Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 59

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Deceml)er 3, -1926 WILMETTE LIFE ·· 18 CLASSIFIED . ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices-- Cla~sifted advertisements will be cnarged only to resu:hmts ot the district from Evanston to Glellcoe Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular ~~W~~rs to either WILME'l'TE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE a line In one paper. 25 cents a line In any two papers. 30 cents a lln~ in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 e~nts. Avt.rage o( five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all eash with erc\er advertisements ~hen brought to our omee. at l!!i Central An., Wilmette, or '"' Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. METTE LIFE f>r alr three papers: Thursday 5 p. m. tor the WINNE'rKA TALK and Friday 5 p, m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette U20-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. FOR RENT - SPACE IN WINNETKA Barber Shop. 571 Lincoln Ave., WinSITUATION \VANTED RELIABLE netka. 27LTN10-ltp couple, man to do housework, woman good cook, also housework. Man can drive if necessary. Call Highland Park FOR RENT - STORES AND SHOPS. 813-W. 18LTN10-ltp Telephone Winnetka 62. 27LTN10-tfc }'OR BEN'l'-HALLS FIRST CLASS COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR :1!7..\ and houseman, wife as cook. Both peo- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pie are all around. Ref. Wil. 2923. WILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB · 18LT10-ltc available on op~n dates tor WEDDINGS, CARD AND DANCING SITUATION WTD.- MAN AND WU'E, PARTIES colored, both good cooks. Houseman, Every Modern Facility chauffeur. References. Call Winn. i91. for information phone Wil. 625 18LTN10-ltp Miss D. Lyons, ~ecretary. 27AL2-12tc :\tARRIED GERMAN COUPLE, GOOD cook and houseman. Experienced. Wil- 31 FOR SALE-HOUSES mette Life B-142. 18LTN10-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE to W AN'l'ED- BOARD AND ROO~l 2 S'L'ORY FRAME ENGLISH TYPE, 6 rooms and sun parlor, hot water heat, WANTED - ROOM AN.D BOARD FOR 2-car garage. lot 45x130 .. · 3 children ages !:1, 11 and 13. Moth~r's $13,000.00 Interest if possible. Address Winn. Talk Room Brick Bungalow, Hot Water B-139. 20LTN10-ltp 5 Heat, 2-car garage, gas water heater. Lot 5Px140. !1 FOR REXT-ROOl'lS $16,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Room and Breakfast Porch, Brick CENTRAL HOTEL· - LIGHT OUTSilJE Dutch Colonial, hot water heat, white rooms for transitmts and residents. 629 enamel and mahogany trim, corner lot Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 50xl50. 21LT10-tfc $14,500.00 SITUATION WANTEDMALE AND FEMAJ,E !7 }'GR RENT-8TOBE8 AND OFFICB8' Rates- 15 cents DeadZine for Insertions- Classified advertisements will be accP.pted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the W·IL- 3 IIUILDING A:SU CAiti'EX'rRY WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN County Line Rd. Tel. Highland Park 0:'\E OF THE BEST K~OWN AND mo~t actin· real estate firms dealing 8!:19-Y-4. :ll..T:--:10-tfc only in high grade property from Evam;ton to Lake Forest and in country 8 LOASS t-states in and around Barrington has an opt·ning- for a man of some sales expt·rience rt·siding on the Korth Shore. 