Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 32

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WJ.LMETTE LIFE November s, 1926 Earnest Group Promotes Art Appreciation on North Shore Art League Now Increasing Scope .· of Its Activitie... Married in October Members of Society Will North Shore Club Be Specta:ors at Game Gathers for Gay The interest society feels in sports will be manifested at the hockey game to be played between the Black Hawks of Chicago and the Canadian championship team at the Coliseum Wednesday evening, November 17. One of society's pet organizations, the Junior League, will derive the benefit of one-half of the proceeds from the ice-hockey game, fifty per cent of whi-ch will be . divided among various charities in which the league is interested. The game will be given under the auspices of the American Hockey association and is in charge of the officers of the association who are Frederick McLaughlin, president; Lucius Ordway, vice-president; John J. Mitchell, treasurer. Russell Forgan, Huntington Henry, E. A. Cudahy, John ]. Mitchell, Silas Strawn, Newton Perry, Allen Swift and John Winterbotham are among the box holders for the contest. Tickets may be obtained in Winnetka from Mrs. John L. Dole or from Mrs. Frederick W. Copeland. By MARGERY WINDES Football games may come and football games may go, June and September brides may marry and bridge parties and benefits be giv<'n, but artists on the north shore work during the week, and every week-end, to further the appreciation of art on the north shore. and to improve their skill in their own particular branch of art. There are no crowds and frantic cheer-leaders to spur on the members of the North Shore Art league. There are no gate-receipts nor bands to .play, but just the urge to paint. draw, sketch or just appreciate. The next meet~ng of the leagm·, the first one following the exhibit and meeting held at Community House, Winnetka, recently, "·ill be held at Ravinia Community House, Ravinia, Friday, November 19. The R~vinia Sk,etch · club will give an exhibition of work done during the summer. Each week-end this club met and · sketch~d. The members picked up their easels, and went out into the Photo by Toloff On October 6 the marriage of Miss country near Ravinia, and spent Saturday afternoons sketching. As the Catherine Louise Schultz to Charles light grew dim, and the pictures chang- Edward Schwall took place in the Mrs. ed before them with the setting sun, St. Francis Xavier church. the afternoon's work was set up in Schwall is the daughter of Mr. and view of each 1nember, and criticized. Mrs. Henry Schultz of 1209 WashingCollegiate youngsters might have call- ton avenue. Mr. Schwall is also a resied such an org~nization a "Truth club." dent of Wilmette. Not only will the exhibition be on display, but the Ravinia \\' orkshop Former N~w Trier Girl members will present a play written by the Rayinia playwright, :Mrs. Lulu Will Re,present Smith Warmington. The play, entitled, "The \Vonl has · been received that Miss Skeleton in the Closet," promises to be Caroline Roherts oi 760 Prospect aveeither very excitit)g in an adventurous nue, \\'innetka. \\·ho is attending Smith way, decidedly humorous, or both. The college, 1\:orthampton, ~~ass .. has been program will begin at 8 o'clock. Mem- chost.·n hy tilt· college to act as its bers of the club and their guests are repre se ntative at the !\;ational Student invited. Fedl'ration conference to he held at Under the direction of an able group the Cnivtrsity oi ~fichigan, in Ann of officer!\, the league i~ on the way to Arbor, Dect:mher 2. 