WILMETTE LIFE November 12, 1926 :.:..:::.:.__---.--------"7 Bride and Groom Recent Debutante on Honeymoon In Southern Cli·mes MOTORS SERVICE 1ncorporoeed EVE'Q.VTHING AUTOMOBILE ./bin~ Weed Chains Winter Fronts We have a good stock now but popular sizes will be sold out the first day they are needed. Buy now. ALCOHOL GLYCERINE NEVER. CLOSED J.C. S[own A. D. VanDeusen The marriage of Miss Edna Marie Gauger, dau~hter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gauger, to Chester Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gould of Tulsa, Okla., took place in the Gauger home at 229 Linden a venue on the evening of November 6 at 8 o'clock. A reception followed the ceremony. The skirt of the bride's satin gown wa s cut in the popular mode o.f short front ancl longer hack, and watst wa s a basque. Chantilty lace formed att ractivc trimming for the gown. The hr ;dal veil was made simply and cau ght with orange blo. soms. The bou()ue t wa s a shower ·of white roses, S\\'C'rt peas, and baby's breath. 1frs. \Viltiam James of Evan ston a!-. matron of honor, wore lavend er taf feta and carried a shower bouqu et of pink roses and lavender ~\vret pea:·· 11iss Violet Jackson of Ch1rago, m:url of honor, wore a yellow chiffon shad ing into orange, carrying a shower bouquet of roses in the new orange shade. . Photo uy ~lo tiett Sals Bostwick of Chicago acted a · During a reception given by ~Ir. and best man, and G. William Gauger, a.., ~Ir s. Jio\\'ard \V . Fenton of \Vmnetka, usher. October 15, at Indian Hill club, ~fi:-.s Mr. and Mrs. Gould chose "11ammoth Mary Louis e Fenton made her bow to Cave and other points of intere st for society. A dinner \\'as given in the· ·heir hot .::ymoon trip. After th eir n· evening for th e as isting debutantes turn they wilt be at home at 237 Seven_ and their escorts . tcenth street, \Vilmcttc, where tht: Il house is of the attractive Spani ..,h Mr. and 1f rs. Phillips Taylor and bungalo"' style. daughter of \Yatcrloo, l o\'·:a, \\'ill spend ~1r s. II. F. Gilh of n, 3-+7 \Va shingt un the ThanksgiYiq,!Z holiday s with Mr. Taylor's mother, Mrs. D. L. Taylor of a\·e nue, c n t crt ai ned for her litt le daughter Martha, with a H allo\\'c' <·n 8-+9 Michigan avenue. par ty gi~r.en on llallowe'en . Th e fii -0~Iiss Medora Bright, who is a teen guests came masked ancl costumed fre shman at 13eloit college, ha s been to enjoy games, stunts and dan cing. made a member of a debating and Rcfr es h~nent s wer e se rY cd lat er in tht literary society. evening. Winter Materials Are Now on Display! Materials for your Winter suits are here, and in a vari· ety that makes it easy for you to make your selection. K eltics, the nationally advertised fabric is among them, . it's the material that is guaranteed not to be sold to any ready~to-wear clothier. Keltic is the material that will assure you of a suit for long wear, and a material that will hold its shape. CLEANING-PRESSING-REPAIRING When in need of this service, and a service .that is prompt, let us attend to it. Particular Tailors for . Particul~r Peo1Jle 1152 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 320 SCHULTZ & NORD