Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 13

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November 5, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 1st .Congregational Stephen A. Lloyd WilHa m E . McCormack . On F r ida y the Centr a l avenu<· Circle, .\ LrH. J. M. T. Boyd, ch ai r man, will b e ··nh,· ttai ned at the home of 1\fr s. l\1. A. Clampitt, 1121 Central avenuL· and each mnH·ber is asked to bring her own bazaa r work. Mrs. I. R. Adkins aml :\Tr~ . ·o. ()bon are the assisting hoslL·~!o;··~ . Tht..: Sea S c outs m eet at 7 :::n 1·. m. Friday. Ewart Cook, ~kipper. Ministers: .. . -o;r.;o~li" · o~~~~.: o. rJ-· ~~-~-~-~. ·· o~~ ,,A. -~~~~ ·.. a., · ~ ~ . ""t~ . . · ·.· '. ·~-,~t'. .~.~~ .. , .. . . . . * Friday C:V('ning tht~ JuniGr ll v parlJm~ nt >lt' th~· Church ~rhflol will han.: u party .tt th e <.: llurc h at 7 :30 o'clock. 4\11 Ut' partm e nts of tiH~ Chut'l'lt ~t·hoo l lwg in tlwlr St:!rv ice promptly at !f :30 ··'<'lcll'k Sunday morning-. Tll1· .Junior t·u ngrt·g-ation ~ e rvice is hc l cl at 10 :~0 a . Ill. Th is Sunday Miss EstlH·r .\ . Pun,-h, ·t·, superint(mdent of our <'!lurch ~c ho1,l. will" SPt ak. The Junior d10lr l··a d~ the singing at this servic1· . ·\t th e J 1 o'c·lock s~' rvic e of w·>r:--hip on :-;uuday morning the dt·aron::; for tht· 1H·w ~···ar wi ll b e ordain E- d and install t· ll . nr. LI"Y'l will pn·ar'h on "How t() ~a\.. a '\t illi11n." Tht· \Vilmdt· ~ Sunday En:ning ~ 1Wt'ls In t his churrh at 7 :~0 p. m . "lt :-· t'IH4 (;hprrt e will speak, an<l .\fildn·d Smith Bolan wi ll sing. <' lub l >r. :\fiHH Tlu· Hoos c v~>lt troop il··a rlqu~rtf' rs Tut' sday No. 2, C' \'f'nin!;!. mt · · · t~ at nt i : 1 :i. 1Ia \'id King, scoutmaster. ( 111 ,V.,dnPsday the .Junior choir lllt ·t·ts t' o1· l't·ht·n l's::tl nt 4 p. m. und(·r t lw din·l·t t i·Hl ot' \V . E. Mt' Cormack. assi!'t l' d IJ\' :\11·~ . L . F. Gatt!:S all(l l\lrs. F. '\\'. Iri sl1 . · A Picture with Something Left Out ... Tht· f'hurch Fnmtly Kight dinn..t· o n \\···dnt·sday t>vt'nin~· at ti ::lO ,,'f'lnt'lc --ia \.,. ~· om· W erlnt ·!-' rlny night ftll' t hr· ·· hlll't'h. Th e nig-Sing· Sl' l'\'l( '(· lt-d hy '\1 t'. :\Tr·Cormack. ·'I· !Hlllf'tf'l1 b~' ]))', Tlw clt ·\' oti o nal s· ·n i···· Ll oyd . Tht· ~Jw t·h l T ·· Jtt· ·rt a inm nnt ~Pr\'ic· ·. Sa\·,. vom· '\\.t·oln· · ~day ni g- ht f o r th· ·~ · · · <tncl tht · j"·' !n lo ··ing with your c hun·h family . Th· · Y c .un ~· p, .n pJ, .·~ \\·· · tlnt ·~ ·lay ,.,·,.ni ng: <tl ~ \\ ' l f· ·a iJ ~-', d 11 dr pr:tt 'l it· t· : :111 p . m . l'" l'l· ·r c'lirt·(·tor. <111 n· ·xt Fri1l:tv tilt · '\\· .. man' s ... ,il d ·.1·!! ht.ld tJH ·il' ll1 1 .11llhJy all day 111o ·..t' lll!. .\fr!". L. L. l'I· J'l'y. ])l't · ~irl;·nt of th r· p; ·t i It! at 1 ~ ,,·, ·l··t'J.; mt>nlht· r ot' t h·· ],, ···1 tl ], ,, l' l'i'""lll. Tl11· X o· i ~·h hl · l'ht · · 11! · 'ir··l· ·. -:\fr~. J·;. L. S t·h·· idt ·nht ·lm . ··h;Ji r111<~11, w ill i-io·n·t· tl w llltH'Ilt'O il . Tltt'l' ·· will "lo. · " m b:·dfl n :l r :v prn g rn tn in t h C' "t" t t'!' · "'"' ll :ln:·n!.;t·rl ,-,,r h~· :,\fr..: . ·J . l\1'. l:rto\\· n . .