of officers Mrs. Holt 3. Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . Schumann C nited States has to con tend is t lH? Thursday evening of this week. Chinese Dance . . . . . . . . . . Swinnen matter of pollution of the water s of our Ronde Francaise ... Boellman11 lakes. rivers and smaller streams. bt·· side s many other duties \\'hich t ht· New Trier Glee Club Mr. Barnes pre sent generation owe s to po s tcrit ~· . Scl ectt:'d Entertai~s Rotarians 4. Vocal solo such a s the preservation of our wil d Mrs. Darling Thirty boys . from ~ew Trier H.igh 5. Brief outline of the tonal structure life. the forest s. arid in fact, many ni school, otherwise destgnated the New f tl our natural resourccs which hav.e ht· L ·n 0 Trier Glee club, were ruest<; of th e le orga~.f B wa sted shamefully in thc pa :-> t. '~ 7 ·1 R \u d · .v r. arne s It' s the careful consideration vvtmette otarv c1u1 > ·ve(1ne s av n l l · 1 L S \Vilmette chapter, although organ >. p r~s 1 Move ong thi " "'f'ek. Afte-r a lunclwon wit!; the 16 of taste· and price, and per00 11 ized onlr a few week s, has mad e won men in tl1e h11lroom of the Guilmette ape · d ' -' \V' 1 ass e 1 · d )\' 1 our · me1 ow sonal effort tb,1t makes the derful 1;rogre ss and already ha s g <1 i C'onntn cluh. the boys . entertame , · ~1 H It 0 down to several problems of a civi c lmcler the guidance of Mrs. Homer E. · rs. gift exactly right. naturt which will tend to mak e \\' il c('l~'(ll', ~ 11" " rvi sr r of music at the high mette and her vicinitv a better and ;r HEAR " DAD" ELLIOTT ~"'l'ool. ~1 iss \Vinnifred M ick r ~· . o f more happy place in - which to lin·. it \\'ilme1tc, a mcmber of the Nev\· Trier A. J. "Dad" Elliott, secretary of the ~1 usir department faculty , was the ac- S tudent Department, National Coun- \\'a s ann ounced. Thursda v of this wee k. \\'iltrl L' t ~ l · com pan i ~ t. cil, Y. M. C. A., will speak before the 11rs. Cotton, an honorary member of Senior Baptist · Young People's union chapt er he.ard Capt. F. G. F or :-; ter, whcr O. D. the \Vilmette Rotary club, under the at the Wilmette Baptist church Sun - is a ~~ ociated with th e divi sion of cdu cla ssification of Rotary-Ann , spoke day afternoon. December 12, at 5 :30 cation and informati o n, Canadian ~ a 709 M ai n St. Ph. 2000 hrirflv on ' the development of mu sic o'clock. Mr. Elliott is a re sident of tional Park s, Department of Int eri or. Canadian government. \Vilmette. at New Trier. · · ·AdS!i Read the W ant ~~- j 1\iason~ R~liy ~~ ~nual Large Audience Attends ~--A ----a---a-a·1 · p ast Masters ' Ceremony T empe I Organ Dedication . , ----~---. ~ .. ·. -------a -., __ , Ann~al Past Masters' Ntght was ob- I · W altonites View Movies of Great Western Count1"Y = . I .can help you with jewelry gifts Florence N. Wood I _lc;~o ~~~ WHITE CASH MARKET'S obliffc"-Jf! ...· ~ j/Je. (9un'ti 1 THE POLITE SERVICE AT Makes Shopping Ther e a Distinct Pleasure . FOR CONVENIENCE TRADE AT THE WHITE CASH MARKET NEAREST YOU. THE SAME QUALITY M~ATS, LOW PRICES, COURTEOUS SERVICE. Wilmette Z779 GreeDieaf 2850 Qnefrie;i.TellsA.~ ~C ~ NV 1189 Wilmette Avenue 924 l>avis Street Wilmette ZS3S Greenleaf 2851 · Speeiallor FRmAY and SATURDAY, DEC. 10- 11 .-BETTER MEATS.... .-LOWER PRICES.- YOUR CHOICE OF FOUR STEAKS-From Corn fed Steers PORTERHOUSE CLU.B STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK pound Getluine Spring LEG OF LAMB, Special at lb. Kru~'· 1~ Pure PORK SAUSAGE Irish Shore MEAT~ lb. MACKEREL, each· 30e 20e Received daily direct for the coast OYSTERS, ·pt. Home Made .- .- .- .-. PICKLED HERRING, lb. To KttDilworth, WiDDetka, Gleacoe, E'YaDatoa aDd Wilmette. Feur Fne Deliftriea DailJ. 9 A. M., 11 A. M ., Z P. M., 4 P. M. SPECIAL AITENTION GIVEN TO CHILDREN AND PHONE ORDERS