WI l:M ET : T E .- L' IF.:2·.: November 5, 1926 · Sixth Cra41e Leaaue Central A (2~)-Marton Burt-Wells, ;Helen Winslow, .fane More, Christine Lauridsen, Gertrude Selma Wax, · Ro!He . Russo; E~therHerbon, McKeighan ; Howara A (28 )_:_Dorothy Yewster, Ruth Berch, . Muriel . ~iey~r. Betty Paddock, Theollne LJ.mde .. Central B ( 17 )-Margaret Hughes, Mary Finlays~>n, Charlotte Wachs, Jean Mu~roe, MarJory · Houghton, Ja.net MeI.lra1th ; St. ~ranees (.20 )-LoUlse Cogh~nese, Cecelia Meyer, Marion. Weber, Margaret Benz. 1\lary Jane Curt1s, M~rlt Hanley. Dor·<;>thy ~anl~y, FranciH 1\[111!4. Alice· .Mcllra~th, Vtrgima HaYf'H. Rderec, )1tss Stopka. Mrs. F. P. Abraham of Mount PleasMr. and Mrs. A. ]. Kuelzow, 611 ant, Iowa, is the week-end guest of Greenleaf avenue, and their son, Rockwood, spent the weelt-end at the Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Aldrich of 1510 U _ ni,_versity of · Illi_noo-isfor Dads · da:\.·. J \Vilmette avenue. ·-o~ !I · .. Schoo[ . Leag~e Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall, 500 CenEighth Grade Volley Ball League Frank A. Alles is stlil confined to his tral aven.ue, visited their daughter., . Tuesday, Oetober 26 bed 'at his home at 1614 \Vilmettc aveDorothy, tn Champaign for the weekStolp C ' (15)-Fannie Brown, Daisy end. · Barret(, Meta Miller, \\' ilhna Cobb Flornue. ence Hansen, Isabel Cracraft, Jean' Lind- - - - - -- strom, Raine Burgess, Mildred Andersen, Ethel Cooke ; Howard B ( 22 )-Mary J~llen Boozer, Marjorie Mergf'nthaler Hazel Knepper, Virginia Burge:ss Mar~ gerie Hacker, Agnes Hose Sehwa'll, Ernestine Behrens, "Wilma Guenther, Clara Wolff,, W'inifred Dingle. Stolp R (30)-1\largart·l Bickham, F'rances Lutz, Dorothy \\·inzt·nburg, Amy Clagett, Huth Coh(·n, Jane Cohm, Clain· Simon, Emily. McGinley, Ja.rn1 · Hardwick, Effie James, 1\Iary Jane Read ; St. Frances ( 25 )-Jane Norman, CatherinE' Lt.-ary, Patsy Boy.J,<;ton, Marion Towles Rita Weber, Marion Sehwall, Bett,: Splain, Marguerite 1\IeCann, Helt>n Ober1 ~Pier, Amy Crumlis~ Sis Gleason. Seventh Grade Volley Ball League Thursday, October 28 Stolp 7B ( 2~ )-RHty ·wilson, Mary .June Miller, Margarf't J<;beling. Elf:'anor Culver, Shirley Popp, Lucia Hnllistf'r, Marie Berger, Virginia Halley, J.<;lsltWade, Helen Jones; St. Frances 7B ( 30) - :\1a.ry Jane Rich, .Mary Elizabeth Colleyer, Margaret TOl\.lf's, Kathleen Har\'ey, Jane Perkowitz, Mary Florencf" Koenig, Claudine Mac Kinnon, Percilla .Jone~. Katherine Pearson. : I 'I . . here charming home ·atmosphere is an object · ISCRIMINATING people have commented on the degree to which The John Evans reflects the true home atmosphere of Evanston. It is true that this was a major object in its design. Not just a new, well located and convenient apartment was sought. These things provided a groundwork-they are there, of course. But added to them is a new idea-.an apartment desi'gned and built Girls' Volley Ball League Howard school, October 28 l\.· utral 6C ( 4 ) - Lucy Clagett, Anna.bt· ll Drown, KatharinP Yathan, .Jane Engel, Pri~dlla \~'hecloek. Eleanor Moulding, Beth .Mcllraith, 1 )orothy Jane Orr. E 1 lt:t-n Burke, Pauline Kt>hling; Howartl 6R (22)-Kathlyn \\·elter, Alict> Skelton, Ae-nt'4 Andersnn, Ruth Gener, Elsie Carlen, Margh" Patt~rson, Allee Nord, 1\Iar,..fe Iverson, H£'lt-n l\Iilh'r, ·wlnlfrN\ Barry. HP'~"rt-t· - Ml~s RP e ~ e r. I \ I I ~ Assistant-Ruth Smith. Stolp 7 A ( 22) - Htlen T·t ft. ~lanmn·t :1\[ary Lauer, June Orwig, Elt·anor Ztm ich, Charlotte Nelson, OllvP. Brower, Howard 7B ( 28 )-Lorrair\" Haigh. Dorothy Kunzer, Flora H·)lm Hanson, Loui!:H· l·~ldrid,rE'. Dorothy ~oblE', l<;lalnt' A lht·rga, Doris Good. Reft>ree-1\liss Reeser. Assistant-Ernestine Behren~ . Stolp, 7A) (22)-Helen T·\ft, )('l.rgar.