Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 50

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50 PLAN MINSTRELS Tl.H? ~orth Shore Glee c4tb will give a mm:;trel show at the \Vinnetka Woman's club, corner Oak and Maple, Thm!'da~· eveninB'. Kovember 4. at 8:30. WILMETTE Winners of the John Newben· Medal for the most distinguished contribution to children's literature, determined by a. special committee of the Children's Librarian section, are as follows: 1921-Hendrick \\'ill em Van Loon, LIFE October 29, 1926 Cordie, Elizabeth Otis, Tom Wilder, Cora Gould Davies, Elizabeth Holdenweek, Hazel Crow Ewell, Edith Boynton, Charles Morgan, Eleanor R Hatch, Winnifred Wilson, Mrs. John E h.b. k C . V ennema, Mae Spooner Dickinson. x I 1t at mnet a ommundy \-Villiam B. Hale, Lipncl Robertson, G. ~1 r~. Carlton E. GiYen of EYanston "The Story of Mankind." Hous!! Forerunner of Many Long Otis, John M. Frank, Allen Philand :\Irs. ~f. B. Cottrell of Wilmette 1922-Hugh Lofting, "Dr. Doolittle." Interesting Meetings . brick, Clara Byron Simpson, A. E. are gi\'ing a luncheon and bridge No1923-Charles Boardman Hawes, Boynton, Elizabeth Engelhard, Marga,·emher 3. . at . li-l() Hinman avenue , Ev"'fhe Dark Frigate." By MARGERY· WINDES r,ct M. vValker, A.). ~our};Y, Edna :\1. anston. lor :>txty of their friends. , . . . . S. J ohansrn, M arguentc I aylor, Bue 11 192-t--Cllarles J. Finger, "Tales from Grl'a~ \'and.' (d JHc.turcs, rangmg .Muflen, Anita \\'illits Burnham, Edit h otb. , ·and etch- Bovnton H owan l B e d e S an1 Ot'IS. Silver Lands." · frolll · · pastt>l-., . draw1ng . mg:;, \\'It 1 1 ~UhJt'rt~ mclud111g landA . f ' f th 't 5 t d' · 1926-Arthur B. Chrisman, "Shen oi scapl':>, marint·:-. pnrtraits, garden tho .tC?U an mg .. c1 1· F1 , the Sea." walb, and templt':-. in Italy, were in- t t~ res 0 , . .~ ex 1 H tohn r;"·c rcd: . 1 1 1 ------------------------- - - eluded ill t)Jt: l'Xhihition 011 display in I ver ~v l~t o-- 011 rene · >rOa ' fl\t.: r. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · ~ I Alatz llall, i11 tl1l' \\"itlnetka ~on1n1u- ~ot Sprln~~, .~ . l.,_ hy },u11------· ·-- j nitY House. during the la~t week by dolph lngerle, pas.t prestdent of the tll~ :\'onh ~ll!lrl' :\rt kagttl'. ' · lca~· uc, t~-.·o .charmmg :vater-colo_rs by f . . . . 1.\llcn Phtlbnck a marme and ptcturt: A 11 unu~ua II v IPH' I \ mannc. Ytnd 111 I f \..eenc r · V 11' N y 'b p B ;,: ey, I : ., Y ercy : color, and di-.j,[;ning. Yioll'nt action oi 0 · 1 waves, hung 011 the :-, 9 uth wall, almost !~ckhar~, an u:teres.tml? water-co.lor. m faces a statdy tcmpfe against a blue I ,u~ anc1e~1t sh1p h) L10nel Rohcrtso~1. sky, on the oppnsitc \rall. A unique ! t\\O mannes hy V'jk. k1~. Gourley, t\\ f· picturt· 11 i a gr ~)ttp oi gaunt l>irr·h tree. 1 landscape.s of the. S o 'te, by Hugo "o.n was lntng lll'ar a <il'lightiully intimate ~ I-J;ofstet~, mterna.tton~:l.r. ~amous ~or ht ~ r>ortrayal of a '>Illig harbor .with it s ! piCture ~, and t\\0 pastels, one ot ~ar fishing smacb rc :-, ting quietly. r~lo_na_ a;Ht .. ~he other . . of. The An:1~1~ : On the ca~t wall, alone, hung the l1t~ . ~t hocr:, Aledo, Spam, by Chatll, portrait of tht> lah' president of :\f 01 g.lll. \Vheaton col kg(': '-<lone hy a yonng ll1ctll Show Skokie Sketches fro~u E~· anst lll, an arcompli~hed pm q.tt:nco~ .was ~epr.e~ented hy tlll~l·c tr<ut pamter. , artbts. lllltah K. Sh1ppen, Mrs. hl . An imaginati\'l' pictt~re of ci\'C · and "ard :\ . (Cract~) Brion, and Inn ;, kitten~. that would delight the heart J..:cehn. ~trs. Brion and Mrs. Keeh n of a child, and warm the heart of a ~tudicd this summer in a dass <;on grO\Yn up hung o~ the west \\'all. durted by Frank Pe_yraud, w.hich met Thcrt> \\'l're many ptct urt·s, and tnany and sketched out 111 the Half Da~ arti!