Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 55

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October 29, 1926 WI.LME TTE 17 LI~E ss 26 FOR RENT-GARAGES SITUATION WANTED-MALE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Notices- Cla~sifi.ed advertisements will be charged General . restdants of the district from Evanston to only to Glencoe lnclustve whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are l'egular subscribers to either WILME'l'TE LIFE WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. I I cents a ~In~ In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. ao c·:nts a lin(! in all three papers. l\IINHlUl\1 CHARGE, iO cents. Rates- ~5 Avtrage o( five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount oo all cash with order ndvertlscment.s ~vhen brought to our Ol'flce at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. or 1)6-i Lincoln Al·e., Winnetka. . Deadline for Jnsel·tions- Classified advertisement~S wili be accP.pted . Up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the vV.IL.METTE LIF1G 0r ali thr~e papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and .Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. 'l't!lephones: Wilm~tte 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Hl J II~ lHNO· AXU CAltl'E~'fRl" t:t Jl El, l' WA~'J'J·:U-l'E::\L\..LE vVM. OT1'EN Mason Contractor · ·.,u11 1y Line Rd. \: t:·- y - -l. WTD. FIRST CLASS l"UR RENT - SPACE IN 2-CAR GArage. no Lake AYe., Wilmette 975-M. gardener experienced in growing in 26L5-ltc and outside plants, etc. Licensed chauffeur. .Hollande r. J\larrieq, no childnm. ·~=~=======~=~==~~~ ;;o years old. Good rl::'1't·rences. Wil~ 27 }'OR RENT-STORJ:~ A~D OFFICES mett(; Life B-~18. 17L5-1tp STORES AND SHOPS. TfTUATION WTD.-YOU~U ).l.ARRIEU FOR REXT Telephone Winnetka 62. 27LTN5-tfc man (white) would like position as chauffeur, with living quarters. Ref(·r<' ll<'PH. .\ddress Wilmette Life B-101 Jo'OR REN'f-IIALLS . 17LTN5-ltp WIL~TETTE COUNTRY CLUB \\"ILL 'J'..-\1-\.Jt: C'.\HE OF I·T H:-\ACES cl\·ailable on open datE:'S for for wi ntt·r. Best rf> f e r~·t1<'es. Hous<:WIO:DDTXGf-1 , CARD AND DANCING \\·orl.; of all kind~. Cni\·. 622!.1. PARTIES 17LT~4-:!tp Evf'ry Modern Facility For information phone \\'.\:-\TJ~U ROO~( I~ EXCHA~UE 'Wil. 625 ~I iss D. Lyons, S ecretary. fur· <.::t ring· for furn~lCl· and house work. 27aL2-12te \\"ilrnetle Li1\~ D-105. liL5-1tp ,·'UH HfG~T - RECITAL HALL SBAT-ing 125 Jwopl e, also studios. ,·ery reaII<H'SECLE J\~!Xt:, WT . '1)(1\\. WASH~on;thl~· . Brown Building, phone Wil. ing floor wiping, and odd jobs. TPI. 2:~~~'· 27aL5-tf(' \Vihm: tte 3428. 