·t H"rris. Janet Mcllraith. Marv Thaleg, :\Iary Jan('t Elder, Isabel Zimmerman, ~"rol J.~wrt'nce . Ethel Ellis: T#'W'trd 7A (16 ):_Marion Tubbs, Janet 1\kConahey, Lauretta Anderson, Isabell Hasklngs, l<~lize~beth Fowler, Betty .Jarw Haigh, ('hric(· :\"ewhagt.- n, Glady!'! D1 · lan~c Ruth Smith. · H.f'ff·rt: \ '-·~fiss R eeser. As~i~tant - \Vilma. Guntlwr. October 26th Stolp' 8A. ( 12 )--Loni!--le Shf')Jh c r<l. ~[H.J' · g-aret Stackhouse. Mary Brown. Phlllb.;'. nrnwn. Et.hel SJmrk. JanE> Spr 1ngPr : Howard RA ( 22 ) - Betty R11<'kPtt. K·1th·· r1nt' nronuing, . Caroline H ~ t-r, Yir,rinia Sprag-ut·, 1\Tary . Fan·inl, ·J{athl'rinc ~Iax ,.,.Pll, M·1.rjori · 1\IaxwPll. Hut h 1\ft'f'onn alw~· . :'ofo.lly 1\Jick ey, lse John~on. D I l · _ Temperamental I . . ! I I ·R adio? · .·. Th.e .. as you would build your own home. You"ll find it in ,the .co~veniertt arrangement of thespa~ious rooms ..You ,11 appreciate it when the sunlight streams in across a quarter acre_ of garden. In the kitcher:t with #s incinerator, mechanical refrige_ ration, and spotless . eabinets, in tiled baths with overhead showers in ample closets, in fixtures quietly bea~ti.. ful, you ,11 sense this attention to the vital things of home. And in all four, five,. and six room apartments there "s a final touch in the real wood burning fireplaces. If. you care about these things come and 1nspect The John Evans. You ,11 find it on the quiet edge of activity,in Evanston. 'three Rooms Household ·Radio ··Service takes all the grief and rrouble off your haJ~ds for a small sum each month. .I. Girls Take Up Archery in Gymnasium Classes ·1 'hr time honored sport of archery ha s just lately been instituted in the girls' gym classes at New Trier. It will be taught by M ·iss Boulton, and h,· ~{iss Fogg, of the gymnasium staff . The school is particularly fortunate in . being able to offer this sport which is good exercise and still not too strrn uous. Becau s e it is so expensive. only a few prt·p schools havr been ahk to 1 offer it. · All the girl~ iJ· the . school . will IH.: eligible to learn .to ~hGot with the how and . arrow if they so desire. 1 It's Complete We make monthly inspecti~n: come when ~ailed : service ALL makes radio: and show bow the best reception can be obtained. I I It's _ Priced Right The cost is monthly and small; as low in some instances as $1 .oo per month. to Six Rooms It Never Sleeps We are open from 8 A. M .. to Midnight, Sundays and Holidays included. It's Expert Corner of Davis Street VICTOR C. CARLSON OaG.f\NIZATION . ~rlson Building, 6~6 Church Street, EvANSTON Rrnting Office: S. W. Corner Hinman and Davis c.. Greenfeaf 500 CHICAGO, Shek:lral{e 0500 The department is in charge of ·a man whose 14 years in Radio includes U. S. Navy experience. Household Appliance Shop G 607 Main St. Wilm~tte N 0 w R E N T I N H. ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. 57 5 1 Rave~swood Ave·· Chicago, Illinois. Write for ctJttJlogru. J. Our Newest Creation in Modem Memorials Tel. Wil. 3842