Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1926, p. 34

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34 cELEBRATE HOLLOWE'EN WILMETTE JANITOR DIEs LIFB ARMISTICE November 12, 1926 sERMO~ IJunior League of The Aihi Camp Fire group enjoyed a Thomas Brady, aged 63, and for the "Love of Peace or Pactfism-A Hallowe'en party at the home of Sylvia past year and a half employed as jani- Choice" witt be the subject of the adStoerk, 330 Central avenue, on Friday, tor at the Laurel school, died at his October 29. The evening's entertain- ! home, at 711 Washington street, Evinent included games and prizes. anston, Sunday, November 7. His death was attributed to heart failure as a result of advanced years. He had enjoyed good health and had not been Ask Your Dealer for I a1·1·mg previous to h1s · death, nor had he complained of feeling ill. Funeral services were held from St. Mary's A Song In Every Seed. church, Evanston, Wednesday mornIt's better than what you ing. He is survived by his widow, think is best. ~he::e ~o~;~e;:ti~~elsr~~l,t~~isN~~~~ G· Evanston IVeS a Ball Next Monday ning at 8:30 o'clock in the Glencoe Masonic hall. The sermon will be in commemoration of Armistice Day and will be given by Rabbi Harvey E. Wessel. Eleanor Bird Seed ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~th~r~ce~so~n~s~a~n~d~t~w~o~d~a~u~g~ht~e~rs~.~~~~co ~r~,fi~n~er~l~to~th~e~ir~l~>e~d~ s ~la~s~t~w~e~e~k.~~ The annuc.l charity ball given by the ' Junior league will be held at the Ev Ianston Country club, Mondav, Novem bcr 15. · Carrying out the striking color scheme of a black and white costume · IS · lll ·" ch arge o f th e ge n bat1 ~ he a ff a1r Joan and Frederick Kilner, children erat' chairman of arrangements, Miss of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kilner, 523! Marian Dawes of 187 Hazel avenue . Washington ave11ue, are recovering Glencoe . Ass isting Miss Dawes are from the illness which kept them Miss I~abella Muzzy ~£ Evansto!l, who is the comm1ttee on trckets; Mrs. Louis Tilden of Evanston, who is · takini! charge of cigarets ; Mrs. John El;ot ' warner of Evans~on, who is arranrring for the entertainment; Mrs. Wallace Thompson of Evanston, who is supervising the supper arrangements ; and Mi ss Mar:y Louise Wuichet of Evanston, who is in charge of the decora tions. The entertainment committee an nounc es that Miss Mary Suchiere of New York City, winner of Mayor \Valker's prize for the best execution of the Black Bottom will give an exhibition of the dance. Miss Suchicre will be assisted by a welltrained chorus of Junior leaguers, that will include Mrs. Kenneth Littl.e, Mr .. William M. Parkes, Mrs. W. W. Kingsbury, Mrs. Donald Lowry, Mi~s Quinn Jack son, all from Evanston, Mrs. Ken neth Burns of Winnetka, and Mi ss H enriette Bush of Glencoe. The list of patrones ses for the half ic;; composed of Mr s. W. R. Dawes of Glenco ~ ; Mrs. Rufus Dawes, Mrs. Wil liam S. Mason, Mr s. George B. Dryden, Mrs. Geo~:ge F. Slaughter, Mr s. Edward F. Carpenter, Mrs . Robert Scott, Mrs. William M. Parkes and Mr s. Charles G. Little, all of Evanston . Mrs. Frederick P. Ives is president of the Evanston league, Mrs. Hariett~ Thorpe is first vice-pre sident, and Miss Marv Louise Wuichet is second vice pre sident. Mis s Marian Dawes of Glencoe is acting as secretary for the league , and Miss Jean Dawes is treasurer. The proceed s from the ball will go toward the work of the Psychology clinic of Evanston. head~g &AcREAHco. nEXCELDQES EXCEL' The outstanding and constantly increasing popularity of Excel Ice Cream strikingly demonstrates the home acquired tastes of the most discriminating hostesses on the North Shore. Your Thanksgiving dinner will Not be complete without Excel Ice Cream. Th. e re is a\ deliciousness about it that makes for good fellowship and kindly feeling. . . Prices are never low if quality is sacrificed! In other words, Excel prices are never high, when you consider the Superior qu.ality of Excel Ice Cream. Correct Glasses DO NOT DISAPPOINT YOURSELF Place your holiday order early. Orders for Thanksgiving must be in no later than Saturday, Nov. 20, for anytl)ing fancy, or Tuesday, Nov. 23, for brick or bulk creams. Remember, there is only one Excel Ice Cream Co. We have no brancJtes and not connected in any way ~ith any other firm. We devote ourselves exclusively to the pro .. fession of examining e y e s and adapting g I a s s e s to correct visual defects. M o d e r n equipment and years of experi~ ence assure you of the best resu Its. Phone for an appomtmcnt EXCEL ICE CREAM CO., Inc. 1566 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston Wilmette 3160 Phones University 3087 Drs. Bersch & Stone Optometrist· 1 1 77 Wilmenc Ave .· WilmetH' Office Wilmette 2 766 Res. Wilmette 3 8 8 1 . Hrs. 8;30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. E Vtning& by Appointrmnt

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