1iLTX5-tfc J!oi ~ITUATIO~ tti·: LP WA!'\TEI) --- T e l. Hig·hland l'arl.; :1LT:-\:i-ttc I.O.\ 'XS T:-\ SOl.THEAST \\"inn!'lka, girl to ~·ar~· Cor ,11 months ()lcl haby. :~ ituur:-; in afternoon. ('all \\'inn. 1!tOX. 13L'I'N5-ltc <'0;\l PETE~T Sl'l't' .\ 'I'IUN .\.~ H WA~T .E U-JL\l,E Jo'J:1U.\.I~ l: FOU SALE-HOlJSJ:S \L\:-\'I'I<:P \\' 1·: .\1:\KE ~I·:c·o::-.;1> ~IOH'I'(;:\fa~~ 0:\ ilnpt·ov< ·rl pr<!Pt·rt~· ami t1r:-;L mr>rtgag·vs ntaill for gH11·ral ad u Its : lit 1 Ia u 1trlry. \\'il. 106i. '\YHITE lwu:->t:'\\'O rk. Four ltl'ft·l't·ll('PS. Phon b 13Lii-ltc FIRST <'LA.'~ (.'OlJPLE. C'H..-\lJFFEUH and houst>man. \Vi fe 4·ool.;. Bt·st rdt'IH.:os. Cni \·. 622~1. lSLT.::-\5-1 tp 1!1 !Ro MI o JJ ©.1huru~fc©IID & C© c (Q)~~®lf~ ~l'B:->TA:\TfAL HOAHi'i A~J> UOO:U 7 ROOl\1 S'lTt'CO, C0}\\·o ·n1tnl east loc·ation. 4 bedrooms, tile hath, also extra first floor lavatory, t:ant<;'l:. $14,uoo. \\' iltno·tll' Avt·. Opp. Yillag-e llall l'llono ·s \\'illlll'ttl · 1i3U and ~;6:~ GL'I'::-\.)-1 t<- \\' .\:-\TI·: I> \\'IITTI·~ L.-\l.:\P£tES~ !'nr .\I onda \'. \i\'ashing and ironing·. .\lu:-:t ho · lir.:-;t c ia:-;:-; , \\'il. ·:{-tfii'i. . l:{LTX5-1tl' 1st and 2nd l\1ortgages i 1 Charles H. Brethold I~SURAKCE \\'.\::-\'1'1·:1> YO(.~!; (:JRL, EXPERIo·ri<Td fot· g·t·nt'l·al lHHtst ·\n>rk. Good :-;:tlary. l'l· ·as;tnt h11nto·. \\.il. 202a. 13L5-ltc <' ! 1:\J PETJ· ::-\T \\'Ill TJ·: 1 ;rnJ. (;1~::-\ERAL I·'O H. I!E::-\'1' CO~lFORTABLY FL·nnislwo, wt-11 IH·at.:d rooms, conn:nientl~ locatt·d l'or business peopl e Reasonabll·. ('all \\"il. 2G!t\t ~aturti~tY, Sunda~ and (·\'t'ning:-;, {)tlwr tim(·H \\.il. 22~5. 21L5-tic \\'.\lUI <'U:\1 FOH.TADLE FRO~T lUl. :-;uilablt· for t\\'O, in printtt· family Living· room JWivilt·g-t~s if d f's in·d. 1150 C'L·ntral .\\'1·. \Vii. 2195. 21L5-ltp :\TTRA('TJYE NEARLY NEW DUTCH <'olonial. Central east location. Heated HUll parlot', 3 large bedrooms, tile bath. IH1t wat~:r h(:at. Garage. Large wooded lot. Property in excellent condition . Owner must sell. Price $1~.500. '\Vii ('OnsirlPr n·ason:1 hle offer. \Vii. 6 31L5-ltc :. I.', :\I a in :-; t.. \Vi IIll cI t e Tel. 65 HL:i-tl't· ltnust ' \\'(IJ'k. 1 ;]4·n<·oL· lllit,;. s::t I :rh·nwood Ave., l~LTX5-lll : $23.500 \YlLL BUY 'fHlS \\-I L1IE'rTE HOlVIE Til f~ \·ERY nt ·\\' ; room Sl'<liH"d lot; nook : watt' l' ATTRACTIVE NEARL\ house ; wooded and land sleeping· porch: Pullman h c,at. \L\XTEI,- EFFH 'fEXT \YHITE GIHL ~·· ·J\I · !';d }Hili:O:t·\\'Ol'l\. 1\l'tl'a :!1 ~~· . ,., 1 llt·ft·I'L'I1l't::S. \Vin1:n:r~5-1 te FUR lU~.:\'T SI:-;<:LE, < '0.\L FOH.Tahi:'o· furnislwd room. Pt·intte }10111 ( ··on\·1·11i1·tlt to \'illag·p, (;L·ntlt·man pn·fl'ITeu. T1· l. \\'ilntdt ~· i!tH- \\·. 