Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 46

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WILMETTE .L IFE K. o~ C., 1 .......... ;. 1 K . of C., 2 ...........· 2 Tern:ttnal A. C., 2 ··.... 1 November 5, 1926 Wil1nette Recreation Events Team Standing Yolh· y Rall 8 Pet. 1000 1000 · ] 000 500 500 000 000 000 000 Baptist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 K of c. ............... 0 2 1 000 000 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 000 000 000 Team \Yon LO!"l 0 .American Lt·gion . .. .... :! 0 St. Joseph, 1 ........... 2 II Howard P. T. A. . ..... 1 Con~;:regational ......... I I 1 Terminal A. C. . ..... ... 1 St. Joseph, 2 .......... 0 !! St. John's ............. 11 2 Methodist .............. o 1 Presbytt>rian ........... 11 u Indoor Ball Won Lost Team 0 St. Joseph, 1 .·......... 2 0 K. of c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Terminal A. c. .......... 1 0 Howard P. T. A. ....... 1 1 St. Joseph, 2 . ........... 1 1 Congregational ·......·. 1 2 Methodist . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 0 2 Baptist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 St. John's ............. 0 Basketball Team Presb~·tt: rian \\'on I.ost ...... . . . .. ~ St. Joseph , 1 .... ...... . ~ Terminal A . C . . . . ... .. :.! St. Johns, 1 . ... . .. ..... ~ Congregational ...... ... I St. Johns, 2 ... ......... 1 Methodist, 2 . ... . ... . .. 0 Methodist, ............ 0 St. Joseph, 2 ............ 0 0 t) n 0 1 1 ~ 2 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 000 000 000 Quoits Standing· for Fir!;t Two WeekH Pet. 'l'l·am \Von Lost 1000 Methodist .............. 2 0 1000 I. 0. 0. F .. 1 . ... . ..... .. 2 0 500 I. 0. 0. F., 2 .......... l 1 500 I. 0. 0. F., 3 ......... . 1 1 500 English Lutheran ...... 1 1 500 St. .Johns .. . ........... 1 1 500 Terminal A. C.,l ....... . l 1 i!il!ilil!llliilillillill!iiii!!iiiliiiii iiiii!!il!li'!i'Ji!/ li!li!liiiiiiiliilii!li!!ilii!!!iiliiilllllli!l!i!lil i lliilliiiiiiiiiiliiiiii!!iiilliliiiiiiliiiilliliiiiiiiiiillliliiiiiliiiiiiiiliii!ii -Just a Reminder:Bulbs and Nursery Stock We are now in the midst of our fall planting Peonies, Phlox, Hardy Perennials, season. Shrubs and Evergreens. You are as close to us as your telephone. Friday, October 29-8 p. m. 500 K. of C.,l 500 Terminal A. C., 2 J. DeHaye . 1000 E. Brammer F. Kreusch 500 D. Lindblom Presbyterian ..·....··... 1 1st Game 21-18. 500 SL Joseph, 1 ... ; ...... 1 2nd Game 20-21. 500 St. Joseph, 2 ·.......... 1 3rd Game 18-21. 500 St. Joseph, 3 ; .... ...... 1 . 500 American Legion ........ 1 St. Joseph, 2 I. 0. 0. F.,l Chamber of Commerce R. Phillips 000 E. Polly Baptist ....... ....... .. 0 P. Wagner 000 J 1 Whitehouse Congrt>~ationa l ......... 0 1st Game 17-21. 2nd (;ame 21-11. Friday, October 29-7 p. m . English Lutlwran St. John's Anwrican L egion F. Staab .. .-........... Rev. H. M eye r Presbyterian L. Hopp S. Sn1ith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Aschbacht·r G. Cook Dr. Hawkin~ K Dodds D. Gash 1st Game 17-2l. 1st Gamt> 21-16 . 2nd Game 1!)-21. 2nd Game 9--21 . :Jrd Game 21-16. ::st. Joseph, 1 Congregational N. Spies .J. Hoth J. Schaefgf'n Terminal A. C., 1 St. Joseph, 3 L. Perry K Wellman L. Steffens 1st Game 17-2 t. L. Goss .J. Wagne r 2nd nanw 17-21. l\1. Powers 1st Game 21-19, Basket Ball 2nd (;ame 21-19. October 27, Stolp Sehool C. of C. St. .John's, 1 (:~5) Congn·gational (17) K. of C .. 2 Oeo. Estes ...... H.. F. . ..... E. Miller 'Von hy forfeit. B. .T ohnson ... .. . L. F. . ....... C. Alder P . .T. M 111er T. Varney ...... C.. . . . . . . . . . . X. Iliff J. Schoepen H. Flint ........ H. G ......... J. Swan ~lethodl"t B. Flint ........ L. G. . ... Z. Huffman I. 0. 0. F'., :~ · L B~ll Substltutt!H for St . .Tohml, 1-E. MyerF. RqdnP. r L: ·Todd 1 hoff and Bill Hturg(·on. . , B. Blankshcim Substitutes for CongrPgatwnal-:-\. 1<-t. Ganw !1-21. Calloway. 2ri'(l Oamr· G-21. Referee-Elmer ·wellman. I. 0. 0. F., 2 Bapti~t Scorekeeper-D. ·c. Stont·. Won by for~'eit A. H 1lls Terminal A. C. 02) D. Franko Baptist (G) L. Bates ....... H. F. . .... M:. Powl:'r~ .J. Huntley ...... L . F. . .. . . R. McLean L. Bennett ...... r .. ; ...... M. Pow e r~ A. Youngberg .. R. (.. . . . . I.. Goss, . T. Foster ...... r.... li . . ... F.. 'Veltman Substitutf·!' for Baptil-lt-Bob Borg-feldt. Sul>stltutt·s r.. r Tt-> rtnin~tl s-Ru~s .Johnson. E. BramllWl', H. St·i<lt·Jlf'Ck. H.eft->ret-s-< it·(I. Estes and Bi II St l1 r~(· on · ~e o r~k t·t· pf'r- 11. C. Stonf· . St. A. H. .T. V. E. Oetobt·r 27 .lO!'t·))h, 2 01) ' St. Jt'lhH~. 2 (12) PetC>rs ....... R. F. . . . . R. Wilson Steffens . . . . I... . . . . . . . . C. Thorpe' H()ffman . . . . C. r.. n. ~ferganthaler Df'lnle ln ..... R.n. . . . . . . H . \Volf Phillips ...... L. F. . ....... n. A beg F . . . . . . . H. Wolf HdE· r L't·-H . :\lolde nhauf:r . ..... Fountain Square Evanston Black Satin HERE are many women to whflm the appeal of lustrous black satin is almost irresistible-and no wonder. for surely this is one of the most b~autiful materials known to the f o o t w e a r world. The Talley, for example. one of our very newest models. may be had in this charming material. And with a simplicity of desi~n thJt sets off the richness of the cloth to best advantage. THE TALLEY cr Prt·s hyt erian ( 17) :\ft-'thocllst. 2 ( :·) J . f{Plnhold . . . . R. F. . . . . . P. Krf"!'gt · .T. M'ller ....... I... F. . . .... L. KnPnt-n C. Varney ...... C.... . . . . . . H . WPld F. T.unnberg· . ... n. r.. . . . . . . . . E. Hill L. S t> rvlce ...... I.. (~ . P . \ 'a nDt-rnord L . Todd ........ R. Rr·fprN·- 1i. \\'. 1 ;athf·rro:tl. St. .Joseph. 1 K. M t '. \\·nn hy forfdt Indoor Baseball St. R. .T. J. ,\ . 1·~. (k1 (lht·l' :! ' ' .T m;f·Jih, I ( "i > Stolp S1·hool St. ,}IISPl)h , 2 A. TTnffman E. Phillips ~ . F.(l. H·q·tman "\irk Spi es Hone H ()ffma n S""'n<!'in Phillips 1': . SnhniNkr Millf't' _ Hoffm :m P r· t (' I'H A. \·. P1·inldn L. \\",.iss I:. !-!t nffp n s H. l" ling ~· I!. 1\Tif·r Harry Oak s P . \'\'agn ·1· Indoor 8"11 A two-s t t a p in black satin with plain toe and Cu ban covered heel. $1 o.oo L . :vl'ltson. ~nl IL VonDerhoff. ~tHl 1~ . Wng-t~er. 0. F. L. T. Rnrh!tn!" . 0. F . F. .r. S'11ith. ~. S. P. A. StruPbing-, 0. F . l·mpirt:>H- :\.Jr. Husst'll, How :·rd P. '1'. A . ('10) ;\f .,t li "di~ t r :1) A. TIPhblf'T, C. :\f. ( 1'-'hOt'lll', (" , r:. Mclntyrl' , P . C' . Yat·n ·· \·. P . 1\L T ynch, 1~t H . T,unrlh r- rg- . 1st OC'!11her 2S n E ~1to n . S. S. p: ~l{Pw Ps. 0 . F . \.\'"~lton, ~rcl Cox. 0. F. Stokt' l', 2tH1 F.. Prt·Wt·s . P'U~ s t of her parents, Col. and Mrs. Mrs. R. 0 . Annin of Denver is the Arthur Johnson , until after the Christmas holiday s. -oMr. and Mrs. W. K. Nelson, 1514 Gregory avenue, entertained friends at a Hallowe'en party Saturday. After ~ames of bun·co, a supper was serverl the guests. Franken Brothers, Inc. Deerfield, Illinois Phone Deerfield 241 Exclusive Representative Tt-IPnltonP \\'l'm·ff· :t:t-t': DR. FRANK B. ERWIN In t·P tr.-ntmf'nt of ,-our bf'at frlf'ncl· the "Do,; antl Cat" All cnll" rPrPh· en,- pe,.····' ntt·ntlon · ltiOO 'RM1r' :\ n. Wllm·ttt~. 111. ~ttet·lnll~r.ln~ VET'ERINA1UAN

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