W.lLMETTE LIFE November 5, 1926 Buy Right or Rent Right 'Wilmette's Greatest Offering D. E. Allen, Jr., of the real estate Ifirm of Eddington and Allen, 410 Linden avenue, Wilmette, has temporarily migrated south with the ducks and, with trusty old "flint-lock" and the ·prowess of ;;t huntsman of years experience, confidently expects to hag a lot of game during the next few weeks. His itine:ary, will he ?an A1~tonio ~nd B~ownsvJII_e, fexas. w1th. a lng hunt~ng tnp o\·er Ill to Old :M ex teo., followmg·J.c· ~xped 1 t.on . 1n rn \\ e~1 l exas and I ~f cxtco. h~ . w1ll . go . to Lu~ Angeles. C~l:, to v1stt ht. · s1stt·r. 1\1 rs. ]. 0. Kllta.n. He ~XJH~ cb to he gone five or s1x weeks. D. E. Allen, Jr., Goes South on Hunting Trip Erect Many Homes in New Subdivision .Area in Winnetka " --c ·· h1s charming American Colonial, with five bedrooms on second floor and a large billia:d room on the first, has recently been, regretfully, left behind hy the owner, who has been called to Europe. '! here IS a good hot water }]eating plant, a commodious two-car garage, and the grounds are wonderfully wooded and shrubbed and com~ prise one of the finest corners in the northeast section. The exposure is south and east, by far the best, and the lot is 1 oox r8o feer. Owner does not want this to umain vacant all winter, so offers for buying and renting are invited. Improvements of a very ~igh clas~ nature are now under way m the extreme south portion of Winnetka, that small area south of Winnetka ave~llle which was only recently taken mt11 that village. , Two new residences arc ~:mder c on struction 011 the south side ~f 1leadow road, aJ. . out 100 feet east of Ridge, and it is said there are to be other home ~ erected in that section soon. H. J. Schwarm. who is in the olumbing- hu stness in Chicago, is building a $20,000 hri·c k residence of Spanish type, wit! a towl'r and 'tile roof. Tt will alsn Herman Sund Buys Three have a larg-e sleeping porch and an at Lots for Colonial Houses tached heated garage. E. C. Phillips acted as broker for The Schwarms arc hoping to ha\'c all contracting parties, in two real the place ready for occupan<·v by Jan estate transaction s involving the sale uary 1, or very soon thereafter. The lots in this section have fifty of three lots on Central Park avenue, to Herman Sund, local contractor and feet frontage and are 190 feet deep. On ' · builder, and an American colonial cot- the lot directly west of the Schwarn: tage located at 1701 Elmwood avenue property. ground was broken this week to C. B. Cochran of ~Iinncapolis, Minn. for a six room residence for B. Lan · Mr. Sund has purchased the lots don, of Chicago. The Landon ~omt ·for the purpose of building three en- will be of stucco on concrete cmder tirely modern dutch colonial house~. blocb, with tile roof, and of a very Building operations will begin at once pretty design which is being w?rke<i 1 and the homes will he offered for sale out hv ~~ ueller & Son, of Clucago, general ·contractors. when completed. 1 'l J ~ t ,, I ' ..t. Mrs. Ira Jones entertained the memhers of the Thursdav luncheon and bridge club at her home in Glencoe Thursday. Moon Mullins Sidesteps Gumo's Paradh;~ Vista Andy Gump's "Paradise Vista" sub division apparently has no appeal fo r Frank H. Willard, whose contractors. Drake Brothers, of 520 Davis street. E-~anston, this week broke ground for his new home in northwest Kenilworth . The Chica~ro Tribune's originator of the :Moon Mullins et al cartoons, i ~ building on one of the manv prett~ sites along Ridge avenue at this point on a lot with 160 feet fronting west on Ridge by 200 feet in depth. He is building an English house of timber an<l half stucco and comprisin g twelve rooms. In addition, there wil l · he a large studio room for Mr. ·\Vil · lard, above the attached garage. It is to be one of the prettiest of the many new residences which arc now underway or being planned for this rapidly developing area, it is said . r -,. BEIMSEN REALTY CO. Owner's Agents 421 Fourth St., Wilmette Phone Wil~ 2760--460 CAN I GET THE \ RIGHT REAL E~TATEI AI)VICE WHERE t J / I Dr. M. C. Hecht Home Undergoes Remndeling The residence of Dr. M. C. Hecht, at 1042 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, i~ 1 I undcrgoin!.! extensive improvcmc_nt~ I costing $5,000. A general remoclelmg of the first floor according to plans by ' Architect Albert S. Hecht, comprise tlw main improvements. Two new bat!. rooms arc to be installed on lhe second I floor. Dr. Hecht says it will he tht: first of the year before all work, in -· eluding that of re-decorating, is com · pletcd. Employment in the I cent above the scale state is 6 per for 1925 and .=per cent above that of 1924 and in dustries have continued through the summer without a lull. T'S a burning shame for people to receive inferior I coal. Each ton of our coal reaches the comfort-goal each shovelful brings heatperformance. We bring contentment to your home by the truck load. Phone Winnetka 450 We'll do the ~est. Have proved North Shore Suburban res1lllt-l'~~t. fuud~ S1f2S MONEY to loau on chotce lm· id .. nce propt-rty at 51,-.,: '7o ae..: us on rPnPWR Is. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 -- ---------- I