WILMETTE VOL. XVI., NO. 10 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 3, 1926 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and KenilfDOrth NAME WALTER MCPEEK AREA SCOUT EXECUTIVE North Shore Suburban Scout Council Names Officers in Session Last Monday r t·n itc~l Front Scout activities for ~orth Shore town~ began December 1. :\t the first mc~·ting of the Executive hnard 1 'f the tiC\\' :\orth Shore Council of tile Hoy Srnuts of America held \~ onda~· '.li.L! ht of this we<'k in the city h._ tll ~~t lltghland Park. :\!bert G. Snite 11 1 I !I ghlancl Park was cho~en council \lrc..·s idtnt. \"ice -pre"id<.'nt..; chusc·n were ~r. Dough..; H. Cornell of Glencoe. 1Ro_,. Jarrett of Kenil\\'orth: Dr. GcorQ· ~ \'tbc..·~ts. nf Lake Forest and \faurfce )f Lake muff. ~fr, Henn ·, atH l'\'ll!e < 1 'o\\'1 ( ·r ot \\"t! mctte was cho-.en council trca smc·r._ Ceorgr R Harbaugh of \Viill~t'l t~_· "a-.:_ ~l'lcctcd a . . council commis- Lanes of Yule Trees to Greet Xmas Shoppers Long lanes of beautifully lighted Christmas trees wilt greet shoppers in \Vilmette in a few days. \Yilmette business men are preparing to dre ss up the commercial districts for the e\·entful· coming of Santa Claus. Right now the Chamber of Commerce is arranging final details of a plan of ..street decoration that is expected to be both beautiful and unique. One of the features of the Yuletide cmhc~lli. hmcnt s \\'ill he the planting of Christmas trees in the "sockets" along the curbing which hold the flag standards on other holidays of the year. A committee comprised of A. S. Van Deu sen chairman F. E. Lewi~ Fred . ' ' ; Urmkman.· Ed Brammer Carl · Ren1nerkar and Phil Braun is,in charge of ' plans ior the Christmas decorations. WOMAN EXPLO~R ~WILL ._ _ L_ea_d_er_o_f_v_e_t_s_·_; , ADDRESS SUNDAY CLUB l Mrs. Grace Thompson Seton to Give Illustrated Lecture on India December 5 Mrs. Grace Thompson Seton. wife of ~ ~the well known naturalist and explorer, Erne5t Thompso-n Seton, and an explorer in her own right, is to speak on India before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club at the Wilmette Congregati<?nal church Sunday; December S. Starts As Journalist Starting her extremely active career in the journalistic field in San Francisco, Mrs. Seton has become one of the best known of American women. Her newspaper work took Mrs. Seton to Paris and other important European cities where she wrote for American dailies and periodicals. ~ton t r. In addition to her work as a journal_The lllt.'eting brought a large atten- PLAN ist Mrs. Seton was prominently iden< _ I,.IIJCc..' · \\'I .t h , almost one hundred per tified with the Woman's Suffrage c..<nt ·~ J t 1_h<' ],nard lljtlllhers PH'sent. A 1 movement and was for a time viceC 0 Iht_ Itllti O~l was. adopted, the regular Physical Education Director Arranges Edward M. McGuire, 408 E. Rail- 1 president of the Connecticut Woman's Triple Tests for Children of Grades m_(' tting 111 .L: ht ol the second Tuesc!ay road avenue, Wilmette, was elected Suffrage association and secretary of From 3 to 8 (J~ tiJr mnt~th. wa s set, and Yariou s for president of the Illinois branch of the the Connecticut division of the Wo\\ ard lnn ktng plans wrre made for the Pians to conduct the Triple Posture First Division society, A. E. F., at the man's committee of the Council of Nanew \'ear tcst the \Vilmette schools along the annual dinner of that society of war tional Defense. : ~~-ilo:,Jng