Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1926, p. 9

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November 12, 1926 WILMETTE LIFB PEASE IS SOLOIST Noted Bass-Baritone to Sing Tue1day at Firat Meeting of North Shore Society at Home of Dwight Orcutts ..... I The North Shore MacDowell societS' opens its season Tuesday evening, November 16, at the home of Dr. and e--~-------.. Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt in Hubbard Woods. An all American program is announced to be by Rollin given Pease, one of the outstanding bassbaritones of the country. Thi s society reports a constant growth, not o n 1y from the ranks of artists hut also among north shore resident s who realize more and more th at crcati,·e art Rollin Pease n eed:-> the support of the public. The ).f ~cDowe ll colonv is not a charity, a school, a sumn1cr re sort, a :-.anatorium, (lr a camp. It is the first ~ttempt to provide ·a l.)lace where artists may work to the best advantage, as a scientist works in a laboratory, an ast ronomcr in an ohser\'atory, a surgeon in a ho spital, an explorer fitted out with an expedition, an executive equipped with t<:lcphonc and dictagraph. The uceds of the artist's \VOrkshop arc less taug-ib lc, hut no le ss expensive and hard to obtain. The colony can 'o more he self-s upporting than can a university, a museum or th e Academy at Rome. It mu st hav e equipment and endowment. All O\'er the rountrv ~[a cDowc 11 !'>O(ietics are contributing their dues, thus assisting materially with running expense~. hut \\'hat those intere sted arc working- towards is an adequate endowment fund to insure the colony's future. The Wilmette Music Shop Offers the Latest tn · ·. RADIO W HAT'S ne\v in Radio? Operation from the house cur· rent was the most talked of advance at the Radio Show. No batteries- no outside wires - single control - power :am· plification - sealed construction. These are the new radio de· vel~ryments. RCA has perfected them in the great Radiola re': ;, ceiving sets- has tried and tested them for over a year. Wilmette Music Shop can show you all that .is latest and best in radiot Brunswick Panatrope and Phonographs. Our radio service is most efficient and your wants will be well cared for. Combinations of Brunswicks with Radiolas In one beau.tiful cabinet these· remarkable instruments combine recorded music and radio. No batteries- no outside · wire-··,· . no exposed speaker- complete operation from the electric light · socket. I]t'r()ir efforh arc bring made. it I \\"as annmlnced this \\"Cek 1)\· the ~car 1 Ea st HC'Iici. to rn--h food a1; d funds tn the r('gi <lll dt ·\·a "ta 1 ed a iC\\~ clays ag() I in .'\rrncnia. t',lH' ria lh· tn the snn- i,·or.; I of the earthquake \\"hich virtll~llv de- ' :-tr(lycrl L1·nin :·ka:t, fcJrlllC'rh · :\l ~·x;m dn)pCil, FriYan a1;~l thirty-sn~ <'ll m.'arb~ tO\\"ll S. I Racli c)gT<lllh ren·in·cl 1)\· the cxccntiH.' oftirl'!". '\ <lithe ~~'ar J·:a st Helid in C'hica!!O un.rt'd inmH'diatr assistance fnr Ameri,·an . r·c ·lid \\"orkrrs and 9.000 orphans \\"ho )i,·ing in tents and lwn·b i:lCl' (':'\trcnH' snffrrin~ prrhaps death frfllll thl' hlizzarcl \\'hich came as a seqtH' l tel thl' sei.;mic shod.:. Need Help for Quake Sufferers, Is Report Radiola 28eight tube superhetrodyne Tun ed with a single finger! With 8 Radio trans. · Your Home Demonstrated tn Let us demonstrate in your home t}:le Radiola 28 with loudspeaker 1()4, operating completely from your house current. There is no obligation. Phone Wilmette 3006. $260 Convenient Terms Wilmette Music Shop offers exceptionally convenient terms to suit your requirements. r WITH GIFTS ).f rs. Lillir Hoffman. \\'Ortbv matron of the \V ilm cf tc chanter, Order of Eastern Star, during the recent · celebration of Vi si ting \Vorth y Matrons ni ght \\"as given a white ![old wrist watch ancl bracelet by the officers and chapter members. On this occasion, Mrs. Alma Deck of the Deerfield chapter, presided in thr East, and Paul A. ,ffman was worthy patron of the East. HONO}!~D Wilmette Music Shop A. 1179 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 3006 Mrs. Charles \V. Gregory of 710 ORlAN GALITZ Washingt on avenue will leave Tuesday to spe nd six months in California. Brunswick Panatropes, Phonographs and Records Mrs. Grcr-o ry will he accompanied by her sons James and Chat:les, the latter of \\'hom h::~s bern in ill health. Mr. Gregorv will join them for the month of Fehruarv. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmon.s w. i ll occupy the Gregory !.______________________________________________ home during the winter.

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