Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1926, p. 37

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November 12, 1926 WILMETTE ~os.t a Lad,r," based ~pon the story, Sk~n Deep and havmg as its cen- LIFE 31 tral .themes t he tr ibulations of a poor m?dtste's model and the socia l inclinattons of a n..:wly-rich Irish couple. ':N ednesday will l)ri ng Priscilla Dean m "The Speeding Ven us," feat ur ing an VILLAGE THEATRE automobile ra·ce aaoss th e desert the Dist i!1 ctive. touches, keen in sights high Sie r ras and against time 'a nd a nd h1 g h hg hts on hu man nature villains . abound in th e Henry Ki ng produdio~ of Stell a Dall as. which w ill be preNEW EVANSTON sente d a t th e Vi ll age theatre Monday, Tim : McCoy, new and youthfu l Tuesday a n d \ Vcdnesday, November ~crccn star, is em the screen at the 15, 16, and 17. Ki ng is a past master N~w ~vanston theater today in . his in t he wizard~· of making a big drama- ftrst Picture, "War Paint." He is a tic punc h hit hard and true by inject- w~stern man, son of a former army ing just tho.sc bits oi life that reveal ofhccr, r~arccl among · things mi litary, a fi lm f~J!l , 111 a fl~sh. It will be pre- ~tnd he hunself is ~ow a brigadier gensrnted In connect1on with "Kiss Me I l'ral of the \Vyoming state mi litia ancl Kate" an Educationa l comcclv and a has had th e. record of being the younrr·Pat hc Review news reel. · c:-.t colonel in the national army. n On~ of the fir st of the seaso n' s crop "1~he Old Soak," starrin g George of ptctures come s Thttrsda ,·, ~o,·em- l.c\\' h and Jean Hcrsholt, comes to her 18, in "The Lon ~,· \\'ol(" It is a tl:e screen with ~Ionday's change of fait,hfu l version of the fifth and Ia~t hill. of Louis Vance' ~ se rie s of . torics wo\· - : en around thi s romantic ·character of 1 __ · ~ H E NORSHORE "!.one \ Vnlf." ,,·hirh han· thrilled the ' .. 1 l~n ll-., ot the . ort you see once in a rt·ading world for tlic pa"t fiYL· year .. 1htetime ,arc:. promi~ed motion. picture :\ 1\vo reel Snooknms comech· and a P.atron · 111. ~len ol . tee!," First NaPathe H('\'i('w \\'ill al. n lH· s ho~nl. I t10nal\. btg qecl photoplay, which .".\cross the Pac ific." the \\'arn<·r t:t>.nH.:" Synda~· ~o tl.H.~ :\orshore theater, p1rture \\'hirh will f'(>mpktL' th e WC'ck'~ wtth ~IIIt.on ~Ills In the starring· role program for thr Villag-<.: theatre, i-; a :111<1. ~)()n ~ Kenyon J:' the featured htt .~c spectacular production ~ tarring tct:l.l11li1C player. the rough ;-tnd ready ~f( 1 nte Bltlc. It i-. 1. Sills, al.\\'ays known as a "he-man," a splrndid melodrama built arc.und the IJ1 pa~~ picture . . ha_~ _been called up~n lo;'e afT air:-. nf a huck pri\'at c who g;o ,5 ~.c, pcrto~·m. . on.1.c dtft.tcult. feats, but m \\'tth tl1c arm~· tn the Pltilippinr ~ to . ),l .t.:n. ot StL'tl he I~ sa id to surpass captu.n· the rebel Ag 11 inaldo during the . ·l~l~ tlttn~ he l~as enr done . on the SpanISh A nwrir a 11 \\'a r. p, ill\" Oudle\' i11 screen both Ill sce ne !'l callmg for ".