Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE October 29, 192ll Board Makes Kenilworth Avenue Through Street Ordinances designating Kenilworth aven ue as a through street and changing the name of Sears road, · bet,~·e en Glending road and Ridge aven ue, to Coventry road and Houldsworth avenur, between Teniple court and \Vest Railroad avenue, to Roger~ aYe nue, werr passed by th e trustee, of the \ T il la ge of Kenilworth and became effective on October 11. Motorists driving on any other street bisecting Kenilworth avenue must come to a full stop hcf on.· crossing it. Patroness Purple Ready for Return Engagement With Hoosier Squad 1 Northwestern's Wildcat grid team accompanied by th e Purple's ne\\' eigh ty -pi ece band and 500 mem her:-~ oi t h l ' student body will move into IIou~ icr land Saturday for the return eng :lc..: ment with Pat Page's Crimson war riors. The contest will he "H omecom ing" fnr th~ Hoosiers and the ~fcmori a i stadium at Bloomington :will hl' parke d for the contest. Coach Thi st lctll\\·aite's grt·att"!-.1 iea t right now is that his bovs \viii entt'r the forthcoming game with a lot of u nd tit.' con fi den cc. a situation whi r h has fnilccl many of the be st laid pla n, of grid mentors in the past . The Pu r pk's cle1eat of the Crimson hro wee kago has caused th e wildcats l1· I1H1k tt1HJ11 the ga me with a certain fce li n~ ui laxitY . H oweH·r, Coach Thi ~tkth \\'aitc l'~rh· In for111cd hi s men 'that :-. ttL·! an attittH(l' \\·ould pro\'(' th eir und c.in g Indiana has al\\'ays pro\'cd one oi 1111 Purple' s toughest opponent :; in thv popular iall pa s tinh~ and for tl1at rl';· so n the i\orth\\'c..;tern coaching :-. taft idctcrmine<l that the pla!·ers gl't dn\\ t' to some hon es t to goodness rr~·p :t r t tion for the coming comhat . The Purple emerged frotn tht: :'\··t :··· IDame game \\'ith only a fe\,. ca. naltie Ruddy Schuler. star tackle. h.ttrt :t ht~t , I a.tHl .ankll' that ma .' · kl'l'(l lt11n nn 1! · l . . u~to!Jnl' " Saturday . LUNCH :· and . ·c:IO 0' DINNER .\ t D 0 j 0 Yarl/cular IOliCS 101 ~ 'U 0 0 ..... t I nuon \\'<..' ~crvc a "a tis fy· I mg plate lunch- hot and substantial. In the afternoon and e\'ening· we serve an tmusually fine table d'hotc dinncr~:-\Ottp, tneat. Yegclahle:-\, des se rt, coffee ur tea. 0 D 0 0 Tlli :-; li~ht·d l't·staurant tilrl Vt·s wa:-; t·s tal· fur parti c ular folks . It lwcn U!;t· w<· know W\' han· fastidinu !' p(·upl· · who wan! 11ll' lH' St . to st·n·t· o n,'h11to ;,y :.\Iorr~.: tt The Wilmette Cafe Tempting Serc.lice MAC'S Bowling Lunch 0 Meals that satis~y , . 1159 Wilmette Avenue f. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Do 11 A M t 0 8 P M · · · ' D----------- ------- - MOTORS SERVICE Incorport~ted ~---------------------------------------··--------------------~ EVER.VTHING .fOr. the AUTOMOBILE ~Jrs . Frank \\'. Kiug:-.ky. 1506 Cro,·e street, E\'anston. a lt·a dcr j 11 acti\'ities for Arden Shore, prominently identificd '"ith ,·arion:; po litical organizations and \V ellcs ley a I u m n a c, : is one of the patroncsse:; of the I W t p t 1 St tio in 1nilitan· ball benefit for the Lake BluH· an OS a a n ralllp t-o hl· held at ll otcl ~hl'rtnatl. Fr i..Terminal Business Area day n ·ening, :\o,·e tnh l..'r .26. A ~ub-stati o n of the Wilmette po-· office has hccn petitioncci for, for th t CLER~ - C.ARRIER EXAM ,·icinit ,. oi Fourth . trcet and Lind1·t . \1.1 l'~illlllllatlu l_l t~) 'l'L'Ilrl' :t r k:~· k - aH'ntH.' , the '·Terminal," arHl one (If th t L .; ~ r r1vr t or t l~ t · }, t' 111 h r o rt h p o :-- t . o If 1 LT h us i e . ; t ~ c c t i o 11 ~ of t h r vi 11 a g c. \rill l1~ .~~~ 1<1 ~··Vl'llt~c! ](1, ;~ccordiil~.t~ It is located a n1ilc fro~ tl1~ JltJ·' \\urd tr(llft t ltL' Lnitl'd ~tate:-. ltnl offi·ce. and the business men and rr ...,i :-.t·n·irc l'illllllli:':-.ion . .'\pplirati1oth Ittu::;t dents of the Terminal sect ion ferl th e' 1> l' 111 ad l' 11 o t Iat l' r t 11; 111 ~ " \.t·t 11 iJ v r 1(). are just i (i e d in a "king- "(Jn r1 e Sam f (\: it i~ p()illll'd out. this supplrmentcd srrvice. -------~ 1 The petitioners have requested a staCiassic Dancing Classes Now tion at wl1ich not only stamps '"ill In sold. but where postal monev ordnOpen at mav he pnrcha~ed anci casl1ecl ·and pareel post package ~ poskcl and rli; patched. For app9intment postr:Iastrr Joseph E. Shantz, it ;, 1 sa t.d , wtll take the ~atter up with th t Call Wilmette 5 ·;~~~~~~~~~==~~==~- ~ proper department of tire postal sen .! ice in an effort to secure consideratior. I ni the reque st of the petitioner:-. 1 VIOLA M. SPECHT 1 lvo Glycerine Distilled Radiator Glycer .. ine by the Makers· of Ivory Soap. One filling lasts all winter with · slight ad .. ditions. DR. ARTHUR H. TUTl~E DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Oateopathic Physicians Residence and Office ~I r. and ).f rs . Chark:- L. ). ! ohr. !Ill ~ixth stri:d, han.' retumtd fro111 :1 m()ntii's trip to the Thou..;and r~tanrl- . They :tl:-.(1 ,·isitl·cl ::\iagara Fall:-.. T()ro n 913 Central Al·enue ·Phone :wo to. a 11 d ::\ n ,. York. i 11 c Iu d i 11 g· . \\ · , · · t ================~_:_Poi 11 t i 11 t c journ cy. hir ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ NEVER. CLOSED First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue - 7Se per · q uart ~~t MAIN SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Wednes~ay Testimonial Sunday School 1\feetmg- 8 P.M. Exercises 9:45 A.M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon October 31, 1926 STREET Witmette "Everlasting Punishment" READING ROOM-1163 HOURS: Vaily (except Wednesday and . Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to~ :45 P.' M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - WILMETTE AVE. The Bible and Worlts or Mary Baker Eddy and all other a uthorized Christlan Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ~hone W.hneib~got J.C.Siown A.B. VanDeusen The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Churcla SerYicea and viait the Reaclin· Room ¥ .....IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII · 1111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111"111111'1HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII·IItll'lllllllllllllllt'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINoi· i

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