so Kindergarten Experts to · M S~ at EducatJOD eet ·WI ·LMETTE LIFE December 3, 1926 ---1. I The Central Council ·of Childhood Education will hold its monthly meeting in the Central Eleanor Club rooms . ' 17 N: State street, Chtcago, Sat,urday D b 4 t 10 ·30 0 lo k mornmg, ece'? er ' a ·. c c · The State Kmdergarten-Pnmary association of Illinois and Indiana are presenting an interesting program at this meeting, the _speakers being S. K. McDowell, supermtendent of schools, Bloomington, Ill., Mrs. H. B. Fisher of the Parent-Teacher association, Streator, Ill., Mrs. Barr of Joliet and Miss Mabel Osgood, primary supervisor, Fort Wayne, Ind. Reservations for the luncheon following the meeting may be made . . · through Mtss Ehzabeth Weaver, Central Eleanor club, Chicago. WINS GRID HONORS Alvin Culver, Jr., has been awarded his freshman numeral in football at the University of Illinois. Mr. Culve_r, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvm H. Culver of 103 Broadway :avenue, Wilmette was at home after the close , of the football season to spend ·the Thanksg 1 ·v 1 'ng holt'days. Leo Ma _rtin _ . . , of the Umverstty of Toronto wa~ also a guest of the Culvers for the hohdays. 1st Congregational Ministers Stephen A . Lloyd William E. McCormack The Central avenue circle meets this Friday for a 1 :30 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 835 Central avenue. Assisting Mrs. Taylor are Mr.;J. s A Wheelock and Mrs. H . C. Cooper. Mrs.· J. M. T. Boyd is th~ chairman of this circle. Friday evening the Sea Scouts meet at 7:30 p . m . Ewart Cook, skipper. During the Grand Opera Season, North Shore Lin, trains arriving in the Chicago Loop (Randolph and Wells) at 7:54p.m., 8:03p.m., 8:19p.m. and 8:33p.m. will make a special stop at Congrtss and Wabash, at the doors of the Auditorium. For homeward-going passengtrs, all Northbound trains will stop . at Congress and Wabash from 1 o: o :z. p. m. to and including 1 1 :58 p. m. Operating dirtccly into the Chicago Loop, ( 6 southbound and 3 northhound Loop stations), North Short Line affords the most convenient service to and from all downtown theaters. on Sunday morning ea h de partment or the Church school b egins its serv!ce promptly at 9 :30 o'clock. The Jumor congregation conven es In the auditorium at 10 :30 wher e Mr. McCormack will preach. · At the Sunday m orning servic<' of worship a t 11 o'clock. nr. Lloy d will preach on the subject " If God W e r e Not." The 'Vilmette Sunday 'Evf' ning- <'lub m eets in this church at 7 :30 p. m . Orace Thompson Se ton, n at ura li st, will speak , and Mildred Sm ith Bolan will si ng . The Crcsrent ci rrlt>, Mr~ . F. 1<.. Parry, rhairman will hold an a ll-d ay meeting at the h~mt> of Mrs. A. ·w . ('raig, 2 11 9th street o n Tuesd ay. Tuesday ('\'f'tllng nnoSt' \'t·lt TrOOJ) 2 met>ts at h t>a dquartt>rs nt i:1:i. ~0 . Karl Da\'id J.:ing, J r., scoutmaste>r. ThP .Junior choir nwPts for rf·lwarsa 1 \YP<ltwsrlay aftt· rn oon at ·l und 1· r th ~ rlirPrt ion of ::\1 r. \ V. E. :'llt{" ormal'k asststHl by l\frs. L. F. Cat<'s. ("hurrh Family dinrwr \\"t ·dn· ·sclay <'\'Pat r. :~0 . Th·· last otw lwfon· f"lJristmas, and holiday f· ·st i \· it ~· will ·~1a rl< tlH' occasion . Tht ·rP will ht· a <' hri st mas surprist· for P\'o·ry Otk at t· ·ntling-. :\It·. :\Tr("ormark will c·onduC't tht hi~ sing- . romt' pn·part>d tc) ~i\·"' your pit·t'P of g-ootl nc ·ws . Dr Llovd will tPll n ('h r istma~ stor~·. Th;·rt· ,~· ill ht> a spc·ria l tahiP rt · ~· · rvf'rl for tlW fH<'Ult\' of tlw ('hU I'<'h sdwol which will hot\:,. a m· ···tin g- at S ::10 1> . 111. nin~ l '· ·lJ)ll· ·' s r·hoi r prartirP at " ' ··lltws<l a\' t·\···nin£! ttnllt ·r tlw din ···· li on of Port('~ \\·arritl g-tnn ll· ·<lJls, org-anist. :~0 Tlw Youn !.!' Tlw f'oz\' 0 11 rorn··r r·ir1·l· · will hnltl an aftt ·rnoon l)usin··ss 'nw..ting- ;It th· · f'hurrh 'l' hursday . :\ Irs .. \ . E . KlutHlt·r. <'hair- man, wi sh··s P\'t·ry m··mh· ·r to . l l·' pr· ·SPI1t tn t ak·· part in tlw bu s in· ·ss ,,f this lllt'd~ ing-. On n 1· xt Frirlar tl11 · \\.Clm<tn's ~uilrl will at 2 11 . m. This is ;1 n important husi rwss tn (·f't ing-. ( :oorls not sold n t t lw bazaar will h l' on sal·· at rt ·duc· prlrt·s. tnt·l't Tlw Wilm f't t P \\". r. T .. 1·. "'ill ffi<' f' t nt'l't ·mlwr !i, at :! o't ·]o('k in tlw aftt>rtHH·n. ·at tilt' homt· of :\I rs. Tsab..J :\To(l(}~· . 221 ~ ~laplt> a \'Pnttt·, l:\·anston. ~l onday, ~[r. and ~f r:;. Peter Con rad of 556 Chestnut st reet. ent ertained their sonin-hl\\·, Robert Tobin of DuBuque. I a .. ewer the pa ~t week -e ncl. Gift Suggestions about any time you're ready to go, a North Shore Line train is ready too. Every hour there's a fast train for Milwaukee. JUST Seven Milwaukee Limiteds every day operate via the Shore Line Route, stopping here for passengers. At other hours, you can take Waukegan Limiteds to North Chicago Junction, where direct connections are made with Milwaukee Limited trains operating via the Skokie Valley Route. Service to Milwaukee on the North Shore ·Line is convenient, frequent and reliable. Electrically..operated, the high ..speed North Shore Line trains are clean and comfortable-your trip is a pleasure all the way. In every detail of its operation, North Shore Line service is designed to meet ,our needs and suit your convenience. FOf' schedules, fares -and other,infonnation, inquire at ticket office. · GLASSWARE Goblets, Sherbets, Cocktails, Wines. 26 different patterns to select from. Priced at $3.00 up to $24.00 per doz. DINNERWARE received a most complete shipment of dinnerware direct from Europe. 53 different patterns, 100 piece sets, $24.00 to $275.00. ROCK. CRYSTAL CONSOLE SETS Beautiful designs reasonably priced. CROWN CUT GLASS CO. Manufacturers of High Grade Glassware. 3479-81-83 N. Clark St. Chicago. I ust Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 Baggage Checked Rogers Park 1516-17 MAY FURNITURE AND REPAIR CO .. 6346 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO J..JO! We offer our service to you in restorin_.. repairing, remodeling or upholsterin· anything in furniture. ·