Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 56

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WILMETTE FOR SALE-VACANT 49 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ELECTRIC SINGER sewing machine. Almost new. Very r('asonable. Tel. Wellington 0766. I 49L5-ltc ---------------l<"'OR SALE \VALNUT DINING RM. s uite, table, 8 chairs, buffet, server. Like new, $250. Phone Winnetka 2054, Sunday morning. 49LTN5-ltc l<'TNE MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO. Perfect, cost $500. for $75. \Vii. 112H. 49L5-ltc FC>H SALE COOK STOVE. GOOD cond ition. Ca ll Wil. 812-R. 49LTN 5-ltp FOR SALE WALNUT · SETTLE, snitable for tin·~ ide bench. Call Wil. 1096 evenings. 49LTN5-ltc ull W.\~TF:D LIFE October 29, 1926 ;,o F0 R SALE Couple Fetes Golden Wedding ft. Lot, nt'ar Ridg-t> . .-\ Ye nue, wo nd t' rful buy, go0d lrwation. · $2,000. 00 ~·., ft. lot. nt'ar Lakl· .\Y l'llUt, '1\~ rms. 1 $2,500.00 :>0 ft. Lot:-:, ('oumn·-Bt->a utiful location, nard roads, gas, t·lt>ct rlcity , water, tt·m Jwra r~· l"t' WI'r, $1 i 5. 00 ('ash. $1,750.00 JJ JHio §~Jffi~®~®If & CC(O)o 0 .. :n Ridgt· .\ n-'. \\'ihlH.: ltt· aG-l Wilmette, Ill. 32L'l'N5-lte GLEN\iiE\V .ACRES ill AC'RER LOCATED OX TELEf:RAPII Road ju~t ~ ort h of 0 len Acres Go If TO JHJY-HSHLD. (;oons Club. Will mako an id ea l truck farm with Rpeeulntivc ft!ature. For price and t\ · I'Ill"' call Gret>nl('af 11 B7 33L5-1 te WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND fnrnitun· and other household g-ood~. Highest prices for same. Crost FurniturE:' Stort>, 1004-6 Emerson St., E\'anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. · 50LTN[)-tfc ----------------------------;-----WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy-Sell-Exchange-New-Use~ RE ~t\L B:\RGAINS j Open dally. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8 p. m. LOTS I~ INDIAX HILL RIDGE SUB-~ 1500 Wlllow Rd. 'I'el. ~inn. !212 division . Improveme nts all in ; $76.00 to ~85.00 Pt·r foot. oOLTNv-tfc ill } ' OR SAJ,E-::U ISCELJ,ANJ:Ol iS Photos by Ra ~- IF JHL 0 GttiD.U:lln®Jf~©~ll :\. \"t:. 121:; Wilme ltt· T el. Wil. 225 32LTN -ltc -------------------FOR ~ALE IX WILMETTE, LOTS nn Clw14tnut, Ashland, 7th a\'enuP and ~ht-ridan road with riparian right and pier!'; ea~h or tinw. Phone P. (~ag-P, 60:2 )la]Jit- a\'t:nue, \Vilmdte, Ill. 321...;)-tfc RJ-;AL ESTATE I Pi'~HF~...:C'T i r'lu< ·! tn_ns AND PRACTICAL 11EP~0of. rt-<tl t~owt·r s, tht· lovelt Pst vartellt>s-Sunply mcomparablf'. Will insure an added charm to any homto·. Idea l for gifts or prizes. Am taking ("hristmas orders now. Th ey can be seen by appointment. Call Glenco~ 1189. :\fn;, L. A. \Veary, 34G .Jackson Ave. Gleneoe. fill..TN5-ltp a f(:W transfornwr and rheostat. Also, boy's Pathf1ndt·r hicycle, 22 in. franw with a<'t ' t·ssnrit->~ . Phone Wil. 836-J. ;;1Ll>-1tp ELFX~TRTC TRAT~ ac<'essories, includin~ A~T> i\'l' LAST! Celebrating quietly in hapvy manner with their chi(dren and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Loui s Luettig, 1426 Florence avenue, pioneer Evanstoniam. observed