Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 43

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October 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 43 to a frame storage building on WINNETKA TAKES JUMP . dition Center street, costing $5,000. A permit was issued to Maurice G. IN BUILDING ACTIVITY , addition Pryor for a frame and brick veneer to . the residence at 459 Sun- There will be a card party Wednes-· avenue, in the interest of the Lake day evening, November 3, at the home Shore conclave, True Kindred of Illiof Mrs. Martha Yarian, 1021 Central nois. Village Department Issues .Permits Totaling $234,825 During Month of October preset.1~ ye~r. has. be.et; . setting a lively pace m bUJldm~ .acttvttte.s for all north \Vinnetka, · which throughout the shore cc;>mmuntttes, .a_gam comes for~ard . wtth a splendtn .Oc~ober record m wht~h th~ total permtts tssued up tc;>, and mcludmg Wednesd~y. of thts we.e k, reac~ed $2~4,~25. . A. B. Kneg, bmldmg mspect<;>r, ~ays there. are numerot~s. other apphcattons ON THE BEAUTIFUL pendmg, and anttctpatfs that before th~ close of th.e . ~onth the. total vatu- Buys Vacant Property atton of permtts tssued wtll have exN W"l L" . ceeded the $300,000 mark. ear 1 mette tmlls Ten permits for new structures costSamuel S . Oman, of the firm of A Few Choice Locations at Bargain ing $205,000 had been issued up to th<" Oman and Lilienthal, architects, 64 Prices-For Courteous Service Phone close of Vvedncsday. Six permits for vVest Randolph street, Chicago, has alterations and remodeling of build- sold to Frederick B. Kilner the vacant ings, amounted to $26,875, and six northeast corner of Central street and garages were authorized costing $2,950. Central Park avenue, Evanston, for New Assembly Hall a reported consideration of $25,375. The permits fo~ the erection oi the IR. E. Thatcher, of the firm of J:lill and 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago new brick and !ile assembly halt at v:'l.te.eler, was th~ broker. Thts tract Room 818--Tel. Central 2380-2383 ~orth Shore Country . Day school, ha~ a fronta~e ot 203 feet on Central 1 work 011 which is now under way, I street by 12:~. f~et on Central P.ark heads the list of new buildings in the avenue .. and lS. 111 one of the raptdly matter of cost. this permit calling for cl,~vclopmg sectiOns of Evanston. Mr. ~:i'///////////////////////////////////////.1//////////////////////////////////////////////////h'l/////////////////k'.'l'//.fW//. _ _ _ ~000 Ktlner has also purchased ilirough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ ~ ' : . , · : ).f r. Thatcher an additional 100 feet, . Da \"ld Oliver, c;>f Lvansto~ 1 · was 1 in various parcels on Central street, 1ssued t~·o penmts for re~tdences, : in this vicinity. 1 tach costmg $20,000. They wtlt be of i l. brick veth.: e_: on fram~ . . One wilt b~ VISIT HOME TOWN. \ . located at _,:,21 Walnut street and tht: R R Jenness, of the ).fcGture and other at 3:>4 Elder lane. Orr. Wilmette real estate office, 348 ; P. \V. Bradstreet is building a $16,- !,inc~_en avenue, accompanied by his 000 residence of frame and~ st ucc::>, tamlly, returned Thursday of last week I' with attached garage, at ,:,97 Oak from a hvo \veeks' visit at Springfield, street. i \f ass.. the former home vicinity of Dr. Julius Block has taken out a both 1fr. and Mrs. Jenness. permit for a one and nne -half story - - ·- - - - - .- - -brick veneer residence at 194 Fuller lane. costing $15,000. E. T. Leonard and company were Every fac.tor of safety given permits for two residences, one and attractive tncome I to be of brick veneer on frame, located at 66 \Varwick road, costing $14,000 is satisfied in a First and the other, a stucco on frame, at 70 V\:an-.·ick road, costing $13,000. Mortgage Gold Real Benson Ld.ndon is building a connet.~ block residence at 554 ~[eadow Estate Bond secured I !'0ad. c::>sting $13,000. by North Shore tmHomes Lead in Permits :\ permit has been issued to R. B. provemen ts. Faxon for a frame residence with. ~arage attached, at 1214 Cherry street, resting $10,000. G. C. Schlums witt erect a one and ,,ne-half story frame residence at 933 Cherry street, costing $4,000. Permits for alterations and remodeling were issued to C. C. Coolidge for . a brick addition and alterations to his 15 64 Sherman Avenue Replica of Model Home at Golf residence at 920 Euclid a n'nue, costing $15,000. Evanston John D. Hoth will huilcl a brick ad- set road, costing $4,000. Allen T. Weinstock has taken out a permit to bnild a brick addition to the residence at 1242 Cherry street, costing $2,600. Permit has been granted R. E. Sni- · dcr for alteration in a two story frame residence at 836 Foxdale avenue, the cost of which is given as $250. A. irame porch addition to the resiidence of James P. Schemer, at 1040 I · Spruce street and costing $25.00 is authorized in one of the permits. I The six garage~ a11thorized, cost from $275 t::> $1,000 each. The total permit" for garages amount to $2,950. Jack Goodwin SaysNOW is the time to buy Real Estate for Quick Profits at BILOXI, MISS. Mississippi Gulf Coast . J ACK GOODWIN I MODEL HOME AT GOLF 1 1 1 1 i. I · OPEN FOR INSPECTION A Warm House Guaranteed Fuel Bills Reduced .... $150 or less will insulate the average Old House. Thermo-Fill, the new U. S. Gypsum Insulating Powder. Can be poured under your attic floor and into al~ wall spaces. Ideal for Old Homes--The Perfect Insulator for New Homes. Estimates or information cheerfully given. OCTOBER SOtb TO NOVEMBER Z8th The Model Home at Golf is completely furnished and equipped with all the modern conveniences, and is a revelation of what can be accomplished by careful planning . How To Get There BY · AUTO: Waukegan Road 172 miles north of Dempster Street. Follow the Yellow , Arrow. BY TRAIN: Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad to Golf Station, \vhich is located on property. ! or detailed description of Model Home and Golf, The New Hon1e Town R. E. CROSBY Builder 566 Center Street Tel. Winn. 2032 (1 doors north of lredale Storage Co.) Glen. 877 Winnetka Address': ,. GEO. N. DIEDERICH 4450 Ravenswood Ave. CHICAGO ~honeLong~6~ ~======================~g~~

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