1st and 2nd Mortgages "\\'!' have offices both in Winnetka and Chica~o . Exl'f'llent opportunity and l< ... OR RENT ~OU'l;tHVEST BEDRM., ~ · private bath; one block from Indian 11'0 ~ ~ ~lf ~ 1)\ 0 permanent connection for high grade 0 0 Hill station, east. Tel. Winn. 769. ~ <9.!.\9 \9 \W man. Our e mployee~ know of this adINSURANCE vertisement. 'Vinndka Talk B-141. 21LTN10-ltc 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 l4LTN10-ltc -L-IG_'_H_'l-',-,V-E_L_L_F_U_R_N_I_S_H_E_D_D...:.O--UB_L_E Tel. 6:) 5+5 Main St., Wilmette Wilmette, Illinois 31LTN10-ltc 6Ll0-tfc room, near transportation ; men only. \\'.\:'\TED YOrXC: :\IAN LTVING ON 'Vinn. 1543. 21LTN10-ltc north ~IH>fl' with some rt:al estate exJH·rit·ncl', prefera.hly suburban, by an LARUE ROOM CONV. TO TRANSPORold t·stablislwd firm operating· in north 10.\ SCHOOLS A~H Tl ' TOitl~(; tation. Phone 'Vil. 2699 after 1 :00 p. m. s hore sulJurhs. Salary and eommission. 21L10-ltc CHARMING NEW BRICK HOME, ONE l!t ·ply hy ll'ltt·r to "\Vilmcttt· Life B-1:~6. block from lake, containing 6 light airy aYe -~{ott a (~irl or HLTNl-ltc DELIGHTFUL BACHELOR ROOM~. rooms, 2 baths, sun and sleeping pchs. Tll.\'1' YOC' \\'A:'\T <:IYE~ l'L\:'\0 central location. Phone Wilmette 23!>!.1. hot water heat, heated garage attached lt·sstms at h(J111f··.' !'hone 'jl):;n . ACTO:\IOBILE SALESMAN 21LTN10-Lfc wooded lot 110x350. Owner moving east to sel1 on e of most popular cars North will sell very reasonable. Possession a Shore territory . Previous experience FOR REXT ROO.'II. GE~TLE:\lAN once. not essential. \Vilmettc Life B-127. preferred. Tel. \~' inn. 2669. HLT::-.; 10-tfc 21LTN10-ltc 906 SlH·ridan ltrrad. \\' ilmt·tt t· ----~----~~~~~~ FOR l'iauo and Yucal T va vlit ·r REXT F R.:'\ISHED ROO.\L. 3~2 Park Ave. Glencoe 702-3 ~ITl ' ATIO~ W'J'H.-1-' E}I .\I,E 16 ltt.\L~ - :~tJ> Tt·l. Wil. 623. 21LT~lO-ltc 31LTN10-ltc WM. OTTEN JU~LP WA~'l'l: u-JIALE Mason Contractor Charles I-I. Brethold J IHI § liD & (C (Gll®Im~©® ISS &Jf ~ &nilll II Boy \Valter J. Sn1ith & Co. FI~E~< 'II ('(l~n;:H~ .\THIX - .\L I >A.\IE Y()('H. OW~ 1-'andwn alliHrUilt't·:,; tlwt s il t· will take pupils in con\·t·r : o; <ttional Frt·ndl . l'h·m e \Vinn . ii H . 111 ..\LT:'\LO-ltp $:L.i0. l· ·a f :\L\TJ.:H.L\L. 1'P TO I) YRS. H tu 12 yean; $4.:-1ll. Phon <' Grt·t:'lllGLT~lO-llc 22 FOR RE:\T - 3 ROOl\1 .AP.ATI.'::"':'\j E~T OYer garage. Can 1Je se e n on ~unday on~y at GG5 !';heridan Rd., Winnetka. InttUJre at garage. 22I..TN10-ltc FOR RENT-LIGHT liOL'SEKEEPING a})artnh:nt::,:, furnish ed or unfurnished. \Yil. 1 18:~. 22Ll0-ltp EXCELLE~T BUY IN 7 ROOM S'l'UC ~2 S I . li! LO~T .\~H FOL\Il \\" .\:'\Tr::n- LU~T .\f..\T.E lRT~I! ~ months old, shaggy TI ·;nnn;l! lJ()(j, n ·dtlish hair . Answt ·rs tr1 n a mr· of ".\fikt·." H. t· \\·:trtl for l't'l\lrii. , \\· . L. Jtry t·t·, ~ :: 1 (lakwond . \\' il111t'tlt ·. l~LIU - lt c C'LEX~IX(;. TWO D.