\ Dippy Tar" ,,·ill he the· come<h:. ~t r~.ngth and courage and in acting. · Sills would not allO\v a double to 1 take his p_lace. THE NEW CAMPUS It was his picture and Beginning next ~1on.day, c\·cn· ~fon- he took l11s chances. day eYcning \\'ill lit' "l.adirs' Xir.:·ht" at I Campus theatcr. Thc.;;e c\·cnitws THE GRANADA t 1c A :-pectacular Russian presentation women P.atrons accompanied by 111 ~11 c:corts wdl be admitted free. b~· the producer of "The Song of the . Scrern fans "ho go to sec Tom 1fix Flame" and Lcatice ] oy in "For AliIll "The Great K & A Train Robbery" mony Only" arc the features at the arc. advi..,ed t() takr a tight g;rip ~n Cranacla this \\'Cek. Jack Haskell is t~1c_1r scats bdorc the thrills of fast presenting "Russian Revels" in wh ich n(.l lllg and other things raises tl 1em to a galaxy of Russian choir soloists as ... 'r . 'J'I 1c f caturc \\'I-11 he shown \\'ell a-; nati,·e dancers a})J)ear. Beginrl1Id -ui tomorrow and . aturday evening at the ning next ~1onday, David Be lasco's Campus. · grl'::tt stage play, "The Return of ~fonday and Tuc :-d.:l\' \\'ill bring; I P~·ter Grimm." \\·ill .be s~JO\\:n .. Th is Marie Prc\·u~ t in the <.:omcch· "Ai- ~nil be tl;c, first sho\\' tng or th1s ptcturc · ·' 1m the Lnttecl States. Stage and Screen News and Reviews The Theatre for the Great North Shore Nor shore Programs Delight the Entire Family The Norshore theatre is your neighbor and wants you to feel neighborly. Our programs are prepared for the r.!ntertainment of your entire family. 1 1 CONSTAr;;C{.flnlMADGE "THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO" Big Stage Program l - Starting . SundayPowerful drama of modern business MILTON SILLS and J DORIS KENYON in "MEN OF STEEL" STAGE, SCREEN and MUSICAL SPECIALTIES NEW EVANSTON ··THE BIG PICT:URES FIRST" NOW PLAYING ·t·· - -·- ·- · - · - ·- · - · - ·- ·- " -··:· 1 r,=:=:=:=:=:==:=::=:=:=:=:==:=.r TIM McCOY ' I I 1 i I Village Theatre l rcN.EWS I WIL~l F.'fTE, ! "~~ ~~h t~l;.f/ \' o ur Hom r .J. H . 1\l'fiJI P I. ··WAR PAINT" By Peter B. Kyne ----- .. PAULINE STARKE ---------------------- p~~ ~~~ ILL. ' I I 1 i ! '-'AMPU ( 'o utiH IWII " from F IIL " J' HI ' 1\IONDAY t:::O t o 11 I'H " ITH E ~ 1'. Jl. JEAN HERSHOLT .. LOUISE FAZENDA 'I r·:la,\ - :-\atunl a , "THE OLD SOAK" AL'S HERE! also 1 j '1: ~ "sTELLA"DALLAs" ! ' ( 'OLE:\1.\"' au!l HELLE BE~-'E'I' 'l' Al so, " 1\i ss Jlt· 1\att·"-E ilU<·atl o nal ( 'ome·IIJ au tl Pnth r ~t· w s. Phon e w~ m!tte tH t ) Jon ., T ut·s., WPtl.. ~ oL l :i, 1tt, l i \1nna l:' ln~t Thrn t('r TOM MIX Olr ee~ or 1 ~ 1 The Great K.&A. CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY ; ' 1 no~ ALII I I , A ~_ Train Robbery MARIE PREVOST in }Inn., Tnt's ., Xor. H·lG i 1 l e T H ~N EV~T~ l!l~IY. R N }.10NDAY t ~~ ALMOST A LADY " it h II .\ H HIS 0 X } ' 0 H H Thur s1Iay, Xov. 11'l 011(' da~· only-i:30·H HE lt'l' J, YTF.J, J, CONSTANCE TALMADGE I _ ~ i "THE LONE WOLF I RETURNS" Snookums-2 I Ueel Com edy l'athe Jlnlcw I i Sensational Dance Revue Contest on tJu· l';('ft'<'11 "The Duchess ol Bullalo" also Fri., Snt., Nov. 19·20, two duy s only 7::10·9 .Snt., Mat . .2· ·1 'ro"STt: nL rE , 1 1 I HTHE SPEEDING VENUS" Thurs., F' rl., Xov. '1 8·19 HAL ROACH c~~~~v "GET 'EM YOUNG.' ' NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY UACROSS THE ROD LA ROCQUE fn HARRY LANGDON tn I A Comedy and Pathc News. Sat. ~fats., Dlt·P~!~J!F!~':IIrtstle ~~~ 2 and 4 p. m. ~" G I G 0 L 0 " .'fhursclay Night DARREL of FUN "THE STRONG MAN" ·~--·------,_...·:· l!::=============::J

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