Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 55

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f :. 18 SITUATION WTD.-FE:MALE f !t FOR BENT-HOUSES FOR RENT ROOM COTTAGE IN COUNTR¥, partly furnished ' $36.00 acres witp 6 room house, barn, garage. 1 mile west of Ridge .Ave.. $35.00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Notices- Classilled a~vertist:m~nts will be charged only to General . rt:sidvntzs ot tht- district from Evanston to GleRcoe 1 HIGH lnclu~tv.,- whu::Jt: uam~s appear In t ht' teles·hone directory or who art- regular subscribers to either WILME1.'1'E LIFE WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWR ' . SCHOOL TEACHER OF i French desires position as traveling 14 companion or governess on winter cruise. Wilmette Life B-113. · 16LTN6-ltp 9 P_O_S_I1_'_10-.-N-.A_S_c-~-o-O-K--0-R-l\-I-A-N-A-G-l-N-G housekeeper in Chicago suburbs. Give Telephone Number. Wilmette Life BlOH. 16L6-ltp cents a lim; In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. :10 cr.nts a lin~ In all three papers. :UI.SUIU)I CIIAUUE. aU Cl'lltl\. · Av ... ::-agt- ot' five words to thP line. No hlack f~ce type used. 10'/t. IIIN<'OUIII uu all cush \\'lth urde.r nc1\'erllsemeuiM .,.h .. u hruHght to our uallcf! at U:!~ (.;.,ntrau 'Ave ·· Wilmette. or 681 Lincoln Ale., Whuaetku. Rates- 15 Deadline for Insertions- up Cta~:;ititd advertisements will be acc.,pted ~· ... , tu \'Vednesday 5 p. m. for the \VIL· AfEII~ Lll<'l!; 'lt' all three pa11ers; Thursday 5 p.m. for the WINNETKA 5 room and bath, cottage, furnace heat, immediate IJOSSN3sion. . & $65.00 '> room apartment, water, gas and light. ~gAT COLORED WO:\lAN WANTS TO " Immediate possession. (·ook and st-n e dhncrs. Good refer$30:00 en<:cl::l. Univ. 4385:\IX. 16L6-ltp vV.\:\"J'ED 'I ALK and Fr!day 5 p. m. for the G I.ENCOE NEWS 'l'eltl'hones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or \VInnetka · 2000-2001. 16LTti-lt.: 8J1 JUdge A\'e. Phone Wilmette 364 \V ilmette, Illinois. 24LTN6-ltc \' .. \HHJ~(;, lROXlX(; OH CLK.\XIN<.: f,y tht: day. ·Rt'fert'l1<'l:'S. Crtclllc:af 114:!. JGLT6-ltt.: plain se"·ing hy llw da,\·. t'IH'Pl-l. Ur~.::enh·af 1142. DHJ<;SS~IAKING · AXD Uood reft·t·:.. JJ 1Hio §~lln{ID,®~®lf & C©o 0 BOOKS :'-.'UW lS THE TIME 'l'O SELL IN lZENIL\VORTH JOn t·~ED Book~. ht·oks. \\'rile for a eall. 1\'lint>r\'H :-)::to Univen;ity A\'t>., Chi<'ag-o. SCIIOOLS AND TUTORING PUSITIOX GE:\'ERA:L OH SECOXD HE~IEDJAL TUTORIKG____ , \\·ork. Xo washing·. In Chicago suburb:;. HY EXP~RII<:~I~ED TEACHF.}l I Wilmt'lt(· Life B.-110. 16L6-ltp I Childnm hroug·llt up to grad£·. \'hildn·n taug·Jtt how to ~tudy. Phont· Kt·nilworth 248. 10ALTK6-4tp -----------------. I WAXTEI> homt>. 1":' \V ,\SHI.:\'<l Phone \\o.il. :;1:Ju. 'ro 'l'AKE 16L'f6-ltc "I'IT .\'l'IOX W .TU.