\YS .:\ Wl't ·k. Tut·sday, Thursday or Saturday. )Irs. Christt·nst·n. Phon e \Vii. :n5G. lGLlO-ltc co, hot water heat, extra. lavatory and toilet on first tioor, garage ; East lo cation; 4 blocks to st eam station. Out of-town owner offers a real bargain at $14,500. ~l'lT.·\TfO~ LO~T - \\'!liTE ESh:DIO SPITZ])()(;, 16L..T~l0-ltp \\.t·dnt·sday, :'\n\'t·mlrl'l' 2-Ith. ( 'hild 's pl't. Ht-turn to l >r. Sullh·an , 5:il) _\ s h St., \\'_\:'\TEl) - \\·...\SHIXU, IllOXIXG AND 5 R00.\1 BUXGALOvV, HOT \VATER h eat, all. modern conveniences 2-car a.t\\· iniH·tl<a and rt·(T i\'e rt ·\\·ard . l'h·aning- l>y tlw day, lry Swt·dbh womHIS ATTRACTIVE 8 Rl\L STUCCO ta<:hC'd garage, new, ' 1 :2 LT~ 1fl-lt c an. Tl'l. \\-il. ::W~6. Ca.ll eve ning-s. house 3 yrs. - old; choice N. K loca $75.00 -----------------1GLTI 0-ltp tion ; water ht. ; 2 baths ; 2-car garage 5 .room ~nd hath cottagL·, furna ce heat, LO~T PC>Lf( 'E Pl.PPY, .\!ALE, 4 lge. wooded lot, $25,500. Can be easilY Il1l!ll ('dlat e poss ession. months old; lrladi: fan· and bla ek ring ('OLORED "'0:\L\X \VILL GIVE SERVfinanced. $65.00 around slwuldt ·r. l!vwartl . Pit-as· · l'hone ict' t·n·ning-~ t'or room and board and \\'inn. 540. 1:2LTHi-1tP small wag-t>s. Wil. 911-J. J6Ll~-1tp <> room bungalow, hot wakr Jwat, west of the Ridge , Ph. Wilmette 640 L<>ST - BEAI :LJ·; JIOCXD, \\'I liTE \\'...\:'\TED - DAY WORK OR f'OOK$75.00 1157 Wilmette Ave. 31LTN10-ltc with largt' brown spots. C'hildn·n·s pt'l . in;.:- and st>r\'ing. Ht-'fl'rt:m·t · ~. l7niv. 4537 6 roon~ house with :1 ncres, barn, garage, l'hom· \Vii. l4:2S . 12LIO-ltp aftt-r ;j :00 p. m. 16L10-ltc 1 mile west of tht· Ridge. \\.TD. DAY WORK. 1-'0lt llEX'l'-HOllSES ( :ood lnundrt· ~s or cll'aning. Best i!-t Hdt ·rt·ncv s. Phone Dn·Xl'l 571-t. ------------------ 340 Opposite "L" Li ndt>n .Ave. Phone 'Vii. 68 31LlO-ltc Ovvner .Anxious to Sell F. Colen1an Burroughs $3,500 CASH . $~!J.OO LOST- 1)()(;, 7 :\10.:'\TH::-; IRISH TER - YOC:'\1: GIRL W.AXTS TO TAKE CARE ri L· r, malt- . ntward. \\'il. :~;)i'i. !J[ c hildn·n afte rnoon.·. Tel. Wil. 1714. ---------~~~~1·~2T~ ./~r~:'\~1~0~-l~t<' L~J-. 1. "'".\~'1'1~1)-~,I-~)1 ~\IJE ST1,l....\~I'J(>X ,,.~\XT'F~D }I ... · W "\ :'\TED 24LTN10-ltc ::\f..\ TD. \\.HITE, FOH t'(H>king- and gl'neral houst-\\'Ork; g-ood hom e ; g-ood wag(':-;; no laundry. "L" ST'ITATIO:"J \VTD. - EXPERIE:'\C'ED, FOR RENT COMPLETELY FUR:Lnd surfat'e lin t' transportation. Refs. white ('ook or housekeept·r. ('all Linnished 6 room house with heated sleep\Vil. 3825. t::LT:-\10-lt c coin 4056. lGLTNlO-ltp ing porch, oil Lurner, and garage. !<'rom - - - - - - - - -January until .May_ F'or particulars call Winn. 9:.1·1. 24LTN10-ltc HELP \VA~TED- "'HITE GfRL FOH SI1T..\TIO~ \VTD. - WHITE, EXP. ('OOk, hy day or week or dinner work. gt'nt·ral houst'work. (iood wag·t' S. HC'fs. Tl'l. Highland Park 2883. 16LTN·10-ltp FOR RENT - 5 ROOM BRICK BUNG:1 in family. Uwn room and bath. 47 alow, $75.00. One block to transportaIndian Hill Rd ., Winndka . Tt·l. Wil~XPERTE~C'BD LAUNDRESS vVISHES tion. 'fel. Wil. 3796. 24L10-ltp mt>tte 3083. 13LT10-ltp work by day. Wilmette Life B-140. FOR REN'f-FURN. HOUSES 21) 16LTN10-ltp WA!'