Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 54

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WILMETTE Gas heat will be utilized tor the first COLLEGE HEADS MEET Sixty representatives from as many. time in an East St. Louis public building when the Gas company completes colleges and universities will assemble its installat ion of heating eq uipment . at Northwestern university during the se cond week of November at the Lincoln pioneered the middle western twenty-sixth annual convention of the cleYclopment oi the electric street rail- Association of American universities . waY when it sent a street car exh ibit The sessions will be held in Harris hall ·in Evanston and on the McKinto fair in Atlanta in 1895. lock campus in Chicago. 1 LIFE October 29, 1926 a Christm ·a s Greeting Cards ORDER YOURS Beauty Lies in now/ Many new and beautiful designs for you to select from. Avoid the usual last minute rush and place your order with us early. Healthy EYES It's not so much ::he size or color of the EYES that makes them b.::autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. u,.-... lessiceptalwaysdeanand healthy, EYES lack,this alluring lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine, It cleanses EYES of irritating pat· tides ~nd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustTated book.t on "E"'e Care" or "E~·e Beaucy" are 'fREE on rcquac. OtandlerS FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON ! The Murine Company l)~pt. 33, Chicqo STATIONERY and ENGRAVING Firat Floor 1fi ' lJRIIVL f.OR y~uR EYES· ·---------------~------------------· I _________________ , Bstablishtd 1854 C. H. JORDAN & CO. FutJn"al Dirtctors for 72 Years Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably 612 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 CHICAGO 200 E. Erie St. Phone Superior 7709-nlO -------··------------------------------------------- Our Cleaning Service Domestic Rugs Oriental Rugs Drapes Tapestries Pillows Efficiently r e a c h e s the en tire · North Shore. No matter what · · the article is to be cleaned, we can do it satisfactorily for you. Suits Overcoats Evening Gowns AIJ Clothing Furs and Hats 1 JACK II. IPJIAN, ~Igr. Phones ·· WJJ. 3~2 Unh·. 1,_.;:! · street and conducts classes for members ~t regular intervals. Feelin<Y that the North Shore leagul' member; would like to have in mind the entire program for the year, presi (Continued from page 50) dent · Ewell then announced: the various of cor:diality, toward new artists, to- monthly meetings, their time and ward those interested in art though place. With members of the organization not artists thems.elv~s, and . tow~rd making- this orgat~1zat10n an mclus1ve including almost eve ry village, the polrather than exclustve one. . icy will be this year to hold each James Cody Ew:ell, prest~~nt of the monthly meeting in a different town . league. presented the sptrtt of the , In November, Ravinia will he host to league in such a way tha.t tl~ose ~vho the club. The meeting will be held in bcfo~e frlt that the o:ga111zattOn m1g-ht I the charming little Community Housl· p o~s tbly exclude begmncrs, or _those ! in Ravinia, wh-ere "The Skeleton in the who could 110t actually dra"·· pa111t or Closet," a play written by Mrs. Lulu sketch ..'"~rc made to fer ! \H'kom(' at / Warmington, the Ra,·inia playwright. as she is known, will be presented . An the exhd)Jts. Evanston Joins League ' exhibition of sketches drawn by thl· Started thrre year~ ago in the Com- 1 Ravinia Sketch club will be . sh0\\"11 . munih· House. with a handful of peo - This club meets and works a ll summer. i pie \\"i~o felt the urge to gd together Iand the exhibition _will sh_ow their ac ; and gtve one another encouragement 1 complislnnenh durmg th1s la st sum ! in the field of painting. drawing and mer. : sketching. the leagnC' ha~ t'XJ><iiHI'ed and In December the league will journt·y . now includes town:-; all along till' Xorth to the Woman's club of Evanston I Shore. \\"ith the mnck solemn ,,·ords where north shore artists will exhibit . !hat the League was in danger of he- It is hoped that ~[rs. Louise Hubbard 1ng swamped. that the lcag~tc no,,· had will give a talk on "Landscape Gar added <inc of the greatest ot tom~s. the dcning," at this meeting. Mrs. Huh ' that l·xans- hard is an authority on this subject. ' announcement was ma(h. ton \Va . . now a mcmhc~. . In Wilmette in January :\f r. I~'>rel,l spo~~ .hnefly ot ~ome of , \Vilmette ~ rtists will entertain tht: the summers act1\·1t1cs that the officers 1 kague in Januan·, and in February, I of the l eag~te h~d to _care for. It seems the meeting will .be held in Highland that attcntlc>n Is being: dr.a\\"n to ~he Park \rh<'n Lionel Hobcrt son will speak league hy other organtzatJOns of h~e on block printing of fahrirs etr .. character. 