WILMETTJi ' LIF · E eye. The magnet, at the .Evan~~on hospital, was not strong enough to remove it but the more powerful instruCarl Braun, of 931 Oak street, Win- ment at 'the Chicago Eye 7Ear, Nose netka, a member of the firm of Braun and Throat hospital drew it out. Brothers, 723 Oak street, is in the EvDr. Dodd, who performed the operaanston hospital where he was taken tion, says there is a bare possibility Monday, following an injury to an eye. that the eye may be saved, but de. . . . . dared the injury may impair the viWhtle dnvmg a natl, a large piece sion, if not totally destroy it. Several of the head chipped off and became days will be necessary to determine deeply imbedded in Mr. Braun's right I the final outcome. Uae Powerful Magnet to Remove· Splinter from Eye Display Red Cross. Work at Sesqui-Centennial In no way' are the activities of the American Red Cross depicted in better display than at the exhibit in one of the large buildings at the Intern~tiot}al Exhibition commemorating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, it is stated. The Red Cross booth is situated about mid,vay in this long building, near the foreign exhibitions, and is di\·idcd into two sections. Philip LaFollette to Address Forum Gather:ng Sunda"' " J New Cream Top Milk' Comes from Tubercular· tested co~. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our D1·ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. 16c per quart The cream .taken from this milk will whip s E R v I Philip LaFollette, younger son of the late Senator Robert M. LaFollette, and universally regarded as a perfect suc-cessor to his father, will be the speaker at the Chicago Forum, Sunday afternoon, November 7, Fred A. Moore, director of the Fprum announced. Mr. LaFollette will speak on the subject .,A Progressive Looks at Hi~ Country." He will not only deal with national, political and economic probAn archwav leads from one side to terns, but will also speak out of hi~ t~u~ c,ther. at~d prominently on either experiences as district attorney of s.l<lc ?f tl11s ar~ the autog~aphed over Dane C.o unty, Wis., in dealing with !tfe-stzc P_?rtratts of Prcs1de.nt Cool- criminal law. These experiences will tdge, prcstdent of the Amencan Na-1 have a direct relation with criminal tiona! Red Cross, .and of Judge John gangs and hoot-leggers in Chicago and Barton Payne, chamnan of the central vicinity. commit tel' . Ov~r the hoot h fly Rrrl The mcctiJ~ will be held at the Cro~~ ami Amencan flags. Erlanger theater Sunday afternoon at 3: 15 o'clock. ).fr~. \V. E. Ingersoll, SIR .Ll'ntral avenue, is the guest of her niece, ~1 rs. 11 rs. Perry Lie her of Evanston and L. C. Childs, in Glen Ellyn. Mr:-~ . In- 1lrs. F. \V: A.i-mstrong of the Edgl' g-ersoll vi sited her sister, ~f rs. J. M. water Beach hotel, entertained \Vccl Fuller, at her home in Oak Park last nesday in honor of Mrs. Lieber·~ week. .She is leaving for Florida soon sister, ~~ rs . John Sumner Cross]e,· ni after her return. \Vheaton. who arrived last week {or ;t two \\eeks' vi!>it with her parents. ~1 r. and Mrs. Charles McCUl' . 631 \V ,t:>h · ington ave nne. ~f r. Crossley has gc,n~· to visit his mother, Mrs . Thnn1a" Crossley, in Honesdalt·. Pa. -o~1 is s Elizahl'th and . ~fi ss Fral lCt· Cutlt'r, lO(Jl Lakl' avenue, Miss FranCl" i Sc heiden hl'lm, H04 Fores t av<:n ue, and }.tiss Elizabl'th Pope. 010 Lake avrntlt'. went ·to Champaig n for tlw week -end Iand \\Trt· guc~t.; :It till' Alph a Phi {. y c E ! lwu se. i CADILLAC knows that service-reliable, · prompt, economtcal is the foundation of the satisfaction which owners have a · righ_ t to enJOY with their cars. That is why the 1argest and most complete service station on the North Shore is a Cadillac service station. ! 11r. and ~lrs . .:\. c·. Thayer, Jr.. oi the Linclencrcst, spent the week-end at the University of lllinois. ·-()- 1he stgn of official, authorized Cadillac Service -- courteous, prompt, efficient, economical SIT Now · For Your Christmas Photographs In November we can render far bener service than during thr Christmas rush. We can accommodate you in every way possible-hold the pictures for delivery until the week before Christmas and generally be of greater satisfaction rhan if you "put ir off until the last minute." ,, J ,;. ;... } ,, EVANSTON BRANCH t: I r. CADILLAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE Stanton Wilhite 743 Elm Street Winnetka Phone Winnetka 210 University 86oo Rogers Par~ 9133