their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday. The t\\'O came from Germany in 1884 and have si nce resided here. They have seen Evanston grow from a small Yilt age to a city of size. Mr. ai1d Mrs. John Hacker oi Evanston and Mr. and ~irs. F. ]. Luettig- of Glencoe, and Dorothy and Marion Hacker, grandchildren, \\'Crc member s of their family celebratmg with them . Girls' Volley Ball 78 FOR SALE -'- Stolp (::!0) - -Bl'tty \\.il ~o n , Maril- 1~· -rt-: t·r, )fary .Jtnw :\Tillt·r, HPlt·n Jon t·s, Shir WE WILL HANDLE ALL CLOSIXG h·:r l'opp, 1-:lt'anm· Cul\·Pr, Elsie ·wad··. details in any n·al t'State transaction. \ ·irg·inia flawlt · ~·. Luda Hollist t>r; 111·\' Effici e nt and intt·lligent sen-ict· at mnd:u-d ( :W ) - Lorraitw · Haigh, :\larif· Skr>t-:. ··ratP ..:o~t. l"lora Holm- I ranst·n, Louise El<lridg·.·. FOH. SALE - INTERNATIONAL BA~J)l·l'othy Kun;.:H , El:tint.· AlhPrg-a, Dor i:-: jo. likf· new. $4fi. Purchase pri1·t- was G 1 , S (;untit>, L,·di:-t t:Pg-t ·r s, llarri Pt Ht·<lf··n .. $!t:'i . Wilnwtt f' Life B-l 02. irs eventh Grade Volley Ball league 1 lr,rol hy Yoblc· . Ht·ft · n ·t·-Mi~"' l.w ·y l!t·t·St·r . l lii \Vilmdt e A\'e . Opp. Villagt' Hall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 1 L T N5-ltc Thursday, October 21 Phont:>s Wilm et t e 1750 and 363 · :3-lLTN-ltc FOH SALE SINGLE WHITF. ENGirls' VoJley Ball 6A Howard A (2 g· an~t·~) -ltuth Smith, l-llll(-1 bNl. One r ed chiffon (·n·ning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tlrt'S!-> size 18. One tuxedo suit, size BPttY Haigh., J3, ·fty Fowlt'l', 1;latl y~ .lh~ Alit-· · l· : dnwnd:s, ~t. Franr i:-: t 1 ti )-Yirg-ini~L H n' :-:. -IS AXTIQUES 42 . \Vii. 2!t7 . ri1Lri-lt tl land , ll:;allel Ha ~ kins, Lorn·ta And e rson, l'lari:-;<·e ~t>whage n, Louis" Cogalll·s··, t '.-<'(>Jia M(·y.-r, -:\fai·i· Janl't l\Ic Conn a ug·hey; St. Fran<~ t ·H (1 Hauley, Prnn<'is ~Jills, Marion Wt->b··r. AXTIQUES FOR SALE NEW GRAVI'rY FEED YOC SPRELY :\l UST SEE THE STOCK oil burnt>r and an iYory baby bed. gamc ) - :.\Tary J a ne Rich, C laudine :.\Iac ){arg-an-·t 1-h·nr., .-\lief' 1\Iclsbrath, )f;u·~ uf r t'a lly fast·inating anti ab:solutely Phone \Vinn. 2102. ri I TlfN5-ltc Kinnin, JanP P e rkowitz, Kathh't> ll llar- l .lant· Curtis, Dorothy HaulPY; H(>War d ,.t·~·. }Jalsy Krafthdt-r, 1:-'ri~dlla Jon f'R, . <~21- l ktt~ · l'udtlod\, Tht ·ttlin.· Lund · . ~··n uin t- antiqut>~ w·: are s(- lling· at a IJig- :-;a('ritit·t' to makt· 1·oom for rtnotlwr . F'OH !:-'ALB CHEAP. Tv\·o FTTR Ht·lt·n Fynch, Harr.it"t )k Dt·rmotl, Kath- ~ l:uth Hir"'~'~'· fl(IJ'II th .' · Yittt···, :\lur , . . let' n Kelly, ])c,lores ( 'hat anl. .\ lt·Yt·J'. lot whi (· h is on tlw way to u~. Comt· rnbt·s. Tekt)hone \Vinm·tka 14ii0. St(Jlp A ( 1 game) - Isabd Zimmerman, St. Fr·an1' is. In J _ dayt·rs-Howanl, ~~ - in at om·t· and yuu ·w ill ht· more than ril LTNfi-Hp :.\larp;an·t Harri:-5, Yirginia Buck, H ekn hut g-am ~· r· ·s ~ltHl Ill alJ( ·Vt · ~ eo rt · . r epaid in both ph·asurt" and cash sav- FOR SALE- LADY'S RACOON COAT.- T aft, ~lary .Jane l~ lde r , Etlwl 1~1lis, Carol _Hdt·rt·t· -)[r~s Lucy Ht·~:st.