-.,L\J,t: 'vVM. O'l'TEN Masoi1 Contractor ' ·.,uuty Line Rd. ,~,:1- y -4. Tel. Highland Park 3LTN6-tfc LOANS \\'I<; ~lAKE SECOND MORTGAGES U~ int,,rovPd property and fir~t mortgages ou good vacant. ' I-·; I' \\'ilrnetlt· Ave. . Opp, ViiJagc Hall !'hones Wilmette 1750 and 363 6LT~6-llc 1st and 2nd Mortgages Charles H. Bretholcl INSURANCE ;,,;. :\1a.in St., 'Vllmettc Tel. 6o tiL6-tk PETS ...;J'I'L!ATIOX WTI). :\JAX, l<'loJlt UE.S'I-:S'l'OU.ES AND OJ.o,FICES yt>ars of age , hig-h sehool graduate, w.i~ht-~ tr· find work along· the north FOR RE~T STORES AND SHOPS. snon·. EXJWrienl·t·d in groceQ·, drug 'f'··'~>HiwnP \Vi'1nf'tk!\. 62. 27LTNG-tt'c 'I :~c'lll'Ol'. n tl<l oftkt· wol·j{. Can drivt> a car and (} 1 t·'1r·rw 111}1. 11l.Til-ltr: · nn· inn·1l . FOU ItEXT-liALLS ust · tYJH·writt·r. .\'t· rr willing and rt-- 27-a liahlt·. Bt:'~l or l't-1\·J't·IH ' t'H furnisiH·d. -----------~------:I . UST A'Sn }'OFSU 1:! l)llunt · Winnl'tka 2:!fiil. I ; .... orge (loodWI L.:\Jl·;TTE COUNTRY CLUB rit'h. 17LT~6-ltp a\'ailault' on opt>n dates for LOST on ~TOLE~ LA~T WF.DXE~J>A Y "·I·;I>n £~( :s. l'.\HD .c\1'D DA1'CING a ft··rnoou, I :t·l'lllan l:'olic·f· dog-. An~wt:"rs J>tiHITIU:\" T .-\KIX(i t'AHE OF 1-TTIPARTIES t·1 nnm t· of "Plato." Lib t·ra.l reward orEn' t'Y :\[odern Facility nal·l · in pri\·att" farnily. PIHHit:' (:n·enft ·l'r·tl. 1 ·~,11 \\"il. ]lt;s. 1 'U.. Ii-ltf' For information phone l.. ;d' 21117. 2fl02 Enwr~on Ht., E\'anston . Wil. 625 17l .TXG-lttJ :\lis~ l>. Lyons, Secretary. 27AL2-12tc HI'ITATIUX WTil. EXP£·:RIEXCE1' . I ELP \\' AXTJ·;n - XEEDLKWORK & man want:-; furw-t~·t · and housework. 31 }'OR SALE-llOliSES lt :tiHlworlc First class. Shop OJ)(:ning 'l\·1. \\'il. :::?:~:.:. 17LT6-llc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a. l"onsignnu·nt ha.sis .. 1 ., hnut Xo\·. Hdtor"nct ·s !!;h···n . .\uun·ss Talk ll-111. HOUSgCLEANING, 'VI~DOW WASH· 1_:~_L_'1_':-.;_·_6_-1 $:~o.ooo _____________ _t_p ing floor wiping-, and odd job:;. Tel. v.-ilnH·ttt · :J.t2H . 17LTX6-tfc ~l:W HH.WK COL.O~JAL HOME 1 \VA.:-\'l'ED ~lAili FUR c:t·~XI~RAL l1l1<. nortll of Indian Hill Country . .club, I· .. us··work; small family; ~ood wag(-H. ~£'1T.\Tio~ WTJ). -- ,\.HI'I'J<; Cllr\ l'F1 bll<s. tn Indian Hill t>IN·. and steam ;::,.w homt·, own room and bath. Phont· dPnots. fPur and houseman. Refs. Phone (; il-lll'Ot' ;)fiO. :2titi (; l' bl'll\\'OOd A \'(·, Four lJt·droulliS and 2 lJaths on 2nd Winn. t:rn. ·: 17LTN6-lto ULTXH-Jt(· fir . : 2 bt·dro<·tn~ and 1 llath on 3rd fir.; toilt·l anti la\·atory on 1st fir.; 30-ft. }'OR UE:S't'-ROO"IS liYing-t·oont with wood-burning flreplact: brt'al.;fa::;t nook and butler's pan:. try, hot watE-r heat, garage and drive. Lot 66xl:t2 with largt> shade trees. ~mall paynwnt down, balan('e like l't · II t. 'ln;FIXEJ) \\r r\ ;-.;TEl) home anti snwll sl~art:" a LADY TO eottagP in Prott:'~tant lH'efl:'rrt-d. Hoard I' E HSO ~ .\1.. Yot·~c; 181 ~ . . FOR. RENT !J R00:\1" HOUSE TO n·liahlt:' party from .January to A.p'r li. Will ma.kto :u~.·acli\'t> rtntal to rij;'ht . party, g entiles only. Four bedrooms 1 maid's room, a baths, 1 lavatory, HL·t.'J)ill'-" I)Orch, Jiying room, dining "' room and large sun room. Wirmette Life B-107. 