WILMETTE . " LIFE October 29, 1926 'North Shore Women on Patroness List for Military Ball ~Pl(jns Now U nderwa, for Ball Given .by : Arden Shore Group ' By JEAN TEN BROECK Married in Late ·October Charity Ball Next Wednesday Attracts North Shore Society The Charity ball next Wednesday evening given by the Glencoe Center of the Infant 'W elfare Society ?f Chicago. will be a brilliant and fashtonable event attracting a north shore following. The affair will be held in the Evanston Country club. A group of prominent Glencoe women is arranging for the ball which will offer not only the pleasure of dancing to the strain:-~ of Dick Ede's orchestra, but the opportunity of l;llaying cards. to . those who prefer thts form of dtverst~n to dancing. A delectable supper \\·ttl he served later in the evening. M r~ Francis Graham, chairman of the ticket committee, is assisted in her work bv Mrs. Abel Davis, Mrs. Austin L. \\'vt-nan; Mrs. H. H. Belding, ~~ r~. J. H. · Buechler, Mrs. \larence Troup. Miss Marion Black, Mtss Agnes Cornell, Mrs. S. Pirie Carson, Mrs. Liond Frank, .Mrs. Franklin de Beers. In ad dition the following committee chair men 'arc selling tickets: Mrs. \\". Hamilton \Valter, chairman of arran~t· mcnts: .Nirs. \\ 7illiam T. C re s mer. chairman of publicity: }.1 rs. Henry L. Stout, chairman of card:-.: Mrs. Harold S. Elliott, chairman of the dance. ~f rs. E. F. \Yieboldt is gencr;:tl chairman of the entire affair . Mrs. Graham asks that all mcmhl'rs of her ticket committee report to her on the progress of. their sales not later than Sunllay evenin~, October 31. Patrone ses for the affair will be Mr s. Henry H . Brigham. Mrs. Frank E. Compton. ~~ rs. \Villiam R. D a w c s. 'Mrs. Harry C. Halloway, Mr s. H. Earl Hoonr, ~Irs. Andrew MacLeish, Mrs. George Pope, Mrs. J. If Roberts, M r~. James M. Sheldon, Mrs. Henry 1. Smith and _ Mrs. J. Mil_ton Trainer. a:' well as the chairman and thr sub chairmen. Society is ever busy, especially at this season of the year when its activities · assume more compr~hensive proportions. A large function inviting its interests and its efforts, .and occurring on Friday evening, November 26, is the Military ball which the Chicago committee of the Arden Shore association witt gjve. Arden Shore is another organization \vhich through the years has become an integral part of the life here. It reflects the development of the shore. As the north shore has grown, so has it expanded, until those who long have heen residents of this Yicinity feel that it has become one of the north shore's traditions. Mrs. Llonla Smith ~ha\\' is chairman of the Chicagc. committee, and those assisting her will be Mrs. Albert S: Gardner, who is chairman of boxes: Miss Sarane Otis, chairman of arrangements; Mrs. Herbert Nock, chairman of tickets: Miss Dorothy Peacock. chairman of invitations: Miss Elaine Blackman, chairman of reservations; Miss EmilY Otis. chairman of the Junior League group: Mrs. Richard Gambrill, chairman of music and entertainment: 11 r . George E . Van Hagen, ] r., chairman of advertising and programs: Mrs. Albert Bruce Wegener, publicity. ~{iss Pauline Wolff. Miss Margaret Sinclair and Miss Jean Logan are co-chairmen for the debutante group. Congressman Fred A. Britten is a patron for the ball and the patronesses from Chicago and the entire north shore are: Mesdames ]. Ogden Armour, \\rilliam A. Alexander, Jacob Baur, Emmons Blaine, Fred A. Britten, \ugustus A. Carpenter, Willaim E. Cas$elberry, Harry B. Clow, Joseph G. Coleman, Mark W. Cresap, Charles G. Dawes, Phillip L. E. Elting, Jay S. Glidden, Robert B. Gregory, Norman W. Harris, H. Stillson Hart. John F .Hines, Frank \V. Kingsley, Carl E. Latham, Michael Lenihan, Edward A. Leight, Ed\vard R. Litsinger, William H. G. Logan, ] oseph B. Long, Le\vis S. Louer, George A. Mason. Rockefeller McCormick, Bruce MacLeish, Arthur Meeker, Clair E. More, James Morrisson, Ralph C. Otis, E. D. Parmelee, Robert Peacock, Grant Ridway, William G. Sage, Paul Schulze, E. John Senn, Joseph J. Siddall, William J. Sinclair, Lloyd ] . Smith, Arthur F. Tuttle, George E. Van Hagen, William J. \Vardall, and Fred G. Wacker. Lewis Smith Photo Mra. Jerome K. Flaherty Reiek ·Photo Miss ~larian Seng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, Seng of Wilmette and Jerome K. Flaherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flaherty of Evanston, were married Saturday morning, ·October lt1. Cuba was the young couple's destination while on their wedding trip. Mrs. Richard Hill Fleming ~~ i~s BettY 'Marshall, daughter of .Mr. and M ~s. Benjamin H. Marshall, became the bride of Richard Hill Fleming, ~on of Mr. and ~[rs . Harvey B. Flellling, \Yednesday evening, October 20, in the studio-home of her father and mother. Plan Benefit Performance Edna Gauger Will Marry for Stevenson Memarial in Her Home November 6 The coming month is the time for another \\T ilmette wedding. On Saturday, November 6, the marriage of Miss Edna Marie Gauger, daughter of Mr. attd Mrs. George Gauger, to Chester Gould of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gould of Tulsa, Okla., will be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the