October 29, 19'l6 WILMETTE LIFE Charges Democrats 1Jlere Extravagant With County Funds Taxpayers of Cook county have had to dig into their pockets and make good annual deficits ranging from $482,000 to $1,750,000 for the last four vears .under the Democratically controlled county board and its Demo- 53 WELCOME STRANGER! Let Us Become Better Acquainted In One of Our Churches \\ ·e arc glad you have decided tu make yuur home among u:-;. I Jere m \\'ilmett<: \\·e believe you will hnd a \'illage of neighborly iolk~ who like jn:-;t about the same thing:-; YOU like and \\'ho~e idea]o.; will tnakc ,·mt feel quickly at 1Hmle. \\'L' \\·ant to kno"· you and your family-and we hupe you will l I Fran cia L. Boutell :his ~\'a~te. has never _been questio~JC'<I. j 1'hts · Is JUSt one ot several senous 1 charges' made by Alderman Francis L. I Boutell, Republican candidate ior 1 !·resident of the County board. "Expenditures of the County board I 10r the last four years have exceeded .tppropriations by hundrels of thou.,ands " of dollars," says Mr. Boutell. ··The laws of the state plainly dtrlart· that this cannot he done, yet tlw iacts ,!JO\\' that it i being done. Each year 1 rast sums of money taken from the ; I ;axpayers arc used to pay . bills oi the previous year which has been con : racted in excess of appropriations . ~. ":\t the pre ent time there are Ui~O ~~ p11 or mothers and 4,000 hl'lple-..~ cl11l- I ~ · dren entitled to aid undc~ the ~fothe.r:-.' Pen . ion I ,aw whose clam1. fnr rdtd . ~ l' annot even he investigated because oi : ~ Lt ck nf funds. This condition could ~; l itH~ brt·n n·lil'\'Cd h\' action oi thl· ,t ;tte legislature either- in 1923 nr 192_S. I \o effort was made to help thl'lll 111 1 ] 123. and in 1925 the prornt head oi th t: romlt\· board \\·as busy g-etting ' lt-gislati(IJJ. permitting the building of ihr Ill'\\' $7.500.000 jail and comh I ),uilding in hi.; llnnlC' warcl. '! 1 I nat pr<.:~ident, \vho:.e power to stop ! \\'ant to know us. \Viii yon not gi,·e us the opportunity, next ~nnday. at Church? In theo.;c Church Homes. on Sundays at l·:ln·cn, we are accustomed to meet as members of one great ttn .in~rsal familY for an hour uf ~piritual recreation. It is the ideJ] place for the making of acquaintances, the beginning of Ia~ t in g f r ie 11 cb hip o.;, a nd ron tact~ \\' it h the ~ o t i a 1 1i f c of the commtmih·. Tht:'t: rhurrht':-' art: not in cumpetltHJn: rathc:r, they are in friendly acrurd in it1\·iting your affiiliation with the one of your choice. I I , Though they may differ in crerds and customs yet they are alike in their cndcaYor to elcYate and maintain the standards of right If yon will trace your selection of \\'ilmette back to basic r~·a:-;otb, you " ·ill surely hnd that the whole:-;ume influence of the Churches h:-td an important part. liYing. ( 1 1 1 1 f~ootball League Directory of Churches: The Wilmette Baptist Church Forese and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Francis C. Stiller Following arc thr results of North ! grammar :-~chool football games this week: ~hore I :11Itwoorl Pt' Wt ·t>:-; V\"ilm..ttt' Pt' Wt·{·S (0) I'· Krit-·ntch ...... L. K . . . . . . H. Saxon \\'. Eht·r·t ..... .. . L. T. . . E. Proc·know 1 ·· Hupn·eht . . . . L. (;. . ........ G.Etwr ;.; Bnhn ......... <' .·.···· ,J. Stnckhoust· l :. Knig-ht ...... R (;. : ... Yan<:P :-:;o~h~ ~ . Jrnning-l' ...... H. T ..... A. Bo?·ag-tan .\1. Evans ...... R. K .... .J. liJtt>man :\. Zak . . . . . . . . R. II. . . . . H. S<'hu.cttt! .1 Olson ........ L. J!. .. .. .. 1>. :\JJnt r 1·;. HPdhlum .... F. H. . . < '. Finlayson :-; :\[t"rrill ........ Q. H. ...... T. Hrad1 · Q. B. . . . . H. Klundt'r '·. LP\'t'rt' . . . . . . L. K . . . . !<'. :-ieling·t·r t ;. \V . ( ;athl·J·t·oal-TIPft·J't·t· 11. ('. ~tfmt·-Lint·sman. f:olt wood Ft-a t ht ·rs 1 !I \Yil. Ft'ctllwrs 0 The Fu-st Presbyterian Church Ninrh Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. George P. Magill ·First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Wilmette English.Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street Rev. William Guise 1 St. Augustine's Episcopal Church r 140 Wilmette Avenue The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith, Rev. Hubert Carleton .......... <'. ('ox . .... l ·. Zippritk ..... .\1. .John!ion .\f. Huerter . . . . <'. . . . . . . . . Jr. Corns 1-: Parkt'r ...... n..' < : . . .. 1\: . . :arn'tl5on 1 ·:. Erland ...... n. T. . ...... L. Jon es .1 . Fr·yt:' ........ n.E. ..... \. \Tt·rcrUZl'll, \\', Topson . . . . R. H. . ....... .J. Dunn 1: :\!eye r ....... L . H. . ..... T. Brady '1'. Twerdall .... F. H. . ..... '\'\'. )\Tinter ·1· Fragassi . . . Q. B. ..... H. h..lunde1· '; W. Oathercoal-Refert.·t' 11 . r·. Stont->-Linesman. .1. Rapp ........ L. K · ;, Stocking . . . . L. T. W. PrizE>r . . . . . . L . <; St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmetce and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. M eyu Published by tlu [,.ltrehurch Adt~trlisi"g Comfllilltt, Wilmell~ Church Federatio,. .il@ffdil@illtftlmiitbiimt!iffitdtiffiijhilirnlmiliftj~~lttil~lmiii'i~lit\ilmi~qjf@'~J