Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 34

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34 ·wiL ·~ETTE LIF.E October 29, 1926 Present Baklano6 Senea on Committee for Big '~Y" Reunion Tonight in Gala Concert NCT ALL SCCD We never tried to make anyone believe · that all Used Cars were good cars. But we do insist that the Used-~Cars we sell are good cars. And the people who buy them know it. ... _.__ C. M. McDONALD 1019 DAVIS STREET Phones: University 224, Wilmette ::124 "Buy Your Car in Evanston" A USE-D C:AR IS ONLY AS CE-PE-NOABLE: AS THE- D E\.ALE- R WHO SE-LLS t:T · Floyd L. Bateman ' of 735 Michip;an avenue is a member of the Reumon committee which is arranging one of . The first gala c~ncert of th~ season. the largest reunions of the 60,000 form- announced for Thursday evemn.g, Noer ·students and graduates of the I vember 4 at Orchestra hall, wtll also Central Y. M. C. A. schools, Chicago, ! mark the' American con~ert de~ut of to be beld this evening, at the Central!· Georges Baklanoff, Russtan bantone. Y. M. \C. A. banquet hall, 19 South The famous Russian singer, who has LaSalle street, under the auspices of been coming to Ameri'Ca for ten se~ the · Alumni association of the Central sons as foremost baritone for the ChtY. M. C. A .. schools. Every neighbor- ! cago Civic o_p~ra c~mpany, both under hood of Chtcago and all of the sub- the Campanmt regtme · and under the urbs will be represented at this re- more recent civic management, last union, it is stated. year· became an American cit~zen, and is now entering upon extenstve plans Colonel and Mrs. Charles \V. Castle, for a year of concert singing in Amer 22Y,. Woodbine avenue, have returned 1 ica a form of presentation in which he l}oine after a fortnight's visit at \Vas~- 1 is popular in all the capitals of Europe, ington . and tp Fort Jay, Gov~rnor s though his American appearances have Island, )J'. Y. In Washington Colonel hitherto been confined to opera. and Mrs. Castle were the guests of Baklanoff, who is ~ow co.mple~ing an Colonel and Mrs. Edward T. Stone, ooera engagement m Cahforma, an<J Cnited State.s Army. j will return to Europe almost immedi. ately following his Chicago 'COncert, his only Chicago appearance for this 'season, to complete concert engage! ments there, in order to be free for an I American tour. The great dramatic ability of this artist as well as his quality of voice, I has achieved for him a unique place Iin the records of operatic personalities, and has earned for him from his pub, ilc and his confrere!' the appellation of "Russian Bear." Assisting Baklanoff on the gala pro ~ , gram will be Irene Pavloska, well known mezzo-soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera company, and Amy Neill, the young Ameri-can artist, called the I greatest woman violinist of the day. Isaac Van Grove, composcr-conduc tor, is arranging the entire program and will be at the piano. Kate Grandall Raclin, who has pres sented Feodor Chaplin the past two seasons in his Chicago appearances, and who was responsible several sea sons ago for the successful concert that bade farewell to Lucien Mura 1 tore's American engagements, is pre 1 senting the Noyembcr 4th concert the first of the season's gala events. ' Thursday, Nov. 4 I Have You Seen I I I I I PLAYS AT THEATER Bail~·. a member oi the American Comcn·atory Organ de partment. Chicagu. hac.; been pla,·ing at the Villagt· thcatrl' for the ·pa st ~lr~. Gertrude three \\·reb. ~[ r:-. Baih· ha:- ,n)n a high place in th e public estimation for her cxpcrtne:-;s at the org-an, in both church and tlh:ater work. ~r r ~ . Baih· i~ al:-;o a skilled and artistic pianist. · The U nlf,sual Collection of Oriental Rugs at ·Lord's? The unusualness of this collection lies in the great number of Oriental rugs which are outstanding examples of soft blending of colors, and that which the public seldom sees-careful and conscientious workmanship of Hknotting." The former means a rug that is pleasing to look upon, the latter, a rug that is serviceable to tread upon. . These rugs have been especially selected for North Shore people whose homes reflect their discriminating tastes in the wise choice of suitable and serviceable rug embellishments for their floors. It has been CJur aim in presenting this unusual collection between October 2 2nd and October 30th to offer to Evanston and North Shore people an opportunity to see in variety and assortment outstanding examples of the artistry of Oriental weavers. Only Three Days More-Thursday, Friday and Saturday ).1 r:-;. \\'illiam E. Robertson of 521 Central avenue l'lltcrtained member :-; of the fancy \\'(Irk horH h for the St . Augustine's church bazaar at lunchc·()n and a day oi :o- t'\\·ing \\'rrlncsday. - 0- Mrs. \\.illiant Fox: Beeler and ha infant daughter. Sara Helen. arc mak . ing a short Yisit ;:tt the ho111e of Mr;; . Beeler ' father. J0hn S. Gag-e, 11:f4 F.lm ,,·ood a\'C'11t1t'. -0- 'l'he bazaar tu he gin:tl 1)\· the .-\:;~u c}a~cd guild:; oi the St. -Augu tine'..; bp1scopal church '"ill hr held on \\'cd nesday, December 1. in thr Pari·d1 House. I t LADIES' FINE HAND BAG MAKER RF.AllF.ll ANU TAPESTRY BAGS :\fOUNT ED ltEPAIR WORK RUG DEPARTMENT Second Floor Davia Street Side A guarantee of satisfaction goes with efJety transaction LEONARD MOESE of Paris 1171 XORTH ~liCHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO Phone Sutlerlor 7077 (

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