21L5-tfc 1·1·:::-\TH..-\L llOTEL- LT<;HT Ol'TSTI>E t'IH>ms for transitont ~ and rt·s id t· nts. tj:!!l .\lain Strt·t·t. 1-'hom· \\'ilmdtl· 10>10. 21 L'l\i-tf<.: l·'t JTI IH..::\T :-'tl'l 't'l ,..:tat ioll. J>' ( >H HE:\T TIOO~l, \\'i 1\ll. I: SALE PI·: Ill!; H 1 ·: 1 ·: 1I Fl·::\1.\ Ll·: 1:":-: lt ill t1:!Tit ·r . II mo!-'. ul<l. Pt·rft·<· tly ·ll:t l'kt·d. */~1. l'hiJilt · \\' inn . !!til. SLTX:i-llc 1 \\'. \:-\TED - t:t·: Ll.\BLE \\"l!ITE GIRL for gL·tH·ral hou:-;· ·work. ~tay night~ . Ph OIIL' \\'il. :{-tS~. 13LTi\5-ltl' ll (;..-\TIAGE; HIJUD WATER HEATER BEHRY.\lAX OIL BURNER. Lot·ation half w~1~· between C. & N . W and "L" 'J'Hminal. Perfect home in JH:>rft'et <.:ondition. Terms. I ·' "!~ I I ~~·~.\L E:->T.\TE :-> .\ LI·::->.\L\X -0::-\ I~ OF j.;\·anston'!:> 11111~t al'li\'l· firms has OJklling· fl1!' a nmn in tht· :-:alt·s d l:' partn1f'nt . l'n·fo ·r t·Xpt·rit'llvvd man, a<·quaintl·d S(;HOOJ,~ A s-n TU'rOni~G lOll with Xorth ~hot·t· ,·alm·s but might <'lltls i<.lt·r olll' with salt·s training in ot lwr litH's if r\'l't· n ·tH 'l·s an· sati~fac BoY tur~·. ~pl~· lldi4] lljiiHII'lUility tO COilllL·C't ·,· f i.\·T YOl. \\'A~T <:1\.E::-\ 1'1.\:'-.:t> with lt·:uling tintt. Our o·mphl~·£·:-: know "'"sun:-; at !Hilllt' ·~ Phonr· iO:n!. I of this ach,·rtist·l\Jo·llt. \\-illllt'tlC Lif t' ~ . .\LE :\!ALl·: ~>EPIUI!I·:J ·;D ;,·rman l'cdkt· d1og·. Jlt-auti ful d1og'. l'i ' rl··nt hs old. \\'il. l(llj. SLT ~u-lt · ::-\ E.-\11. EL::\I Hl21. :?1LTX5-ltc F. Coletnan Burroughs 1 I5i \YilmHt(' An~ . Ph. 'Vil. 6-1 1 31LTN5-ltc Jla\·e You a Girl or OX.E: OH' TWU ROO~IS may ho· ust·d for light hou:o;t·ket"ping Tt:'l. \\'il. %ft-W. 2lL5-tte 't'· 1 -.l ltliO~I FOR HK:-\T- TEL. \\.TL~lETTE Ell®&ffil@lf lEo --------------------------------- 1 S~T ------------------------ , :?:! }'OH RE~'I'-APARTJIE~TS FOTI R~::-\1' XIXE ROO:\f - APAHT: nwnt, threl' baths, ~olarium o\'erlook:1:\ti Slwrida n Hoa<l, \Yilmd t·· :\EAT < 'OLOREl > \nnrA~ ABOl T ~j ing- lakl', ~un parlor, c l1:etrie reft·igeraPinno and YUL·al Tl'a\'hl'l' \\':tllts t·ookillg· atul first floor work. t ion-nl<'uum system, g-arag(', etc 1o.\ r.-~-:a4· .\dult:-:. :-\o launrlt·y. H<otwst. rPliahlt', I :\lust attradiYe apartment on Xorth Htt·ad~·. "'ill ]i\·t· ()1\ phH't'. $16 tn !:'hOI'l'. :\[usl be :-;(·en to bt.· appreciated :-;tart. .\Irs. :\l:~,..:nn. Prt·Xt·l 0423. 41iLil IJt·siJ·abll:' lt'a~t·. Tn11nt·diat(· poss t'ss ion. \'itH't lltlt·,..:. 7i::i East L<tkl· Tt-tTac~·. Chicag·o. I 16LT5-ltp 22LTN5-ltp TEACH EH OF PL\ ~0 ----------------1.-.. r :Hlvanced pupils and IH ·I.d nno · r ~ ~1'1'1'.-\TJ(I\" \\"1'11 .-\\'ILL no Lr\£".:'\FOH Rl~XT 4 ROO:\I APARTMENT :-:TtiVIO: llii~l Wir ·.