the .l><,arcl mreting, the lines inarranged by the American Post- veterans held at the Morrison hotel Wi~ War Honora . ·l:x!.'cntt\c ~·nn~nltttce mrt and conurc league arc being made, according Saturday night, November 27. Her. distinguish~d service to the '-~i~erc(~ appiicattOth for the local execuMr. McGuire was with the first ABies during the World war won for tnr-.,lnp and . elrcted \Yalt('r ~fcPcck to Director of Recreation D. M. Davis, who is in charge of the phvsical edutroops to land in France, attached to Mrs. Seton various high decoration! fo~merly of thr Chicago staff and mor~ the 6th Field Ar~illery of the First from the French and English governrcc c ·ntly a nwmhcr of the national field cation work in the \Vilmette schools. -.tafT. The object of the tests is to create Division, and saw action in four major ments. an interest in the minds of the boy and operations, at Cantigny, St. Mihiel, Mrs. Seton has also gained distinc\fr. \frh·ek Ins h-·1<1 · .1 "t( -· 1 .. . ' · e. ancI \ clfll'd Scnttting <:Xpericncr datin g hack girl in their physical being which will Scissons and the ·Argonne. He was tion as an <tUthor, her best known . ·. . t sti_mulate a desire to acquire and main- wounde.d and gassed. He also was hooks being ccA Woman Tenderfoot in lll()re than t \\'l'l\'(· \·rar..; IJ I ( IS cl gra( tam a correct and upright bodily car- with the Army of Occupation in Ger- the Rockies," Nimrod's Wife," "A Wollctk ot tht· lnt\·er..; 1t\' of Cl ·. · 1 · . · - lttago anc1 c~t t 1e ,\;tti::->nal Training Srh~ol for riage. Correct postt1re is emphasized many for nine months after the Armis- man Tenderfoot in Egypt, ccThe Chiand suitable exercises are arranged to \ tice. nese Lantern," and ccYes, Lady Saheb." Sl'out 1·. :-::ecttti\·es. str(:ngt)1en the muscles necessary Mr. ).fcGuire is a member of \VilMrs. Seton's address Sunday eveThe ..locatilln nf the ·tre" ll('"(lc . ( " ,, lltdrt er . mette Post N"o. 46 , of the Amer.ican ning will be profusely illustrated with ·1 · . . office wa . s dtsrtt..;sc<l · · tile. c nnc.H cra- m~untam the proper posture. steriopticon slides made. from photo~tnn ret~termg arnttncl \\'herr the " -The Triple test consists of judging Legion. graphs taken by herself in a recent tr t t ., . 1 sen ~· ~ a Ion n~Ig Jt he lncakd to he oi ~hr t:osturc in (1) standing, (2) marchexpedition. · g,J t· ate . t s cr n c c to v o lttn1 c cr Ira d Mildred Smith Bolan of Hinsdale, 1 II · · ' er~. lllg tor at least three minutes (3) corl'. co ~n Ill t t t e (' I " 'Co nf in tt in g tIle inrcctiYe exerci!'es, including ~tretching Til., will be the soloist this Sunday. n·st 1gat 10 n. · the arms forward and upward. A cant ~\"iln!dtt' ~1en who arc members of didatc mu t hold good posture throught}lt..; l·.xecutn·e hoard arc: \Van·en Otlt all three parts of his fest taken in Trarn Sha~\-, G~orge R;. HarhattRh. Henn· rapid succession to be considered as Is Atd The new organ of the Wilmette Ma. . It"' , Fo\\ lcr, h.ari D. h.ttw Retl · I-'· COX. . . passing the Triple test. M· . .J.. emp1 · sonic temple is to be dedicated Sun'day Workers m W tlmett~ w~10 o.y Logan-Howard A. to The tests will be given once each afternoon, Decell~ber . 5, at 4 o'clock. the Nort.h Western ratlway as thetr month in all the grades from the third There will be a dedicatory recital given means of transportation w~re pleased Give ·Christmas Program up to and including the eighth. A by vVilliam H. Barnes, organist of the this week to learn that a~: ad.ditional Tht_ ~.o.szan.