18 WILMETTE LIFE_ October 29, 1926 Thousands Inspect Light Pla,nt !____________________________ __ I Sophisticated! these misses' shoes for the restless teens , .... I ! T I I HE NE\V "MODERN MISS" SHOES featured by Pool & Piper have all the ultra-modern style and grace of shoes de· igned for mature womanhood-yet they an: fashioned most sensibly to support and strengthen the growing foot of the teen-age g-irl. $850 to $1Q50 Telephone University 9 7 3 This picture shows a group of visltors in. th.e Jol_iet gener~til~g stat!on of the Public Service company of Northern Illmois, pnor to thesr mspect10 n of the huge turbines used in generating 50,000 kilowatts of electrical energy-the capacity of the Joliet equipment. During the company's recen t Open House week, more than 21,000 persons visited various Public Servict properties. Dr. Franz ~ ag<:lsc hmid t of Bt·rliu, Gamany, and Dr. H. \V alke of _ Shreveport, La., are the guc~ts of, ~lr. and ~Irs. Hugo T. Fischer, 738 1cnth street. Mr. and ~lrs. Fischer attended the banquet of the American College oi . Phvsiotherapy at the Drak<: hotel \Vech1~ s clay, October 20. ·' The Chica~n committee t·i the :\rdlT Shore a!·~.~oc.iation i~ giving au "On: 1 the Top" luncht'on fnr "·orkl'rs ~lon dav. !\oH:mh<:r 1· at 1 o'clock, at tht· A;m,· and :\an· club. 'I' his affair ~ whici1 i ~ to be a· Dutch treat, will fol Io\\· the regular }.l()nday morning meet ing. PCDL & PIPER · ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanston , Illinois ~~~ 1 1 Mr. Galbedian cordially invites you to exclusive Oriental Rug Salon. VlSlt · · his· As a North Shore establishment carrying a selected stock, it is the fulfillment of a long felt want.-You will revel in the flavor of its Oriental atmosphere-ExPert Cleaning and Repairing Valuable Oriental rugs require skill that comes .only from many yeats of painstaking experience.· We e m p I o y only experienced artisans, and personally supervise every job. A Few Rug Selections Deep blue. rose and mulberry colors with beautiful design Saic Priee 1\al'httn ........................ li.ll!\ lli.U 1\ashnn ........................ fi.IOx .J.:l Uuynl l'iaruk . _.................. ..l~.sx 9.~ Huyal l'iaruk .................. O.M x ·l.:! ('hllll'Se ......... , ............... ll!, X 9. ( ' hlnesc ..... .............. . .... . :1. x :L Ulnhun ....................... ;;.:! x ::.;; J,lla hun ................. ·. . .. .. . . . 4. x ~.1 Kurdlstan . . .. ..... ............. 6.11 x -1. KnrnlHtKh ...................... 11.:! x :1.2 Knruhugh .. .. .. .... ............ ll.!l :\. :l.ii (~H!iiU) Modern Novelties l!il ·l i)U.Utl ~:t5.0ll I n1ported from China, Damascus and India Lamp Shades Vases Brass Vases Bowls Epreak Coffee Sets Candlesticks Brass Stoves Cigarette Boxes (15 :J2;j) ($ S'i~l ;r,o.oo 17~.tHI ($ ($ (l!i ~~:)) ar,o) -llll (;,) ~'i;,.uu :m.uu 6U.IHI ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ :10) 6al 6i) !H) I -15) 3li.Oll fi!:!.:iO ...._ BciOU<'h ....................... , .. ;,_ X .:,. ar..uu j:i.llll a;,uu G. Galbedian Orieatal Ru11 417 Fourth St., Wilmette-Opposite uL" Terminal-Ph. Wil. 564 ~------------------------------------------------------------~Open Evenings