24LTNti-ltC 'vVlNNE'fK1\ HOME PUPS FOR i 'HA~JPION S~L\LE TilE WA~TED II a Yiland Realty Co. FOH f:.J·:~;I' ~I~t;U<;, <'OMFORT.ih!,· furni~h t ·d room. ' Private homl' · fuHowing: CHOW CHOW~ ST. BERNARD~ WIRE HA T,RRD FOX TERRt~RS BRED STOCK· OF ;-;. ,. these strong·, lwalthy pup:-:. H.IVEH.SIDE KEX~ELH ~ix miles Wt'St of Hig-hland l'ark aml 1 trlill' Zast uf H~lf .lJa.r on Hout~:· 22. PhonE; Libertyyill~· 606W:.!. 8LT~G-ltp FOH SALE - TO TEUr~ DJSt'RL\liNA'l'i ng-. Toy IJoston pup. Show spf·cimcn J:'ather champion, *i5. Tt>l. Winn. to!t8-W. 8LT~Ii-1tt.: ~~--~~~-------------------·--1-'(JH, SALE PEDIGREED Boston tt>rril-r. 1 year old. Phone Winnetka Hlll. !I 8L.~.~ , , ,; JtEPAIRING AND U.EFINISIIING SE\VING MI-\CIIINES REPAIRING ALL MAKER Work · (]uarantt:.E>d \\-,. \~ill mal\e your old maehin1· . a~ good as new. ::" l'routy Annex Ph. \\o·imwtka !178 t'Oil\'t:llit ·llt tt· \'illagt·. f:(·ntlt.:m<Ul J)l't"· ft·rn ·d. Tl'l. Wilmt"tt·· i~H)- \Y. WHJ'l't:: liTRL TO DO 21 L6-tfc hoUM'\\'urk : -l in fa 111 i I,\' ; g-onu homf· a'1d g·ood wag·t·:-: to t·ig-ht party. 1\·1. FoR lU~XT - l'OX:\"ECTTX<.i r~OO.\TS \\"inn. 2ti5i. 1:1LTXG-Jte l'an lw u:-:.·d in :-:uitt· o1· sing!.)_;..' \Vith .. r wiLhuut brt·akfast prh·il(·~s. ~ear W.\XTEll - \\'U.:\1.\~ HUC~EKI!;EPElt tran:-:purt.ttion. lh·f~. l't>quin·tl. . Tt:'l for ~·t'Ill'l'il} hoUS l·WOl'k, WidOWt.'l' H nd WiniJ. 1525. :J.l LTX'6-ltc dau~htt:"r. Pholll· \'\.innt-tka :?~8!·. HLTXti-lte ('1~.:-\TH.\L HOTEL- LHiiiT (H"THIDE -----------------rooms ft·r tranl-lit·nts and re~idents . fj2~· WAX'I'ED - \YH ITE .\I.\ I D FuH ( :8~.\lain ~trePt. l'hon t· \\'ilmt'ttt- 1080 Tltl washing. 4L) 21LT6-tfc (Jrnl }HIU:-:t·\\'tlrk: E:-;st x P.d. Phnnt· Kt·nit·worth ~2~~4. SIX t:n.TX6-1tc L.-\HC;E 1100)£ AXD ALCOYE, \'. i ltdows, wl'll lu·att:d, ~uitaiJie for two ·wil. 1271. 21I... 6:- ltp \\. A:--iTED - ( :TRL OEXEHAL Hfll'~E- · l'ri\·a tt' honw. "ork. 171 \Vnotllawn .\n·. ·:lt·ncoe ·lti7. t::J,TX6-1tc TWO HOU.\1~ "'ITIJ RU~~~~(i 'WAtt'!·, 2 bi!J.l·ks ft·om Xorth Shore lim: \\'il. :li:lS. 21 LTN6-ltc EXI'EHJE:'-.'l'J·:D BOOKKEEPEH, Fl.LL t illtt:', apply \~;ilnH·tte Chamb~r of Commern· . 13LTN6-1tp DELTI :HTF( L BACHELOR ROO:\IS, <·entral lol'ation. Photw \Vilmt·tte 2399 WA:'·.J"'rJ~D EXPJ.~RIENCED ~CRSE - - - - - - - - . . . : . - - - - - - 2 - 1L_T_.:-.;_~s_-_t_t'c fur 3 Hmall <·hildrt-n. Call Glt·nco~ 3!H. 13LTN6-ltc FOP. H.E-"'1' - 2 DESJHA BLE FROX'l' --------------------rnnms, :-:ingle or suitt-. East Side. 'l'd H lGLP V.' ANTEJ, - GIRL FOR GENH.'~ 1 ·tin 21 L'l'G-lte eral housework. riH \\o'illow Hd. Td. i"OU UE~T-APARTJIENTS Winn. 24H. 13L'l'~ti-ltp 22 EXCLURIVl<~ AGENTS i ~~ Elm Ht., ·winndka Ph. Whm. 577 OPEX ALL DAY HUNDAY 31LTN6~1tc 6 l~(l(ni:; &. Sl'~ PARLOR. ENGLISH t,\'JH". hot watt-r lwat. Lot 45xl30, $13,000.00 i nu,m tr;ttllt' htnts, ·. lot GHxln3, futun· t,tisint·~~ · l·w,..tion, $10,500.00 . FOR SALE JJ oIHlo §~lbl&®~ceif & S:ll Ride-·· A\·e. CC©o ¥.