· r- t 'l:1r: t ing-:-;, Rt>tnt>mht-t· we ca rT\' all kinds t·Xvt ·llt'nt ('ondition, s ize ~8. Winn. 1881. Lawn·nct>, .Janet ::\lc Ilraith, l\Iary Tha- "olff. gt-nuint> ant iqut·!', 11rints an~ bookK So8 51LTN5-ltc leg·, Hutb Nordberg·; Stolp C (2 games)\Vashingtc,n Stt·n·t, EY:tnston . Girls' Volley Ball 68 - - Palyma Lt·e Hurpt·e, l\Iary Lauer, June 1 4RLT:\ii-1tl' FUH SALE 2 DOZEN 'VHITE LE(;- Orwcg·, Oli\'e Browt"r, Jane Spinney, Jane Ct·ntm l ( ii )--J, ·an :\luro. ElL-anor Pot hornt: layf'l's, $1.00 each. Phone \Vinn. Hog-er~. Jan e Crawfo rd, Co rinne SanderFOR SALE -A~T T QFEK OLD HL.ACK 198:-i. 51L5-ltc ~o;on, :\Iazit-" ~Inuat, Doris Tansill, Helen tOt·, Loraine Borrt', Mar\" Finlayson )farch Prr:'\· c radl t·. \Vind sot· t·nt'l<in!!' he1 wh. Lilly, Lu.·illt· Dahlberg, t ;:It~anor Zcmck. l:TI't llu ~· lH · s, Chnrlott·· \\';l('hH. ' :\l ar Stot of 6 rush seat stencil-lmckPd c hairs. ':,2 W'l' H. TO HrY-,HS('l: J,J, \"' EOn·.;jMi·· Hul!·hton: Howard (Hi )-Helt·n :Mil1 and 2 draw ~> r eh erry a.nd maple lt>r, Eli7.a <'arlon, Elsit· ~altf·r, Huth C~· ·n"'tands. Fine mahogany mirror. Sev- ·w AXTEn TO B l ~ Y MEN'S CLOTHi rwr, Alict> :'\ot·rl, )larjori t- Patt.,rson, Yir Girls' Sixth Grade League ··rn l flower and fruit prints. fr::tm~-'d. ing· and shoes. Pay b ettt>r prices than g-inia Bnuly , Ka thryn \\·t.· lt t·l', Marjor i· L::tmps with m ar bl e and g·lass basef:. any dPaler o n th e North ~horC' lin e. . Central C ( 0 games)-Luc y Clag-ett, Tn·rson Call Kt ·s:-wl, \Vii. li2 i'i2LT:'I<2 -·Itp Old prism ean dlt·iHil'k. a l'nllt-d ion <1f H.t·ft:rt·t· and ('o;t<'ll -- :.\[i!-;:-; Lucy H.(·t·!i· ·r. Priscilla \Vhet>lock, Eleanor :vroulcling, :\I iss r~tre <'O\'e-rlets and quilts. ~ n·ry g·nfl nooz(·r. pme- hlankt·t dh·!'IS; finislw<1 nntural 'YAXTEl> AFTBRXOOX DRESS. EilL-t·n Burke, .\.lison Burg-e, Frances El('o lor. Post and spool IH ·cl'-' Phorw and coat sizt· 42. Also <'Oat si7.n ~8. ~ ~. :-Jylvln SLoerl~. i\lnrjoriL: Siebold, PaulWinn . 462. 4, LTX5-ltc· STUDENTS REPRESENTED Address Talk B-1 03. ii 2LT~5-ltc ine Kehling, ::\Iarjorie Burg-er, June Keal, Jane Eng-le, Beth ::\Icllraith; Central A The N. l·. student body will be reprt·FOR SALE -- FI~l~ EXGLISH AN-· FILLER WANTI·~D FOR PARKWAY. (2 gam('s)-Jane :\Joore, Florencf' Sell\Vinn . fiOR-\\T. · tiqu es in great variety. Also, a few ii2LTNfi-1tp ery, Chri::-;tiue Lawersou, Estt'r ~h·Cinis, sen ted in the future parleys · b f t hL· Rosy }{usso, ( :ertrude Herbon, S ·lma F'rPil<'h and t>n.rly Anwric::tll. All lllU C' h \Vax, Ella. J ean Porter, Virginia Moye r, Board of S up ervi~ i o n of Student Acti\·below loop pri ces. T el. 'Vinn. 243. 'li~CEJ,J,AXF:OljS Helen Winslow, Carrie :\lay Phillips. 48LT~5-lt<' Heferee- :.\Iiss Olga Stopka; assiRtants, ity. The hoard has been composed only D0 YOU WISH AN ORCHESTRA FOR b:::~llt·oom or f,... .. nriv"tP p!!rti Ps . w ith ~ l\Janw.r et Stackhouse, :\Iargart>t Bickham. of faculty members, o(ut this fall the ~9 FOR S ,\JJE-HOUSEHOL ll tH)O US guarantee of satisfaction or no money? ~t udent s petitioned that they be reprL'If so ca11 Highland Park 2077 for an Girls' Eighth Grade League ElL Sheridan Orchestra. 