'I 1 \ ·1 ·11 fiIIH 1 tl Jc 't eag·uv . . and no,,· that mcmhcrshtp · . _, arc 1 1 atH : pn w1 ts becom1ng a matter <?f hund:ecls 1n- hack at the Community Hou. l' in \\·in stead of tens, a PO"_'"Cr IS grO\\"ll1g· that netka. The "March meeting will bl' mu~t he yrepared tor. Bohemian Night, when · paintinn Followtng the regular business, ~fr. . k ·11 1 \~ : k 1 _,... F II · t 1 l All H. lillrich of :-.moe ·s wt >e " ·o rn. v or <onr lt. ~wc till rot ttCC( ·k >crt .s travel" . the classes ,,·ill be on exhibition. r·.vans 011 w 110 spo ·e on 111 _ , 1 . . . _ 11 Europe this summer. Mr . Ullrich ::\1~nl \VIII n~ark the clo~mg ?t. ~h e stressed his trip through Spain, as he- oth·c1al year. ot th~ ~e.aguc s. act1nt1t:~. ing most delightful. and said that in ~vhen the b1~ e:xh}b1t1on wdl be held Spain onr finds the ne\\" and creatin~ to.r the public. 1 he annual banqt~et in art. In Spain arl· young artist:- not will take .Place, , and a catalogued dt . . afraid to "try their ,,.i11 g·s," and pro- play of ptctures made. ducc new and lm:c ly art. Tourists luckily hart' not "iound" man,· art:; of Spain. and one may ,,·andcr- through 1 quaint' old villages. and down lanes wlll'rt' nati\'l'S l1an' not ' l't'll .-\meric:tll"' before . . Tells of Chicago League 1 (Continued from page S2l ~I r. E\\-l'll then intrnduced \\ ·. T. j . . IPlll' :-. ()i \\'ilmc'tl· \\'h,, spukl' nf thr ·:~ngystiOn ancl ~cc1dcnts anti _r~ducc I . splendid work donr by the Business tnct10n a:Hl confbcb. _The quahtte:-. or ~[en's Art league of Chicago. This f~ctors ?I a good traft1c, <~<Hie are nut league. founded in 1920. no\\" It as a l!nrd hndly by ~f r. ~r cC lmtock < t-. fnl memhcrship of about 200 men, none lo\\·s: of whom arc under thirty years of 1 "Thl' cudl' must ht· simpk. Pcopk age. In fact, no one is allowed to he- 1dl) nc)t ha,·c time nor the inclination 'COlli~ a member until he has reached ' to memorize a lot oi laws and rule~ . 'he em·iable age of 30. The learrue It must be enforceable. It must h(' has dtth rooms at 81 \\'r~t \·an Ru~cn comprehensive ancl in conformitv witl1 the natural requirements of -traffic Flexibilih· is another factor found iu a good t;aftic code as street condition-.. often change rapidly so the code mu st he adaptabk. It must he based upon facts regarding street use as the clay of haphazard methods of st reet control arc gone. Traffic regulation is a scie nce. Finall\', a traftlc code mu~t he balanced. There sho uld he a delicall· and accurate adjustment between the requirement_· of people to move O\' t:r the streets and maximum safetY of usc." That those qualities are workable ones is indicated in the announcement of the traffic committee of the asso·c iation which points to their success in Los Angeles and its adjacent suburban territory where a traffic code designed -STARTING MON&AYby Mr. McClintock along the above / lines is now itl' effect. According to the Continuous I: 30 to 11 P. M. data compiled by Los Angeles before and after the installation of the code. accidents have. been reduced thirty per ----------------~-'l'eleJthooe Wr.'mett.e 3M7 cent and street capacity increased up to fifty per cent through· the operations of the code. ART LEAGUE ON WAY TO BIGGEST SEASON 1 1 WANT UNIFORM TRAFFIC CODE FOR COOK COUNTY ._,AMPU I"N E W s 1 I ---------DR. FRANK·B. ERWIN In tile trentment of your be·t frlen4· the "Dog and Cat" A.ll cnlht r·et·h'e m,. ntteatlon 1000 Rldga Au. Wilmette. 111. ~tJet·lnllzlng I VETERINARIAN One Rlocll: North ot Post Oi'fice 1738 Sherman Avenue. CLEANING-PRESSING-TAILORING-REPAIRING per·o··· St. Andrew's Episcopal church at Farm Ridge, ·one of the passing order of the little brown church, has held Sunday .services , without interruption for nearly a century.

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