\LE'l'TJ;; .-\\"E. <In· \\'ork at ilollt· · and t<lkl· can· o( n uu partly furnish ed light houseke qpS<'holarship qf half tuition t11 d1ildr··11 t·\·o·lllllg·,. : . Laundt·~· <·alled fl)r ing· rooms. ~ear Howard School. Ref talent ed pupils n nd d< ·li\'t·ro·!l. \\' inndl.;a I L1ti. Wilnwttp 111\:l, 22L5-;ltt:' Writl"' for \'irculett· l6L'l':-\5-ltc lOT/1'::-\-l-H\' \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~:1 Jo'OU UE~T 'FTlt'X. APART-'IEXTS :'-.: f·~.·\ T ! 'tIL! ll tEL> \\. ll .\f.-\::-\ WA :-\TS TU (.'410], :tlld S(·l'\'o· dilliiL·J'S. < :ood reft·r- I ~ 1:! I,OS'f .-\'II FOl'~U S I .:\ <: J..fo: P.. 0 0 ~r APART:\IE:-;Ts, l'l't't\l'o ·:-;. l ' nh·. t:: .~;-1.\IX. fu rn il;hed. OJH· with ki tclwn nt'ttt· aci,41:-:T-OX 1-:I!iH'l'H S'I'R8T·~T Xl·~ . \n 16LTfi-Ltp L'Il llllnodalions. ldt'HI location ::tnd t<>n\\'ashington, milk whitL' jadt· ornalnl'llt, auts. Ht'ft·r~·lll'e.s required. $:~5.00. ~dum rlt>~ ip·n, on ( 'hint ·so· l'o r<l. ll1 ·\\'H l'tl. J (:I It L, ( '() L( Ht 1·: I>, \\'A XT~ (~ EXEJL\ L l'hntw Pniv. 2ti~t!l. 1:!Lii-1l<' I h4·USt' \\'llt'l\. hair days, 4.-itlwr morning ot· t'\'t·ning:-; . Hd. <';til \\.ilnwttt> 2!Hi8. 1:: -· liET,P W.\' 'i'EH-Ft::\1 .\T,E I lfiL:i-ltr 1177 \Vilnwttt' .\ ,.C'. Om>. Yillag·t' Ha 11 \\ .. \X'!' I·; P - :'1 L \ TI> TO . \ ST \\TI' I I ,-\ 1-::,-,. [-,'..;-. -Y-,I-,1-(_E_l_I-.\-Y PhonL·s \Yihnl'th.! 1750 and ::6:: h"llSI'\\'(Il'k and l':tl't· of t'hildt'l'll ft·om 111' ltnnr. I ·~X IH·rit · nt·o·d dt'L·S!-;11Wkt·r. 2::T/I'~:i-l tr ':·Ill a. 111. to :; :1)1) p. m. ~o ~unda:: \\'iltlll'llt · Lifo · I;-lli.J . 1()L.)-ltc 11111' k. *IU.t.IO. ]:!~~! f:t·,·gnry, \\"il. :\77:-i. 'FOlt UEX1'-lrOFSF.S Jo'II!ST ('LA~S ('.\TI·;ng~~. DIX:-\J~HS. ~· 1:: L5-1tl' lundlt·olls. \\'nito ·r fut·niHiwd. Call Pniwrsit~· 62~[·. 16LTK ·l-~tp ·'.l \\ '. \XTJ·~I> Y<H·xn <;JRL FOn <:E:\o·ral hCitiRL~ WOI'k, 2 adults a lld hallr , .i !1oom & Hath. C'ottag-l' 'o n llig-hland \\'..-\:-\ 'f'll:ll \Y.\SHTXti TU DO .-\"1' ""l.lll hom;,·. Expt·rit·ll('t· unnt·ct':-; ..;:ll·~·. an·nUt'. imnwdintl' JlORSE>sslon. homt ·. \\' ill l'otll and dt·lin·r . Tt' l. \Yil. ~G5.ft0 1 'ltllllt · 1 Iil-\'hland l'ark S!i!l- Y -:1. ::ti:\7. 16L5-ltp ft 1:n:r:-\i'i-tt4· :\('t·f H with .() nool/l Houst·, harll, garag-l' and \t(:ll hnuso·. $:!:i.OO l!f·:·LP \VA~'ri·:l' EXP. <iEXEIL\1, \\'II(TI·~ \\'O~J ..\X \\'.\XT:-> WOnK BY d~t~· or hour. \\.il. 1i:i4 . furni!'llt ·d, lot maid. { :t·rman oJI' Scnndina\'ian . F:u11ily Hoom <'otla~·, .. 1tlLi'i-ltp :: a<lult~. <iood \\' :tg"t·~. Laundt···!