3. and 4. Miss an e~ceedingly active year. James Robt'rt~ ,,·ill he Smith's onh· repre senCady Ewell, member of the Ra\·inia tative at the conference, ,~· hich is of Sketch club and a re~idcnt of Ravinia. course. a distinctin> honor. is president for the coming year. W. Miso.; Roberts, who is president of T. Jones of \Vi! met te, acti \·e in the the Senior Debating council at the work of the Business Men's Art lrague college. tried out successfulh·, and ha s of Chicago. will sen·e a:' vice president. won a place on the deba"ting tram Cora Gould Dades of \\'innetka will which debate with a Cambridge act as secretarr, and Elizabeth Bolden- university team from E11gland. The weck oi \Vilmrtte i~ to he treasurer debate occurred Frida,·, Kovember · 5. this year. · Miss Roberts was v~n· active in New The board of directors include!'\ rrp- Trier High school, was ·a counselor for resentativ<>s from Lake Forest to Ev- som(· years in fndian Hill camp and anston! Harrv L. Timmins of Kenil- has been one of tht' leaders of her worth. Frank - Penaud of Ravinia. cla~s at Smith college. Rudolph Ingerle ~f Highland Park. Jesse Smith of Highland Park. Dorothy Ros s of Glrncoe. Allen Philbrick Dance for Organ Fund of \Vinnetka. Edna Peterson Johansen, The \\'ilmette chapter of . Ea~tcm Marie GaltaghfT of \Vinnetka. Percv ~tar will give a dance and card party Eckhart of Kenilworth. ~f r:;. Alonzo Friday evening. Konmlwr 12, in the Coburn of \Vilmette, Mrs. Albert H. new Masonic temple at 1010 Central Ullrich of Evanston, \Viltiam A. ·stew- avenue. U usic will he provided In· Art ham of \\ innetka. Bertha van\Va - Cmenhofer's Blue Dragon orchestra of $lancn Alling. of Lake F0rest. and Chicago, which the committee anKate Bacon Bond of \\'innetka. nounces, plays "peppy music." AttracBelle Vennema of \Vinnetka is chair- tive prize!'\ \\ill he given for dancing. man of the publicity committee, and bridge, five hundred and hunco. Mrs. Winifred Ta\'lor of \Vilmette is The iuud ior an org-an in the ne,,· social chairman. temple will be swelled by the proceeds from this affair, which will commencr Commencing at 10 o'clock this morn- at 8 o'clock. ing and continuing until the latter part The Evanston branch ot the Chicago of the afternoon, women of Wilmette are invited to flather at the Woman's Junior School for hoy~ near Elgin is cJub of Wilmette for the Friday all- planning a bridge party Monday, Noday sewimr meetinl?' held under the vember 15, in the nev'l Georgian hotel auspices of the philanthropy deoart- in Evanston at 2:15 o'clock in the afment of the club. Luncheon will be ternoon. Mrs. S. E. Minor, Wilmette served at 12 :30 o'clock, and the sew- 2449 and Mrs. R. C. Millen, Wilmette ing will be done for the Mary Bartelme 3399. are in charge of selling tickets home. for the affair. Carnival Frolic Tht: North Shore British American club will hold it~ annual carnival at Comm·unit y House. \Vinn etka, Saturday night, November 6, at 8 o'clock. The carnival will he held in the gymna sium. which is to be decorated by a committee. The Skylark orchestra will furnish unusually good music. it is announced. and rdreshm ent s will be served during the evening. Tilt· committee wishes to announce that all those attending the dance arc asked to comt· in col!tume if they care to. F<Jvors, naper caps, confetti and serpentine wilt be supplied at the dance. Information regarding tickets which are on sale now, may had from ~frs. \\". G. Roberts at \Vinnetka 1434, who is secretary of the cluh. and is in charge of ticket selling. One of tht' unusual features of the danct.'. will .ht.