evening in the Gauger home, 229 Linden avenue. A reception will follow the ceremony. There will he four attendants, Mrs. \Villiam James of Evanston, matron of honor: Miss Violet Jackson of Chicago, maid of honor: Sals Bostwick of Chicago, hest man: G. \Yiltiam Gauger. usher. Among the affairs given for Miss Gauger were the shower given recently by 't\Irs. James at her home in Evanston, a. shower given by Mrs. William Jackson and Mrs. Arthur Masters of Chicago Tuesday afternoon, October 19, an evening shower last Tuesday with Mrs. Harry Hopp of Wilmette the hostess, a shower \Vednesday afternoon given by Mrs. Olof Jackson, and an afternoon bridge Mrs. William Heindricks will give next Thursday at her home in Ravinia. Four memhers of a club to which ~-1 rs. Gauger belongs. Mrs. Rudolph Soukup of Hubbard \\. oods, Mrs. Rudolph Bartleman of Glencoe, Mrs. Fred Basedow and Mrs. Mabel Baker of Chicago gave a surprise shower for sixty guests at the Gauger residence Saturday evening, October 23. The Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial, a temporary home for women with children in need of assistance, will he the beneficiary of a performance of "Princess Flavia" Monday evening. November 1. The Stevenson ~1 emorial has · bought out the Four Cohans' theater for that· time. The proceeds will help defray some of the expense of the home during the coming winter and the many extra calls that cold weather always brings. Tickets may he procured from Miss Martha ]. Moe, University 1342, from Marshall Field and company, and from · Lyon and Healy. Mrs. Victor R. Clark is chairman for the affair and the following are members of the committee: Mrs. E. J. Brasseur, Mrs. George H. Bixby, Mrs. Roy · 0. Nereim, Mrs. I. V. Edgerton. Mrs. J. M. \Varner, Miss Martha J. Moe. Catholic League Gives Yearly Benefit Saturday Party to Aid Vets A card party will be given Friday afternoon, November S. at 2 o'clock, by the committee on friendly co-operation with ex-service men of the Woman's Catholic club of \Vilmette. The affair will be at the home of Mrs. Edward ]. McArdle, 111 Broadway avenue. The members of the committee in charge are Mesdames L. \V. Crush, P. ]. Joyce. R. C. Ross, J. J. Milts, Joseph Joyce. G. E. Ludwig, Alfred Ruby, J~ E. Dempsey, and P. ]. McGurk. _.. The Evanston branch of the Chicago Junior School for Boys near Elgin, is giving a bridge party Monday, November 15, at the new Georgian hotel in Evanston at 2:15 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Minor, Wilmette 2449, and Mrs. R. C. Millen, Wilmette 3399, are in charge of tickets for the affair. ---- .._ Married Mr. at\d Mrs. Charles Welter, 115 Fifteenth street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Marjor~, to Edward Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas The Williams of Highland Park. wedding took place on Saturday, October 16. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are to live in Highland Park. The bridegroom's father and mother were formerly residents of \ViJmette. The card party to be given by the North Shore Catholic Woman's league for the benefit of its social service de partment, will be held at the Orrington hotel, Saturday, November 6, at 2 o'clock. Tickets may be had from Mrs. \Villiam Snyder, telephone Glencoe 107. Mrs. N. P. Anderson of Evanston i~ general chairman of the card party. the only benefit given during the year for the social service department of the league. Mrs. \Villiam Snyder of Glencoe and Mrs. John Janette of KenilMake Bow in December Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Case of worth are also on the committee arHubbard \Voods; who will present their ranging for the party. daughter, Miss Carolyn Frances Case, tQ society on December 11, from 3 until 6 o'clock, at their home, are plan~ Resume Dancing Parties ning to give a dance for young people. High school dances conducted by thC' i'riends of their daughter, on Decem- Parent-Teacher association of \Vilber 22, at the Drake terrace. mette, with Mrs. Edwina M art in t· Miss Case has not decided on the \Veckler as instructor, will he given at list of debutantes to assist her when the Woman's club every other Friday her formal presentation takes plare. night from 7 to 8 :45 o'clock, beginning November 5. and continuing u n t i 1 Mi~s Esther Crahb and James Crabb. March 18. 925 Greenleaf avenue, are giving a Valencia, and other new dances will Hall owe 'en dance Saturday evening at Mrs. A. H. Vosburgh, the \\"oman's club of Wilmette. Sixty be taught. Wilmette 2344. is in charge of arrangecouples ha \'e been invited. Mr. Crabb, who is a member of Sigma Kappa ments during the ahsence of Mrs. Delta at Armour Institute, has extended \Viltiam E. Duff. \Vilmette 1123. an invitation to his fraternitv for the . dance. Next Monday begins the fifth week The Cozv Corner circle of the First of the bridge tournament being given Con~Zregational church will have an Moday afternoons at the Ouilmette aU-day meeting Thursday; November 4. Country club. Mrs. J, W. H. Higbee, Mrs. L. E. Bush has. charge of the 810 Lake avenue, will be the hostess luncheon. for the month of November. ··- -)· ----· -- ------ .._ -.. ------