4 WILMETTE· L IF B November 12, 1926- A.·s. VanDeusen Seller of Good Fo, od Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 . , "The Hottentot,, Re-elected Opera Club Play, I ~,__ _ _ _ _ _ _--.~, Score$ Big Hit The first performance of "The Hottentot," a comedy-drama of severai years' fame, was presented before :t record attendance at the Byron StcJl p school, Thursday evening. Its SU'Cce ~··~ was apparent with the first raising c,i the curtain ancl the entire performa n. ( was accompanied by a riot of lau g}.ter. The hard work put in by the ra "t in the past two months, under tlH· d · · · rection of Cecil Morgan, was e\·iri L ·· throughout an~l each actor had h · character ,,·ell 111 hand. The next t, .. , performances to be given this evcni 1 :· .. at~d Saturday, arc expected to he gn·t· eel \\·ith even larger attendance ". The play was presented uy t 1· Opera and Drama club for the b Ill : of the fin·m en's association and ;t<' vance sak of tickrts \\'as li sted at (J \ I 1200. The rast is as follows: ~; 1 Harrington. Arthur Cook; Peggy F a;· fax, Mi ~s ~1 ildrc d H olme s; ~Irs. Car r1.' Chad\\'ick. ~1 r:>. Dorothy ~haw : ~f ·· . Alec Fairfax. Ewart Cook; I. arr · Crawi urd. ~fa \'land Challinor; Mr. ( ll li e Gilford, Gr.orge Leal; 1by Gilfor1 : Edith \\;h itchill; Swift. the hutl<'r. j .. srph Howard: Perkins. the gr ~ J; , . , . \\Tarr<'n Sha\,.; Rcg-inal<l Town sen ~;·. Rohl: rt Smith, and McKes son, Rol ,nt Prentice. I I Meat 514 . ~- SPECIAL SALE Nov. 12th to 20th . 'scounts more, not Cash D and Flour· : vC: carry c. 111 J .. On . paid order of $1.00 or { .NOT Delivered including Sugar . 5% Dehvered 2% SUGAR. Cane Granulated, 5 lbs. ·only \vith an order. & I-I. cane granulated sugar and 10 lb. cotton sacks, ·5 lbs .......... . 35C · ·A PPLES. Are very fine and reasonable no\v. Beautiful, p~rfect, \vrapped, ~\V~nesaps. H.ipe and delic1ously flavored Eating apples, 40 lb. bx. EGGS. Fane~·, candled Storag-e, delivered 47c, not dchyered, doz .................... . BUTTER. Extra fancy Creatncry, for the · table, lb. . .....................·. . $2 30 45C Slone's, Skinless 13 oz. jars. Doz. $3.90, jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richclieu, Natural, round can, square doz. ~2-?S,~'c~~ ~3c. Monsoon, Ko. can. doz. :>, can ...................... · Baby Stuart Golden Bantan1. is very fine, and a great bargain. Doz. $1.75, can I hare never kno\\'11 this quality to be sold at any\Yhere near this price before. Doz. $1.50, 2 cans for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .REPUBLIC TOMATOES. Extra quality No. 2 can. I an1 told not to push the sale of 'l'otnatocs, because fey. Totnatocs arc scarce. J)oz. ~)l.f)O. can FRENCH MUSHROOMS. First quality . .At prices that oug-ht to surprise the Natives. · 8 oz. can 39c, 4 oz. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLICED PINEAPPLE. Brookport. T~arge No. 2~/2 can. 1'hese are not No. 2 size, and it is \YOnderful quality. Doz. $3.RO; can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHITE TUNA FISH. Is extren1ely scarce. In fact I cannot buy it 110\V. I h.ave a 1itnited quantity of c~rtified White 'fnna No. 1 can 5Rc; Yz can 25C I 39C. OLIVE OIL. $1 15 I T~~~~~~~~o~~;.. . .....................$1.20 PRESERVED FIGS. 34C ASPARAGAS TIPS. 1. 34C· $3.1 CORN. This 15C DINER PEAS. of peas 25 C CEREALS. Quaker Oats, large 3 lb. . 7 oz. pkg. Creatn of \Vheat, pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . COFFEE. Roast Santos. Fine quality. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richelieu. Pure, sweet Italian 1-4 gal. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · soC Dr. W. W. Hawkins. commander of vVilmette Post, No. 46, of the American Legion was thi s week chosen by the membership to sene another term in that office. Ferre Watkins, well 1 known Illinois Legion leader, is to be the . speaker on the o·ccasion of the installation of the post officers early in I December. Miss Dorothy Bossong of m·cr la st \Veek-end. \\'at~v k 1. The Ladie s' Aid society of the North Ill., was a guest at the George L. ~!. 1 rtin home at 1046 Elmwood avt:n w 1 Shore ~1 ethodist Episcopal ch urch will lnYC -oher 3. Dinner \\'ill he se rved in the evening. There will he booths ior ~lr. and ~Ir :;. John \V. Cullen, 1 2l· ~ ianc~' articles, linen ~, utiliti es, fancy Ashland aYcnuc, who ha,·c hecn tra\·v1 :llld pr;..ctical ap.rCJns. dolls , t(;ys, anc~ ing in. the East for t\\·o \\'eck s, ar~ · children's ntilitir s. expected home at the end of the \\'lTL . an all-clay bazaar, Friday, Decem- 821 Davis St. [s~~Q;~oSAVE l MARKET Evanston SPECIALS FOR FRI.-SAT., NOV. 12-13 Prime Native Rolled RIB ROAST OF BEEF ..... No Bones- No Waste None Bener at Any Price }4 C 25 C LITTLE FRESH PIG HAMS .......... . Our Own Brand 100 ~:~ Pure PORK 32 C 33C SAUSAGE MEAT ........... . Strictly Fresh Selected Lake Superior WHITE FISH ............... . Strictly Fresh OYSTERS Received Oaily ............... . Sahara Crepr Toilet Paper, 12 large rolls ................ toe Galvanized Iron Pails, 12 qt. ....................... 30c Richelieu Seeded and Seedless Raisins, · pkg. . .............. lSc Old Manse Maple and Cane . Syrup, No. 2~ can .......... 55c American Family Laundry Soap, 8 bars in box ............. $5.25 10 bars in box .............. 67c Brooms, No. 10 ............... 60c Baker's Cocoa, 0 lb. can ...... 22c Beechnut Peanut Butter, 10~ oz ...................... 28c 29clb. 35clb. 38cpt. Jt,