· a prize waltz. A prize will he awarded to the couple that w a I t z e s the best according to the opinion of the judges. Two more dates for club activities have been announced. On November 11, thc cluh will hold its regular Card night, when whist will be played, prize~ awarded. and refreshment s serve d. Foll owing the whist there will be in formal dancing. The Carnival being a special event, the regular meeting of the club will he held as usual th e last Saturdav in the !llOnth, Saturday. November 27. ·I be Second Club Subscription· Dance Is Gi'Ven Tomorrow Tomorrow evening occurs the second in the serirs of six subscrition dan,.es given hy the \\.oman's club of Wilmette itl its clubhouse. The proceeds from this series \\·ill be ~iven over to thr club building fund. The popularity of the first of these social affairs augurs well for the remainder of the dances. ~lore single tickets than usual are available. Mrs. George Edward Walk is the dance chairman. assisted by Mrs. H. \\'. Mons, Mrs. J . B. Denman. Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, Mrs. T. E. Thompson, ~{ r~ J. H. Stackhouse. Mrs. H . J. Xewton, and Mrs . R. A. Wheelock. == ·= Today's Party Aidr Vets 'The home of Mrs. Edward J. Mc Ardle, 111 Broadway, will be opened this afternoon at 2 o'clock, for a card party to be given by the comm'ittee on frienclh· co-oneration with ex-servict.· men of the \Voman' s Catholic club of \Vi I m e t t c. Com111ittt>e members in chanre are Mrs. L. vV. Crush. Urs. P. J, Joyce. Mrs. R. C. Ro ss, Mrs. ]. ] . . Mills. Mrs. J osen h .T over, Mrs. G. E. Ludwig, Mrs. Alfred Ruhy, Mrs . ]. E. Dempsey, M r:;. P . J. McGurk, and Mrs. John Boy 1s t on. Mrs. McArdle i~ chairman of the affair. Tea Hostess Monday ~1 rs. A. Ball;:~rd Bradlcr oi 808 vVillow mad will entcrtai;1 at tea. ).fonda\·, i\on·mhcr 8. from 4 until () o'clock: at her home. itl honor of her two ~istrrs. Mrs. Preston W~'lls and ~r rs . Paul \. McPherson of vVinnrtka. ~f r~. Bradley \\·ill he assi"tf'd hy Mrs . Robert Lawrence. Mr . . Irving- Odell, M r~ . Tom \Veils, 1f rs. Erskine \Vildrr, 1hs. A. Fletd1er ~hr~h. Mrs. John N. Ott. ~Irs. Harvc G. Badge row, Mrs . Allen L. \\.ithers. Mrs. Henry A. G;:~rdn('r, ~{rs. GPorge .B . Calkins. and ~r rs. r.cog~e Smith. League Bridge This Week The North Shore Catholic vVoman's league is giving a card party for the benefit of its social service deuartment at the Orrington hotel Saturda \' afternoon, November 6, at 2 o'clock Tickets may be ohtained from ·Mrs . \Villiam Snvder of Glen cot·. Mrs. N. P. Anderson of Evanston is general chairman of the affair. the only benefit given during the year for the social service department of the leaQ:ue. Mrs. William Snvder and Mrs. John Janette of Kenilworth are on the committee arranging for the party. Dance Classes Open Commencing this c'·.e ning, high school dances conducted bv the Parent- Teacher association of Wilmette will he held at the \\.oman's club every other Friday evening t!ntil March 18. The classes wilt convene at 7 under the instruction of Mrs. Edwina Martine V\T eckler, and will close at H :45. Current ballroom dancing v.-ill he taught. Mrs. A. H. Vosburgh, Wilmette 2344. is in charge of arrangements during- the abseuce of Mrs. \Vitliam E. Duff. Plan Tri Delt Benefit Mrs. George Gonsalves of 919 Hill road, Winnetka. is to ooen her homr for the benefit of the Delta Delta Delta sorority house to · be erected at North·w estern universitv. The Nortll Shore alliance of the Tri-Delts is giving series of benefit card oarties t<' raise money for the new buildinlZ:, and The Xorth Shore Vassar club will Mrs. Gonsalves' residence will be the hold a meeting Mondav, November 8, setting of surh an affair the eveningat the home of Mrs. Keith Preston of of November 20. 729 Emerson street. Evanston. ·The club will hold election of officer~ for A social afternoon g-i'!"en by the vVilthe coming year. mette chaoter of the Order of Eastern Star will l>e held at the home of Mrs. Saturday, December 4, has been the Lilla Watkins. 1322 Greenwood avenue. day announced for the bazaar to be Wednesday afternoon, November 10 at g-iven by the Girl's club of New Trier 2 o'clock. Bridve, five hundred ~nd High school. bunco will he played.

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