-Howarcl Parrnt-Teacher candidate will be elig~)lc for a bronze Wilmette Baptist church assisted by southbound stop has been provtded for assor1at IC·n \\'til hold its regtrlar D pin if he passes the Triple test for post- Mrs. Rose Holt and Mrs.' Bertha Dar- the early eveni!lg service. , This train . < ecemI f . . · · arrives at Wilmette· at 5:46 ;P. M., datIJtr tllceting Monday afternoon D _ nrc once a mont 1 or two successtve ling as vocalists. remhl' r ll. at 3:15 o'clock. ~frs. ;.'Roi~J months, and have a rating of uA" for 1. The prog-ram as planned for the ly, except Sunday. . . :. Harper, the prc:gram chairman, llas haThitual good post~re. . aftrrnoon is as follows: Reouest for an ·addttton~t stop for r rep_arcd a Clmstmas program inhe . fi rst trksts f"·Dtll he grven duringCaprice Hcroique .......... Bonnet ~outhbound passenge:s has lt~en ~n the c1 ud111g a prrsl'ntation In· the .. ., t1 1e t 1 urc1 \Yee' o ecember. Alle.e-retto .. __ . _. _........ Vollman mcr~ase for some ttme, aQcordtng .to 1 1 · c ·1 c1 ren ·' t t t E tF 0 ~t· t_ 1 IL' schools. a. talk 011 suitable I . . ~octurne ...... _........... Ferrata ~a t~n agen. ~ar . rner. 'n ·11~op te 1tvhn~1m .·ts ho.ok g-rfts h_v Mis:-., Stc\·etl . ", ~[r.Rand ~frs. A. F. Lrfvendahl and Mr Barnes mg m the ctty who leave thetr offices 1 ' · and shoos here at 5 :30 o'do~ find this . 1 11 ~c wo 1hrartan. and a Christmas storv son, ,obert, were the guests of ~Jr. 2. :Morning and Evening to he to~d h)- o.~· Horace G. Smitl;, and :Mrs. C. ]. Nyi_u~1d, 1634 Forest How Lowly Are They Dwelling stop especially convenient, ..e asserts. p~stor (Jt the \\ rlmette parish ~fetho- avenue, for Thanksgtvmg. Bowl of Roses dt~t churc~L ~fathers of fifth grade Mrs. Holt Enioy Xmas chrldre11 \nll l>e hostrsses for the soc 1 'al THANKS AND APPEAL 3. Sl<e t c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S c I1ttmann , hour. Economy Shop expresses in the Chinese Dane~ ........... SwinQen.· The Logan-Howard Pre-~ · chool Cirfollowing its appreciation of donaRonde Franca1se ....... Boellmann cle will meet Thursday ev nim!, December 9, at 8 o'clock in e kindertions by Wilmette householders: Mr. Barnes Miss Electa Austin New garten room of the Log~n c;hool. 'Phe "We are very grateful for the do4. Vocal solo -............ Selected John's nations sent to us this week but as Organist at subject will he "Christmas the Life Mrs. Darling ( everything sold so quickly we are 5. Brief outline of the tonal s~ructure- of a Little Child." \fiss EJecta Austin of the NorthMiss Winifr~d Bright of the chil· western uni\'crsity School of Music again waiting for things to sell. of the organ dren's library wilt tell a Christmas stoPlease help us to meet the calls we Mr. Barnes has been secured as organist at St. rv and talk about books suitable for have for underwear, overcoats, 6. Irish Love Song John's Lutheran rhurc h, \Vilmette and Christmas gifts. Several mothers witt dishes, toys, and furniture. Pale ~1oon Park annurs. \Vilmettc. Miss Austin lead in a discussion about other phases -Economy Shop committee." I Passed By Your \Vindow will also direct the girls' choir in the Mrs. Holt. of the Christmas season. · parish. I' POSTURE TESTS ' - T · - · · - to New Organ to Be D edtea · ed S un day .. at Masonic Temple Addttton~l Stop to Shon Workers . : P. T. Pre-School Circle to; G~therin~ St. n