53LTN2-4tp se nted. The petition met with th..: Volley Ball League ---------------- BARG.AIN FOR YOUNG BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WOR~H $3.000. Wl11 t::~ke $fifi0 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4rm. apt.: 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite: 8-PIPce walnut dining set: 4piPce walnut b Pdroom ~;;et; two 9x12 W11ton rugs: library table: ftoor and table lamps; 5-p:ece breakfaRt sflt, and sllverwRre. Will take Sfi50.00 for all. 8ll2 Leland Ave.. near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190 . Will arrangt> fM d t- li\'(-l'y. -l!ILT:-.; 5- ltC' FOR SALE 1; DI~ING ROOM c·hairs, table, brown mahog-any. ('ost $200. SE>ll for $ii0. Refrigf' ratnr, coRt $100. sell for Sl :t. 10R6 Laurt·l Aw ., 'Vinn. Phone 'Vinn. l 23. 49LT:X:i-1 tp FOR SALE OAK DINING ROOM table, 6 chairs with leather seats, $15. ~atura1 oak drf-sst- r. ~1 G. Call nl 'ncoe 104 491./l'N:i-Hp COlJPLE WAXTED SO.:\TEONE TO :\fAKE two Ia rg·(' silk larnp shad(~R. Phone \Yinn e tka 121. ri:1L'r~!1-1tc FROSH MUST RESTORE LOG A delegation of freshmen appointed by upperclassmen was husv thi s \Veek restoring the famous senior log to its former state. At the beginning of school thi s fall the frosh had the forwardness to paint the lo~ green and then set fire to the traditional bit of wood con :;ecrateci to the srniors. The log is to be sandpapered, the charred surfa<;e removed, green paint scraped off and purple substituted. Phil Platt, president of Dent, senior honorary fraternity, supervised thr reconstruction, Cohen, Frances Lutz, Jean Fischer, Clairt· Simon, Jane Cohn, Caroline Schwarm, Emily )lcUinl C'y, Jayne Hardwick, B e t;nice Stofer, Murie l Colby, Margaret Bickham, Effie James, Elizabeth Potter; Howard B (2 games ) - Mary Ellen BoozC'r, Wilma Guenther, Winifred Dingle, Ernt-stine Behrens, Marjorie Mergerthaler, Hazel Knt'J)lWr, Martha Wilen, :Margery Clare Humt>, Clara V\rolff, Agnes Hose Schwall. Stolp C (1 g·ame)-Jean Lindstrom, Florence Hansen, FanJ)ie Brown, \Velma Cobb, Mildred Anderson, Isabel Cracraft, Raine Burgess; Stolp A (2 games)Jane Springer, Sally Clark, Louise Fack~, Marion Condy, Louise Shepard, Jane Ludwig, Betty Schwarm, :\Jargaret Stackhause, Phyllis Brown, Grade Johnston, l\lary Brown, Jea11 Hall, Ethel Sharpe. Referree-Miss Stopka. approYal of Pre sident Scott and is tn be adopted. Four students arc to ht: ~t(llll 1~ . (0 gamt:s)-Mary Jan t- Read, Dor·Jthy \Vinzt: nburg, Amy Clagett, Ruth placed on the board, it was announced. Tuesday, October 19 PLAN Suggestions for improving the pn·;-;ent system of fraternity 41 rushing" oi new students are being considered by the Inter-fraternity council at Northwestern. Also steps to improve th e scholarship of the fraternities arc to be taken hy the council. TO IMPROVE RUSHING More than 50 soil experiment stations, located on as many different types. of land. are maintained by the llhnots College of Agriculture.

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