Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 25

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December 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 25 JOIN ALL-STAR TEAM Music Society Hears Bach Three Mem~ra of Winnetka Women's and Members' Travel Talks Mrs. Dorothy Wing Macauley, founder and honorary president of the North Shore Musical society, t.alked M to the members at their nleetmg onday after·n oon , November 29, at the home of Mrs. E. L. Essley, 234 more, to pla~ with the Mid-West Warwick road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Jean Hockey . team 111. the National tourna- Mac Shane, w~o .has re'Cently spent ment hemg held 111 that dty. · th:ee months 111 ptano study at FaunMrs. Lewis Taylor, goal, left Tues - tameble~u, France, gave a comparison cay, November 30 ; Mrs. Peggy Waid- 1 of Amertcan and. European music. Mrs. ner, center forward, and Miss Marga- Mac~ule~ has. JUst returned from a ret DeLay, substitute, both left Chi- yeArs so~ourn 111 F.rance and Italy. cago on the LiJ?erty special, Thursday . d~tghtful Bach . program was December 2. A special car was re~ given. t e members takmg part being: se rved for tbe team on this train Mrs. MMacShane, Mrs. Cree, Miss SwiTh I1011 f . gart, rs. Akely, Mrs Neukranz Mrs . e 0.rs ~ . the Thanksgi,·ing Day Dazey, Mrs. Weixel, ·Mrs Co thorne. game, played . m. and among" mud on ~-f iss Flentye and M th p '· the park at Indtan Hill station ,~·e re ~f rs· E I ' E 1 rs. at away. ca · 1 0 ff 1 · · · · ss ey was 1ostess asrnec . >y the hu sky husbands sisted by Mrs. Dorothy Cordts ~Mrs t eam, w1t 1 1 a score of 5 0 C t · d F E · Dorothy ' Rae · h' \V'II' I .·. - . ap ame ranees ·yans. and Miss e~ in IE~ag~ ·smtT' former }hockey play- Mrs. Frances Evans had charge of th~ . n.: te men p ayed an ex- program. ceedmgly sw1! t and cle,·er game. And 1 \\:hen they dtd'nt pl<1y a swift o-ame offensiYely, they proceeded to li;e up \Y~I-~ .. and ~Irs. Edward Trom of between the goal posts and pla , . . '1s nngton avenue announce the ma ss in· formation defcn si\'Civ }TI~~ btrth of a daughter.· Rose Marie, at liH: ml!e~s of th~ \V.on.lan's team _c.leclarc :,'~~. Evanston hospttal Thanksgiving that such practtce ts Invaluable and ac·- - - - - - - - - - - - · - -ce~>ted the defeat gracefully, realizing th.tt they were the stronger for it. , The f!·iendly game between the :-\nrth S1.clr team and the \Vinnetka tc.am, winch tonk place a week ago at Lmrolt~ park, resulted in a tie of 2-2. FcJIIOwlllg the game, ~fr ~ . ~Iorris Rev~wlds of Chicago en tertai ned all tho~e mtcrrstcd i~1 Hockey in Chicago and al?ng.· the. ~orth Shore, comhini~tg her I t~ cl \\ tt!l rl I arc well party f Dr ~f ISS Cccily .\\ arner, the Engli~h coach who }~1~~·. 111 :-;tructcd the \·arious tea m;; thi;; Hockey Squad to Compete in Tournament at Baltimore _ Three m· 1 cm )ers o f t h c Winnetka Hockey team left thi s week for Baltt'- First Church.of Christ, Scientist WILMETIE, ILLINOIS .Announces FREE L . ECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Thursday Evening, Dec. 9, 1926 at 8 o'clock . Ly FRANK BELL, C. S. B., of Philadelphia, Pa. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Chqrch, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. H 4 ' IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE .CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET WILMETTE, ILLINOIS s E R v 1 c E .i: Ji.- The .Championship C~f Chicago is to be d.c rH led Saturday, December 11, at 1 10 o clock, at the Country Day school' field. when the \Y innctka team . will play the ~f idway team. This game wilt b.c the wmdup of the . ea~on's acti,·it 1c s. and .mar k:i t h c c1 n se of on c of the most acttvc an~! suc~cs;-;f_ul of hockey seasons. Elcctton ot officers for the club " ·ill take place sometime durin()' the next two weeks. o A Position of Peculiar Advantage Your investment in a Cadillac motor car is an investment in 100,000 miles of dependable transportation. (This mileage is by no means the limit of a Cadillac's usefulness. There are many in Chicago which have travelled two and three times that distance. But it is a conserva.tive figure- well within the bounds of possibility. ) It is to make doubly sure that these miles be trouble-free, satisfying miles that Cadillac stands back of its automobiles with the convenient and efficient service station of the Cadillac Evanston Branch. DIAMONDS The Diamond, premier gem of the world, i~ justly the most highly prized of precious stones all over the civilized globe and the gift "par excellen'Ce," · for any occasion. Faultless gems, blue white and perfect, exquisitely mounted in the newest styles of bracelets, rings, bar pins and other settings, are shown in great variety in our stock. The beauty, brilliancy and amaz.ing quality of these stones are a delight; to own them is a perpetual pleasure. -And you will find our prices always reasonable. 1he stgn of official, authorized Cadillac Service - courteous, prompt, efficient, economical With this large and complete organization to help them enjoy entirely satisfactory use, Cadillac owners occupy a peculiarly advantageous place among motorists. EVANSTON BRANCH Charles E. Graves &Co. Madison St. at WaLaah AYe. CADILLAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE CHICAGO F.stubllshed 1857 V·niversity 86oo Rogers Par~ 9133 '

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