~ilrnette 364 Wilmette, Ill. 31LTN6-ltc F~ lit H.\LI·~ ;> noO~f ~EW BRICK hung-altl\\', hot wat(·r heat; large lot; tilw tran.;pnrtattoll. Buy now and trlm a nrt de<·ora.tt· to suit. $2,fi00 cash, balanvt· monthly like rent. $12,000. Wilmette 1644 31L6-ltc ;'- ' ~i \.\.' -'\ ~Q ... "L4 VV C.l\P]~ 7 ROO~lS, HOT ·wATER HEAT, MAID'S room, hath, f>xtra toilet and lavatory on 1st t1oor; ;{ hl·drooms, 2 baths and drt-s~ing room on 2nd floor; grounds 50xlSO: garagt·; a1id · abundance of shrubllt·ry ; dus~" to Sl'hoolR and transportation. Pril·t· $22,000. Terms to :-mit. Ell~&Iril©Ir lEo §lfficeirmmriD,illl HELP WAN1'ED- RELIABLE ""HIT.l<:: FOI~ RE~T - 4 ROOl\1 APART.:\I~N'l' g·irl for general housework. Tel. \\'inn. and partly furnbht-d light housekf'en59 1-WX. HL'l'NG-ltl> ing- rooms. Xt:>ar Howard S<·hool. Ref Ill .'1' "T R 1t ., Wiltnette 1183. 22L6-ltc lJ IOn FOR R~NT -l ROOl\I FLAT. 840 ~l:HUOLS AND 'fU'fORING Ct'nter St., "Winnetka. $70. per month. <'" 11 Wil. ?f::'l r .' l<"()fl WILMETTE AND KENJL\VORTH. l'OR ltENT-HOUSES We are seeking an experif:nebd man to !l r cprt>Sl·nt ns in selling tilt' better grade ...-.(-)R--H-E-,-!'\.'1 -,---R-E-'A_L_L_Y __ D_E_S_I_R_A_B_L_E_ 'rEACHER OF PIANO of residential properties and will make FQl' advanced pupils arad beginners a v<·ry satisfactory arrangement. 6 room hous(· with heated sleeping ·· ~TUDI0: 1159 WILMETTE AVE porch opt·ning off hall. Hot watt-r heat Scholarship of half tuition to ' with oil UUI'Ilt'l'. Thrt>t:' blod<s from talented pupils 'lOO Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1617 "L" in Y<·ry good sel.'tion. Hous(' in Write for circular L 6_2 tc splendid l'Ondil ion. 1 nmtt>diatt· llOSst-ss14 ion. Rental $120.00. 10aLTN4-4tc HELP WANTED - GARDENER FOR 2 days a w eek, beginning next spring. .Must be real g·ardenet· and prefer one THAT YOU 'VANT GIVEN PIANO Exclusivt- Agents with other customer!-! in Glencoe. 540 lesstms at home'! Phone 703R. Opvo~it<' "L" Terminal Ph. Wil. 68 Washington. Phone Glencoe 52. 24L6-ltc 14LTN6-ltc C D. HOME Real Estate Salestnan vValter P. Stnith & Co. 332 Park AH·. Wencoe 702-:~ 31LTN6-lte Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. I Q,,·ner I ~eaving Wiltnette HAS ASKED 1\lE 'to· GET HIM AN 01·~ ft>l' on his lJeautiful 9 room brick and stueco home, located ln :-.l. E. Section, convenient to Sl'hool and transportation. Steam ht>at with Nulcol oil burnt-1', 2 bath~. 2 largP porches, garage, highly landseapt:'d, lot 100xl95. I lave Yott. a Girl or Boy \1\'.-\ NTED :·:H~ Sheridan Road, Wilmette Piano and Vocal THtcher 10AL4-3tc f1ROCERY CLERK. EXperiPnced. Well recommended. · A. S. Vn-nDeusen. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 510 14L'rN6-ltc FOR REN'l' 4 ROOM COTTAGE, with bath; hot wat('r heat. $55. In rea.r, a:;o Oxford P.d ·r~J. Kenilworth 230 ·1. 24LTN6-ltc F. Coletnan Burroughs I u;; Wilmettl- .\ w. Ph. Wil. 640 31LTN6-1tc

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