Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1926, p. 10

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WILMETTE . . ,., LIFE ~ve~ber. 5~ . 1926 .. . . . i. l·· . J.st Presbyterian The Our people are remembering that n(·xt Sunday is "Family Day." · The plan is that every family of t~e church is , to bt- , at least represented, with a 1(10 percent attendance for each, if poss!ble. For· the day at leas~. we wlll revive the old custom of the "Family Pew." The sermon and program will be appropriate. 1'he musical program for next Sunday morning worship at 11 o'clock is: Organ pr.elude, "Meditation (Thais) ................... ; ...... Massenet Anthem, "I ·wm Magnify Thee. 0 God" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mosenthal Anthem. "Soft Flo'ltlng on the Air," Root Organ Offertory "Farewell" ........... . ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prince Gustaf Soprano Solo, "The Earth Is the Lord's" ................... , ......... Lynel' Mrs. Heaps Organ Postlude, "Maestoso" .. .. .. \\.d.> E-' 1' The Junior church r ecently organized for the boys and girls from 8-1 :l y e'~ rs, · is m1.king yery decided pr· )grN~'4. This church has Its own program. meeting in · ·, "" own rooms at the same time of the rt>gular church . worship. This org-'lnhmtion "is pattt~ rned aftf'r the r egul'"'r church. so that hst Sund'"'Y tht· ~a~slon. deacons and de::~con~>s~. and ush" r<~ w Pre ele('ted. NPxt Sunrlay, the election of tru!:ltE'es and \'nrious ~tanding committees will take place . The Junior church m "'P t~ c·ac h Sunrlay l· t 11 o'"lock In the Junior Ass mbly room. Next Sunday the leau t- r will b(· Joe Hl'lYE'~. Tht> subject i~. "f'hoo~ing Our Captain." Christian Endeavor at fi :~0 p . m . TlH· for rwxt Runday w'll b P "~rorld Pt.·act>." Snm e QU<'stlonH to 1hlnk about in ronnection with this Hnhit·ct an·: "'Wh!tt ~hould b e the nttitud·~ of tht· f'hurch tow'l.rd wnrs": Try to prt'\'Pnt It? Do what tlw st::tte thinks is right? lgnorP tht! probl(~ m? 'Vho will st ·ttl t.· this probl em £-ventually? tnpie . Wilmette Music Shop .. Offers Latest \. ·. 1n · . ·. . . · ·· RADIO w ~ ·HAT'S ·new in ~adio? Operation from the house cur., . rent was th~ most talked of advance at the Radio Show. No batteries- no outside wires - single control power amplifi. cation - sealed construction. These are the new radio de- velopments. RCA has perfected them in the great Radiola receiving sets-has tried and tested them for over a year. Wilmette Music Shop can show you all that is latest and best in radiot Brunswick Panatrope and Phonograp hs. Our radio service is most efficient and yo~r wants will be well cared for. The women of the church aud t'·m·!Tcg-atiPn are cordially in vi tNt to at t(: nd t-hp p .. ~ i~e nwetln<r !lt the cl-Jurrh. Tu esitay . NovPmbf'r H at 2 :H) p . m . 'fht> R ev . T ·""'-'V ~imms. who w~s r~>c" ntly ap polntE'd to attE'nd a confereth'·' in i\J(· xier · l"'t\' will srwak. ll" will tt·ll " hnut hi s WOfk nmong th e 1\.fPXi<"'llS in tht· boX car settlements. Mrs. H t>aps will sing . \V~:.· un es day f R t'g ula.r mid-week ~",."irt' at R at the church. 11Rrl'f'Sf. Hnme ntntiH (t't· \ ol' k Combinations of Brunswicks with Radiolas In one beautiful cabinet tht>se remarkablt> instruments combine recorded music and radio. No batteries- no outside wireno exposed speaker- complete operation from the electric light socket .. Radiola 28eight tube superheterodyne Tuned with a single finger! \YP ::- trt' antieipating- an un11 s u ·tlly \arg·· ··ttt·Jldanr~ for our ::~nnll"'l H ln·· ···st Jfnm·· .1innPr, Friday. N~'~vf'mh··r 1 2th . w·rtly ·l11 t> tn th P fact that it I~ ~w·<·;a\ "Fam - ily "WH'k" in all th e 11rog-ram s of tlH · "hurc·h . :-:t>lll t ' of tlw young P l· oplt· ar·· lii'··J)a l' ;.,.:. . , pi ·" · to b" t)r fl~e nt (· rl on th ~' n 'c;h t ,, f t "t· HarV!>St Homt· clinn " r , Frirhty . X ··' '"l1l lwr. 12. 'fhf' Jll ~· Y is (· ntitlt·d ·'F'·IJ<<.; 1<.; F!llk4 ." It h; a l'P 'li ··pr· n" pl<t~ ;o"·l will ]lrtWid(· J!'P II11;T1 !' t' lliOY'1H· Il ( . '·r.· .. no; fs Flllk<.:" will gi\'1' ynn n lau !!,' l l whil'h you will nP Pd nftt·r 1!It · ll· ·a rt ~ nl Nl. l. . Demonstrated in Your Home Let us demonsHate in your home the Radiold 28 with loudspeaker 'l04, operating completely from your house current. There is no obligation. 'Phone Wiltnette 3006. vVith 8 Radiotrons. $260 ·convenient Terms Wilmette Music Shop offers exceptionally convenient terms to suit your requirements. 0 0 nt-adlng down our menu you ·w ill Lt· struck . by the great 'aridr of n,·ad~·-to-order dishes and tht· ~twdal dishes we offPr. Tlw~· all rt>pres£·nt quality food!-i. Wilmette Music Shop -ORlAN D 0 0 D 0 D Tempting Ser&.Jice A. GALITZ Brunswick Panatatropes, Phonoyraphs and Records 1179 Wilmette Avenue . t Phone Wilmette 3006 MAC'S Bo~ling Lunch 0 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 1159 WUmette Avenue n 0-=:::101:1' 'OD

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