December 3, 1926 : . WILMETTE LIF·E ,. SelectMovies·as Urge Observqnce of Golden Rule Subject ior·Club Education Meeting Sunday Locally A rare opportunity will be given to General observance in Wilmette of hear national leaders in education at Golden Rule Sunday, December 5, is the Woman's dub of Wilmette Wed- suggested in a communication received by Village President Earl E. Orner nesday, December 8. Realizing that from the International Golden Rule the motion picture is one of the mighti- committee with headquarters in New est force s for good or evil in the world York. the child,. home and the civics depart~ The letter, which calls upon householders to contribute to the relief of ments of the club are sponsoring an needy children in the countries of the ail-day conf~rence on the movies Near East, reminds the villagers that which is to be open to the public. ' Golden Rule Sunday is sponsored by Commencing at 11 o'clock in the President Coolidge and by leaders of morning, Mrs. A. c· . Tyler, chairman all faiths and callings. of the better films committee of the "Golden Rule Sunday," the commitGeneral Federation of Women's clubs tee writes, '~s placed appropriately will be the speaker. She will discus~ midway between Thanksgiving and th~ subject from the standpoint of the Christmas, its purpose being twofold: chtld and home. Her talk will be fol- to awaken us to a greater appreciation lowed by a dis-cussion of local prob- of our blessings, and emphasize our relems, following which luncheon witl sponsibility to the less fortunate in all be served at 1 o'clock. parts of the world. The central idea The afternoon session will begin at of the day's observance is the substi2. An unusually brilliant speaker, tution of a simple and meager 'orphanNelson L. Greene, editor of the Educa- age' meal in place of our usual bountitional Screen, will talk on "Methods ful Sunday dinner. In doing this the of Control." At the conclusion of Mr plights of the destitute in the world's \ Greene's ad<lrfSs. Mrs. Charles Mer- poorest lands is made real to us and to riam, president of the Film Council of our children. To the orphaned children America, will give a talk on "Is Fed- who arc the beneficiaries of Gold~n eral Regulation Desirable?" Rut~ S!Jnday the recent eart.h9uakes m The Chicago \Voman 's club and the Art;tema ~ave. brol,tght addtttonal suiLeague of Cook County dubs have se- Ifermg. I~ ts evtdent th~t unl~ss .~e help 1 lected the same speakers for their Edu- ~hese chtldren they wtll pensh. I cational institute. "I:' Reservations for the luncheon may ~ARD '-(a THANKS be either wi~h Mrs. Edmond Simonds, . Our lmc.ere thanks to the man' \Vi lm ctte 2799, or with Mrs. Robert fnends, relauves and me?tbers of the 3 3 rd Taylor, \Vilmette 2833. Tank Corp, ~or the ktndness and sympathy shown m our late sorrow. Frank Stupka and Family. OUTDOO-R XMAS TREE LIGHTS We Have the Kind That Don't Burn Out Let Us Plan On Lighting Up Your Trees This Christmas. -Didn,t they iook great last year?- ADAMS ELECfRIC SHOP 521 4th St. Wit. 1040 We Will Pay You to Shop Early For a short time we are offering ~ox . pnces on Women's Hosiery ( 3 p~it) that represent ' · a very nice saving CATCH JEWELRY THIEVES Burglars admitting the t_ heft of a quantity of jewelry at the home of Edward M. McGuire, at 408 E. Railroad avenue, Tuesday evening, November 2, were captured in Oak Park early last week. The thieves confessed the theft and most of ·the loot was traced to a pawn shop in Chicago. Classic Dancing Classes Now Open at VIOLAM.SPECHT for appointment' Call Wilmette 5 . r ~UR too- T HERE is nothing more acceptable, more reftec· tive of good judgment in a Xmas gift than a~ exquisite pair of silk istockings-especially Wayne IC11it. · purchase of new and exclusive designs of play and \ve suggest t.ha~ Y?U make your sel~c tion now, while there 1s a w1der range of cho1ce than will possibly be available later on. Then too, it requires time to engrave the cards from your name plate, if this is desired. . You will be delighted \\'ith the designs carried on these cards. They are all distinctive and individual. PAIR BOX ..... $5.50 V Christmas Personal Greeting Cards is on dis- You may assort the colors and sizes to your 'ik:.. ing. In this way you can easily settle the gift ques· tion for three of your dearest friends. Inasmuch as this offer is for a limited time we would sqggest your stopping in to see us TO-DAY! FULL FASHIONED PAIR . . . S 1.50 BOX ..... $4.25 .... h.oo I Chiffo~ or Service Weights PAIR . , .. $:z.:zs \, BOX ..... $~.:15 ... ~" · :· .· Ridge Avenue Pharmacy Opposite St~ Joseph Church ~= C. C. Rtnneckar . Phone Wil. 3 16 The W orthen..Carrico Co. a -=-:= = = =====~:.::;z=::==~-==~= =:e; = ===== ~=:= 1146·4 8 ·Wilme~e-Ave~,-·Photie Wil. ~588