-.ts. and all rannot bl' dc!'lrrihed . region. The two pictures on exhibiWind -blo'"'i ·c louds, quiet garden~. and tion by ~[rs. Brion, and the three b y unusually litll: portraits werl' on di~ - ~frs . Keehn, were all sketched either' play. · ' in the Skokie or farther west. ~lr .... Many Artists Contribute Shippen's picture io.; entitled "Summt·i· 1 The participating artists were, L. 1\. Joys." Nas.l.J 1 Percy Eckhart, Hugo Von Hof- · The uprning mel'ling of the ::\ort h That's why so many sten, Grace Brion. Edward D . .Gourley, Shore :\rt league tonk place the fir 5t Rudolph Ingcrle, Zada \Valkcr Clark, night of the exhibition, when artist North Shore housewives Caroline S. Burnham, Vera Stone : and friend s gathered together in for Norman, \V. ~L Gourley, Urinah Ship- mally. pen, Ihma Keehn. · \V. J. Jones, E. B. . The keynote of the meeting wa~ th;!: call on Bill the Washing-Hatch, Elizabeth ~lillard, C. R. ~lc(l'ontinued on page 52) ART LEA~'UE ON WAY U ' TO 8J1' 1'£SJ SEASON UU w· Read the Want Ads 5 et t· 1F I I 1 DEPENDABLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 ton Laundry Man, · whose hobby ts being obliging and business-like. October 26, To the Independent Voters of New Trier: We hope that you will carefully considu the character. ability and nperi·ence of the candidates. before voting at the election on November 2nd. Wf believe that the candidates on the Democratic ticket are superior to their opponents in these essential requirements, and . .thfrefore, that they deserve your support. This is the basis on which we ask you to vote for them. Public attention is naturally centered on the contest for United States Senator. We wish to call your attention to the past record of George E. Brennan. nominated by the Democratic ·P arty for that high officf. As a boy Mr.· Brennan worked in a coal mine: he rud and studied and as a young man became a school teacher and. later, Assistant County Super intendent of Schools of Will Counry, Illinois. Today hr is a successful busi ness man. He has been for nearly 10 years the Chicago Manager of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. J · I 9~6 A few words to .Bill and ··washday·' is a thing of the past. CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY·DAY In 1 91 I Mr. Brrnnan became responsible for the nomination of ten Republican judges along with ten Democratic judges on the Democratic judicial ticket. This coalition ticket was elected, and the efforts of the Small -Lundin Thompson machine to control the judiciary of Cook County were defeated. In I 924 he secured the nomination of Norman K. Jones as the Democratic candidate for Governor against Len Small. New Trier, although normally overwhelmingly Republican, gave Jones a majority of its votes. It was Mr. Brennan who brought about the nomination of the present admirable mayor of Chicago, William E. Dever. George E. Brennan's fine record of public service is an assurance that. if elected, he will be an able and public spirited United States Senator. 20% Discount on work brought in and ca lied for We submit thar Mr. Brennan and the other Democratic candidates deserve your vote. Yours respectfully, . .. . ROSWELL B. MASON, 326 Ridge Ave., Winnetka, Ill. HENRY A. BERGER, 819 Chestnut Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Democratic District Committeemen for the Township of New Trier.

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