\TED - 'VHITE GIRL Bl·~TWEE:-.J 17 and 20 for general work, willing to To RENT FoR 2 oR 3 MoNTHs, learn, will start with $15.00. Phone WASHIXC: A~D HOUSECLEANING. 8 room furnished house and garage in KC'nil. 1212. 13LTN10-ltp Tel. Wil. 3600-Y-4. 16Ll0-ltc Kenilworth. One and one-half blocks from depot. Phone Kenil. 188. HELP WANTED COMPETENT, li SI'rUA'l'ION WTD.-liALE 25LTN10-ltc white maid for general work. Small - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -F_O_R_R_E_N_T __ F_U_R_N_I_S_H_E_D-.-3-M-O_N_T_I_I_S family. $18. Tt'l. Winn. 635-\V. COLORED ~IAN WISHES POSITION IN from December 15th, modern 6 room ur.:r,lO-ltc prh·ate home as houseman or chauffeur. brick, hot water heater, 2 blocks from --------------'----References. Call Univ. 4537 after 5:00 "L," garage. $100 per month. Phone WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL p. m. 17LTN10-ltc Wil. 294. housework t'xperience not neet'ssary. 25 LlO-ltc 367 E. T.a~rel Ave. Highland P~~k, Ill. ACCOUNTANT FOR RENT-GARAGES Phone 1136. l3L'I~lO-ltp SYSTEMS INSTALLED. BOOKKEEP- !I lng audits. Income tax. Charges rea------------WANTED EXPERiENCED WHITE ~:?onable. Unlv. 9222. 17LTN7-4tc FOR RENT GARAGE. 603 Central g·irl, genera.! housework, ~xcf'llent Avf'. T.-1. Wil. 2682. 26L10-ltc wages. Winn. 989. 13LTN10-ltc SITUATION WTD. - RELIABLE, EX- ~==~~==~======~=~ ,perienced, chauffeur mechanic. Several !7 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES HELP WTD. - RELIABLB ~OUNG years experience. Best References. girl as mothers' helper. Phone Winnetka Tel. University 3864. 17LTN10-ltp FOR RENT- LOOP OFFICE. NEWLY 393.' . 13LTN10-ltc furnished office with use of re<;eption room and stenographic "Service. ReaWANTED_ GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF SITUATION WTD.- CHAUFFEUR, 10 sonable. 809-6 N. Michigan Ave., Chi. .~hl'ld evenings and 2 days a W('ek. Call years experience. Address Winnetka cago. 27LTN8-4tp " ]:IL'l'N10-ltc Tafk B-138. . 17LTN10-2tc 122 Dupee Place 16L10-ltp _ (-..D'""F"RAL 1 "··' ~ houst' woi·k, no laundry, l>y t'Olor<>d girT. Tt·l. noose nit 8243. J 6LT10-ltp 8~1 llidge Ave. Wilmette 364 ,\t. iln1ette, Ill. WILL HANDLE WELL BUILT 6-RM. home in East Winnetka; lot 50x165d, one car garage. Close to schools an transportation. Price $17,500. Immediate possession. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 . 31LTN10-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT ATTRACTIVE 8-RM. STUCCO, CLOSE to school and transportaiion ; 5 bdrms. , 3 baths; 2 ext. lavs. ; sip. pch. : brkfst. rm. ; oil heat; 2-car gar. ; lot 75xl87. Price $30,000. AGO 't ·u~i n E. E. Stults Realty Co. nne tk a A ve. Wlnn. 1800 31LTN10-ltc HAVE NEW 5 ROOM DUTCH COlonial, wooded lot, on Isabella Stret;t. Close to transportation. $2,000. Cash, or will take vacant as first payment, l>alance like rent. Address Wilmette Life B-133. 31L9-4tc FOR SALE-VACANT VERY DESIRABLE VACANT, REstricted, improvements all in, ready to build. Four blocks or less Kenilworth station, as low as $80 per foot. 1213 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 22!l 32Ll0-1tc

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