\li~,.; H··rth:t '\\' h··· ·lr wk witt lJI·ing- a r· ·i"'rr '". tit· · rn"t·ling-.; wh ic h sllf' ntt · .· l :d t·d .tt tl11· ;llt lii J:tl mi~~innat"Y c .. n,·r·ntir·rl i11 ll ; o\\ !'ark l~: t~ c·:~ ll· ·d .1 11d !] ,.si r ,·~ lllt'l'tin·~· n. b oa rd th ··t ;·\'t ' l'\' HIS is an accurate photographic study of a part of the Central Cafeteria steam tables. Yet it is decidedly lacking in several important respects . It leaves largely to your imagination the tempting appearance of the viands and vegetables it shows. The inviting aroma of wellprepared food is left out. The spic and span surroundings cannot be portrayed properly. But these things you soon appreciate when you pay us a VISit. And- most important of all- only a visit can give you the ' realiza tion of how surpassingl y good everything tastes ! CENTRAL CAFETERIA ~undays Nelson Building Central Avenue, east of Wilmette Avenue Enelish Lutheran <:r .. ··n !P :Jf a nd St'\' Pntlt \\.illi ·· m (;u:sf'. 11aRiO l' WILMETTE 12 to 5 .r No\'t· mh r r 7: tht· Sr.wt' r" will J,, . 111 ·· ~t' l'lllllll thl ·ll1 · nt 11H· w11n;hip lt r·ur. In this h· ·: ntt iful Jl'lndll·· .Tt · ~u-. p;i\· ,. ~-' u ..: :-:. ft r\· k t·~ " '1'1\t · P :1r:t hlP nf .1 trw · p it· tun · nf tlw ltt·n rts of 1111'1\ and 1l,)t· i!· attift11lt· t .. w;~nl tlw l·P ·t·:m t ~ \\' .. rd ,,)' 1 ;nd. Th· · .Junior r'ho ir will s ing·. l:ih)t · ~1'\Hlfl) at !I :-1'1 . (;t·a<lPrl lt ·!"!'OilS all d t·p <trtm ~> nt :-:. 1'\t ·\\' !'rlwlar~ ar(· . t lw :l;.-:-: wf'! cnnw . 111 .. n Th· · A1lult rhoir will nwl't l'· ·g·il : tr·I~· 1 \\'· ·dn r·!" rhy t·Y· ' ning-~ < llHl tilt · .fu11ior 1 · ,· ll .. ir ttl1 Saturdays ~t J ::W. l. . · I 1· ... ...... I Til· · aut.nmn 11 ·Htlt · n to1 1.. },, l d '\Tt~~ ·() t J:"lr~· ~··<'lf·t~ ·. \\'t·t llh' ~ <lHY . .:\ll\' t·tnht ·r 11 . cli.nn:·r, g·i\·t·ll . L.' th· · t l.lt' : i \\'Ill 1 Headquarters for ANTI- FREEZE AGENTS - STARTS AT BELOIT \ \'a Iter Schroeder of Gkncoc, g rad- . tla te of :.Je,,· Trier High sc hool who Ia .;t ~ummcr won a trip to E ur ope in t ht· Llo,·d Holl ister. Tnc .. sales manship \·t~ ntt':--t: i~ making- hi:-; mark in athletic... at Beloi t -college, accor ditur to \\ nrd from the \Visconsi n school. \Vatt er l1a:-; made a placr fo r him self on t1H· nl·Joit ircs htllal1 foot ball sq uad. vVorth y 1f a tron ni ght \vas ni>:'cn·e d in th e Ne w Masoni c templ e '\[o n day eve ning. Mat ron s from seve nteen chapters in the state were g ues ts .Ll th is tim e. Refr eshments were ,t'n·cd. Th e decor ations for th e ocL·a~ion \n.~ rc in yellow and g-old. -o).1 r s. P. W. Post, 219 F ourt ee nth :-t rcet. and her daug ht er , Mi ss Marjllrie Pos t, have left 1o spend seve ral mo nth ~ in California. \ ' i~ i ti n g Alcohol The Red Roof in lvo Apex We have all that will safeguard your radiator these freezing days. Our proven service should relieve your mind of all worry when the thermometer takes that drop. PHONE US- WILMETTE 3379 Distributor No .M Man's Land J usc South of " The Cottage" 1428 Sheridan Rd. Stephen ShiiDonek, Jr. GASOLINE AND OILS

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