Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 20

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20 WILME.TTE LIFB November 5, 1926 Old Quilts and Fancywork ART EXHIBIT NOV. Feature Presbyterian Sale ~ Floreminc Model From these six choose the piano that completes your home CV"ouR piano is not only heard, but cl ;un. And since it is a dominant element in the decorative scherne, you should have an instrument thatis as cor· rect in design as it is beautiful in tone! We are ·displaying the Estey Baby ,Grand in six period models- Flemish. Louis XVI, Queen Anne, Chippen· cale, Heppelwhite, Florentine. From these six beautiful pianos it is easy to choose the one to harmonize with the decoration of your living room. And remember that the Estey ts first of all a fine piano of superb.tone. At $985 the Estey period Baby Grand is one of the greatest values which Estey, in all its fifty-five years as b~ilders of fine pianos, has ever offerea. This price includes a rorrect period bench to match. A visit to oar'piano salons where you An exhibition of quilts, some of them for Chrlatmu Giviaa, to Be Dia· · over a hundred years old, will be one pla:recl by Uaiyenity Guild of the features at the sale of fancy articles which the Woman's society of the Presbyterian church is holding Opening Nov. 23, it was announced Friday afternoon and evening at the at .Monday's t~eeting of th~ University home of Mr ;;. James S. Rowley, 1128 ~mld, there w1ll be. a .showm~ . of etchGreenwood avenue. m¥s and small pamtmg~-thmgs. t.hat wtll be on sale for Chnstmas gtvmg, Other features, ~nanag~d by separate at the Orrington hotel ball room. Spokes of the soctety, w1ll be the po~t The display will be one of the series office and. the refreshments. Tea wtll of art exhibits that the guild is offering be serv~d m the aft.ernoon and ref.resh- the T~vanston and north shore public ments m the evenmg. There wttl be l115 · · ff reate an at candies and delicatessen articles in ad- t season m. e ort to c dition tn tl,e rc(r,shnwnts. A.ll Spokes m~sp.hcrc. lookmg towards ~he eventual are helping in the sale of fancy arti- 1 hmldmg ~)f an. art museum tn Evanston. cles, which include aprons, towels and The entnes w1ll be wc;>rks of E;vauston, linens, suitable at Christmas time. North Shore and ~h1cago arust.s. The society has opened the sale to ~omorrow cvenmg a reception ~o others who arc not members of the ·gmld membe(S an.d. art P.atr?ns \~111 church and the members have been in- open the loan exh!blt, entncs mcludmg vited t~ attend with their friends. valuable paintings l.ent by .Evan.ston owners to be on d1splay untsl Frtday, Nov. 19. Among- the young people of Wilme.tte attending the .University of IlliLEASE WILMETTE HOME no1s who arc expectmg to come home I this week-end for the Chicago-Illinois J. Golrlherg and family, formerly of game are Dorothy Hall, Ethel Colwell, Evanston, have leased through F. H . Jim Sheridan, Dan Huguenin, Jack Gathercoal, the new residence properRobertson, Bill Jordan. The fathers of ty at 1725 \Vilmette avenue, Wilmette . the young men were their guests at the recently completed by Victor A. Olsen . University last week-end on the occasion of Dad's day. Mrs. \V. H. Hayt of 1310 Hill strctt -oha~ been the guest of her mother, Mr~ . Two north shore boys who have been F. C. Scclhach, in Clevdand, and is re made members of the freshman foot- turning to \Vilmette this week-end . ball team at Beloit college this fall are Mrs. Hayt has been traveling for four Jackson Webster of Winnetka and weeks to points including, beside ~ Walter S~hroeder of Glencoe, New Cleveland, Wa shington, Queb ec :mel Philadelphia. Trier High scho.ol graduates. -0- Etching· and Small Paintinga, Suitable -o- Mrs. G. A. Magee of Two Rivers, \Vis., and Mrs. F. M. Kitmarsh and her daughter, ] ?nice, of Manitowoc, Wis., left last week after a ten day visit with Mr. and · Mrs. C. A. Keller at 820 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and ~1 rs. Harrv A. Brown o i 819 Ashland avenue a1;d Mr. and ~frs . Earl 'Gibbs of Highland Park spent the week-end at the Cnivcrsity of Illi nois with Paul Brown, son of Mr. atHI Mrs. Brown. FREDERICK E·. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director .1. ' Twenty-two years of successful professional service.' Personaily recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of .o thers whom we have served on the north shore. We personally attend all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and 'conscientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all la.dies' and children's calls. can see and play these instruments will establish the truth of this st:.~tement. YtNr 111111 piano 'VIii/ bt attl/ltJ IIJ pari }IIJI'Itlll. ClnJ·tnitnl ttrm I·Jmtnts 111111 bt J'tllllgtd. Private De Luxe Ambulance Serviee The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambu-· lance service has made it neccessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipm-P.nt, an Ittvalid Coarh which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Displa.v Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" North Shore Talking Machine Co. 71Z Church Street EYuutoa 554 Ceater Street, Winaetka Opea Tuesday, Tlaunda:r aad Saturcla,. EYeninaa MHS. F. E. LEWIS Lady Attendant Rrsidrncr Pbont Wilmrttr 3552 FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone Wilmette 3552 . I

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