28 Mrs. C. Dean Klahr and her baby son of Erie, Pa., came on from the East to spend Thanksgivitlg with the former 's father, W. C. Shurtleff, of 815 Lake avenue. They have remained for ten days or two weeks. WILMETTE LJFE December 3, 1926 Mrs. Lawrence To"\!rer and her son, Kin of Dr. Walton-Ball who had been spending the summer Honor Guest at Dinner with Mrs.· Tower's father and mother, Dr. vVilbur H. Harris, dean of Grace Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. B. Palmer of 1132 hospital, Toronto, Canada, and cousin Forest avenue , have left to pass the of Dr. Walton-J3all, 1609 Central avewinter months in St. Petersburg, Fla. nue, was honored by the medical and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ surgical staff at a presentation dinner given for him Thursday, November 25, at the King Ed,vard hotel, Toronto. · A portrait of Dr. Harris painted by E. Wyly Grier was pre5ented to him at the dinner. Dr. Harris ha s been a member of the staff of Grace hospital for · twenty-seve n years. During that time he has gained distinction as a s ur geon and for hi s research work. TO GIVE THREE PLAYS T ownafolk and School of Speech Students Have Parts on Casta of Dramas to Be Presentetl Next Week Townsfolk and students in the School of Speech, Northwestern uni'> versity, will make up the cast who wilt · present "Spirals," "Together Alone" and "The Weathercock Elopes," the trio of plays written in the Town and Gown playshop, next week. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings they will be presented at Annie May Swift hall for various groups-students in the ·school of Speech, members of the North Shore Theater guild, and members of the play- writing class and their guests. The casting for "Spirals," written hy Marian Lawren-ce Nelson (Mrs. Herl~ert U. Nelson), has been made as follows: · Mary-Mrs. Solomon I;>. Perry; Nita -Mrs. vVilliam D. Sidley; John-William . R. Nelson; Claude-Eugene Macy; Waiter-James Witherell. "Together Alone" by Helen Hilt (Mrs. John · de Koven Hill), has its parts assigned as follow s: Mr. Seabury-Alfred Povah; Mrs. Seabury-Beulah T.ark in; Griselda1\f argaret Fuller; J immy- IJassel Taylor. "The \Ve atbe rcock Elope s," 1)\· Alice C. D. Riley (1Irs. Harriso n B. .Riley ), will have the following ca. t: Dighty-Kathryn Parisl1; Jacki eGiadys Pfeffer; Andre\v-Victor Hoppe; Flora Greensleevc-Theresa Gro ss Thomas. Theodore Cloak, director of the Playshop, will direct the productions, assisted by Dorothy Finley, Gerald McKinley, Ellen Lytel and lone Pierce. Dorothy Parmenter will be stage manager, and Harry Lassen bu siness manager. -Miss B's Products- Mr. and 1-frs. G. Ross Stewart of 1033 Grecn\\'oocl avenue announce th e birth of a daughter. Helen, on 1fonclay, November 22, at the Oak Park hospital. -0- One may obtain as rare Christmas gifr~:: the real oil essences of flowers at an amazingly low price. There is jasmine, rose, lilac, which smells like lilacs after. ~ain, and a trailing arbutus that is too wonderful for prose. The same sisters who make these perfumes, also make a cold cream and astringent that is the real thing, and used before retiring, works wonders for tne ·· complexion. . TELEPHONE KENILWORTH 157 3 . Col. and ).lrs. Charles \V. Castle of 226 \\.ooclh in e avenue were the guests of ~f r. and ).f rs. Francis T. Pierre in \\'h caton ior ThanksgiYing dinner. -oand ).f rs. S. E. Gooding of 1008 Oakwood avenue spe nt Thanksgiving in \Vood stock. ~1 r. Joins School Staff to Organize Student Band Edward ]. 1Ieltzer, who has been teaching in the Country Day school, · \Vinnetka, has been en~ag-ed by Columbia School of !\£ usic as in . true tor of brass and wood wind instruments and a lso spec ial classes in band conducting. Miss Kathleen Air in charge of the school affairs in \Vinnetka and who la st year became a member of the board of directors of the school, is pleased with the prospect of organizing a stude nt band on the north shore. ).f r;;. Jay R. Bro\\'n is ill at her home, 127 Sl·vcntecnth st reet. · Sold fn the Eitel Restaurants C. Q. N. W. Terminal, Chicago CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Special Sale on Also at the New Hotel Eitel Delaware &. Rush Sts. CHICAG·O which is undeT · the same management Eitel. Christmas Bakery Specialties are famous because of their fine qualities. No holiday festivityiscornpletewithout them. Enjoy Lunch-Tea-Dinner in the Eitel Restaurants. DeliciousAppetizing Foods. Convenient to Trains. Three Restaurants: Main Dining Room, Train Floor; Lunch Room, Main Floor; Concourse Restaurant, Washington Street Concourse. Pocahontas M. R. $9.25 Two Days Only-~Ton<.lay and Tul's<.laY, J )( ·cl·mlwr 6 and 7 only I>eJiy-ery 1 to 4 days. \\·inn(·tlw and Gl ' nroC' add 25c ton. This pri<.: · is about $1.25 to SUiO below the mark et. EITEL, Inc., Chicago &NorthWestern TenninalStation, CHICAGO r"XITED COAL BUYJo:U.S OF CHICAGO ~line Reprt>senlativt·s and Wholesale Di::;lri hu tors. ~urth Shore Branch Covering Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe. 510 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmt·tte 944. PrJre Ueducers to the Public KEEP THIS AD AND GET CREDIT FOR $1 ON FIRST LOAD Ev. R