December 3, 1926 ,~-----------~----~~========~~~~~~~==~ =::::::::::::::::::::::=====~======~W~IL~~ME~T=T~E~;L;IF~E~==================================~31 Perhaps She'd Like: . Pearls From choker size in novelty effects, to 54 inch endless pearls. · $1 to $32.50. Toys AND the Clowns V'elcomes You to An Umbrella Silk-and-linen or pt~ri silk. Composition aMblr or ivory tips and fancy · handles. $5 to $12 . .D OF TOYS! Neckwear A collar and cuff set, perhaps, tailored or trimmed with hand-made lace, $1.95 to $3.95. Handkerchiefs White and coloredlinens, georgettes, crepes -s p o.r t handkerchiefs and for dress--6 for $1 to $5 each. lieir main floor place-so we've rters on the second floor. And eif new home-they want every e: hround to come and see. ~d to bring you-soon! Kid Gloves Plain or fancy cuffstrimmed with contrasting leather or embroidery, $2.95 to $7.50. .. . The Appurtenances of Christmas 'l'he n1ost ,,·clcotned gifts, after all, are those that are beautifully wrap,· ped. Gorgeous futuristic designs pattern certain glazed papers \Ve have here for doing up packages. · \nd there 's the tnost exciting lot of clever . eals and tags \ve've ever seen any\vhere! A Pair of Slippers Satins, felts and leather; many with contrasting colored linings; all the famous Daniel Green make. $2.50 to $5. Christmas Cards to be engraved with your name should really be selected now. Lord's-First Floor Fountain Square-Evanston