-',..: 1'111100x2(tfi . MO.OO l'ln~·tod. Tt'l. \\.inn. 1 :{:10. J-:XI'EIUE:-\<'I-:11 L:\1':-\URE~:-l \YrSHE.:'l 1:: I :r :-.: :>- 1 (4' work by d:t~·. Tt·l. PIHHll' ".il. 14-tS. 16L'I'Nii-ltp Hl·:LP \VAXTJ<:T> :\lAID FOl! CE:-\t·ml lH>Ul;P\\·ork. ~rttst hP gnocl Jllain V..'ilmette, Ill. 8:~1 Tiidgt· . ..\ n·. ,·ook. 4 in. family. Rt' ft>l't'IW~·:-:. Phonl' ti Sl'rr.\TIO~ WA~'J' .ED--:\1..\J,E \\·ilmettc 364 \\'illll. 2541. .SITlorATIO~ ·w Tn. - BY .\IIDDLE2olLT~5-ltr l::LT~5-ltp '111. agl'd man a~ <'haufft-ur anrl n.tl-rouni! man on place. Y l::'ars of experlence. Al FOR RE:KT 7 ROOM CORNER 11 ELP \VANTED-GENERAL HOUSERds. BC'nson. J:n-t .Pleasant Avf'., RahousE>, srrN·nf>d in front porch. ~nwork maid. No washing-. Eighteen vini<t. 'I\·I. ll i~· hland Park 8117-"f rag-E>. ~1 ~5. 50!1 Hazel Ave., Glencoe dollars. 70f, Shf'ridan Rd .. \\·innetka. ll7LTN5-ltc 11G2. 24LTN5-ltc To ·l. 2122. 1:n.TXi'i-ltc 1 ' f1I ®.ll' IE lfulf®it §it&~~© lfcd1, 21LT5-1Le 1~-lfltl. HLT~5-lt<· ti l!U(f.\l DUTCH COLO~IAL, ~ BED rooms, l·xtra laYatory. Hot water hC'at oil burn e r. Owner wants offer. 4:!-t Lindl::'n .An .. End of "L". W .\ "T E n-F F. JL\1, l~ E. E. Stults Realty Co. Wil. 3450. 31LTN5-1h' Q,yner Going South Bl'S£:-\ESS CO~NECTION COMPEL~ ownf:r to sacrifice his Glencoe homE Six roo1nH, watt-1' heat, wooded lot. :11\x:?tO, attadwd and heated garag~ front dri\·t'. $15,000. Good terms. §lffi®lfiNil~Lm: \\· ". G. S'f.t\CEY & CO. :~;Hi I-----------------~ -,-,-. .-~-,1-'I-·:-~~---~-. ~-;-1-~ Ph. Wil. 3u8 31LTN5-Itc ATTRA.C'TIYE S-ROO~I STUCCO, 5 hl'drooms, a haths, sleeping porch, bl'L·akfal;t room, W('ather strippt:>d, can\'a ,· ~t·rl walls, large wooded lot, 2-car g·ara~t·. PriC'l' $30,00u. Lindt·n .·\ \ 't.·. E. E. Stults Realty Co. A.\'t'. -ttiO \\' innt-tka Winn. 18(J0 31L'1':-;5-ltc t:I·JAl'TIFl'L UL.I£;\'COE HOME REdUl't-d to $~8.500. ft rooml>, 5 bedroms, 2 haths, music room, breakfast room, ntpor h<.'at oil hurnf>r, 2-car garag(· attal'lu·d . Lot lri7xll5. ------F-"'Q_R_,__ R_E_N_T_fD ______ E. E. Stults Realty Co. Wlnn. 1800 31L'1'N5-1tc l·'OH S.ALF~ 6 ROOM BRICK YEtH·t·r houst ·: bath, tile floor and walls hrt'ak fast nook; hot water heat; 2-car hri('k ::rarn!!'1· .i11"t ·omr>leted. Prict' $17,500. 176!1 Washlng"ton Ave .. Wilmette. Owner on premises Sunday be~ t wPen 2 :00 and 5 :00. Tel. Wil. 3191. ~ 1L!i-tfc FOR SALE-AT NORTHBROOK, NEW house, 5 rooms and b::tth just completed. Modern. H. W. Ht. St. paved. Price $9,000. Tel. Northbrook 113. 31LTN4-2k F'OR SALE WILL SACRIFICE MY beautiful 6 room stucc·o home, hot water heat, breakfa~t nook and lare-e sun-room, and garage. 3 years old. SonthE'::tSt Winnetka. Mu!'!t be seen to appreciate same. Call Wlnn. 8~2. :nLTN5-tfc 1 ·ltlO \YinJwtli:a A\'C·,

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