Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 15

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October 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 15 Kenilworth Happenings 'I TO HONOR WAR DEAD . ).lr . . and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth are giving a bronze tablet in memory of the Kenilworth boys who died in the war, \vhich is to be placed on the boulder across from the Kenilworth Assembly hall. The tablet will be dedicated Memorial day. Albin Polasek, who is making the tablet, is very well known and was also the sculptor for the Theodore Thomas Memorial in Chicago. I I · The D. A. R. of Kenilworth met ~Ionday at the home of Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, 1340 Chestnut avenue. ~Irs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, Wilmette, gave a paper on the hi'Story of. the Nort~ Shore and Chicago. Thts paper 1s to be kept on record for reference. HEATING For All Cars Francisco Auto Heaters 1 -o- ..... t I I ).1 is s Clarabelle Ruxx, niece of Mrs. Parmelee D'Aix, 307 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, entertained twenty of her friends at a buffet supper on Sunday, October 19, in honor of her cousin, ?aul Luxton, of Boston, who is Yisitmg her. i )iorman Vissering, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, left Kenilworth for Florida on .Monday, where he will be in business for the winter. J -oI ).tir. and .Mrs. William Winfield . Winship returned to their home in Kenilworth Tuesday, after a ten day visit at .Atlantic ~!ty and th.e Sesq~iCenten111al exposttton at Pluladelphta. I ·5·" to ·1 o.oo · Utility Heaters -o- -o- The annual Historical <linncr wa~ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shipman, held on Wednesday evening, October 432 Warwick r()ad, returned to Kenil2fJ, at the Kenilworth club. The his- , worth on Mondav from Excelsior torical notes were read by ").!i ss Helen 1 ~prings, Mo. · Sears and those attending had an old -oiashioned spc lldown and a \"irg-inia ~frs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwtck road, l~cel. 1 Kenilworth entertained her hridge. club -oIn n Titesday of this week. Thnc will h~ a special se rvice at ,:-ot he Church of The Holy Comforter, ~lrs .. S1dnty \ · ~all oi Indian Hill Keni lw ort h on Sunday, October 31. : tntertamed l~er bndge club on \,Y eelBeing. the .nearest Sunday t? All Sai.nts l n cs day of th1s week. da\·. It wtll he a memonal servtce.l -o.\\;yo ne wi shing to commemorate rel"\f r s. !~er.oy \Voodlan<l, 336 Leicester atin.~:- nr friends may hand the names r?ad, Ken,llworth, re~urn.ed from the lt' 1\n·. T.. H . Danforth. l:ast 011 \\ edncsday ot thrs week. I 81 5·" to 825·" Plus a small installation charge. I .,. -o).1 r. and ~l r:-.. \V es ley Blum oi 1321 ADDRESS LARGF. GROUP :\{iss Clara Belle Baker. director of the Children's school of the ~ation a l Kinderg-arten an rl Elementary college, spoke Friday. Oct o her 22, before a group of 2000 superintt'rHlcnts and teachtrs oi the Eastern New York ~tate Teacher' s a:-.~ociation at Albany, ;\ , \' . ller topic was "Primarv Reading" and the audience \\'as sufficienth· interested to remain for a lengthv dis·, cussion oi the various problems ~":hich are encountered in teaching the s ubject in the primary grades. _ Uak a\·enuc, Evanston, arc r ecel \'lllg the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a dau g hter Saturday, Oc tnht:r 23, at the Evanston hospital. :\[rs. Blum was ':\li ss Florence Pease ()j Kenilworth. -o~lr. ;tnd ~Ir s. L. ).;f. Allen, 25H ~Ielrose awnue. left Kenilworth on Thur ~day ior Hot Springs, Ark., where ).,lr. :\llen will attend a convention. From there they plan to .go to Texas and Oklahoma. They wrll he go ne abont ten da ,.-;. 1 1 . --o-- t1t _The Readin~ class m et at tht homt: ).[r s. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex , road, Kenilworth on Thursday. Proics:-,or Arthur G. Terry from >Jorth\\'e,.;tern uniyer sity wili give a paper ~ 111 the French Revolution. i 1 I,,,,,,,,,,,,···············~.·~ ! r:-. arrincr arriv<'d in K en-' ilworth ior a · ,·isit with her so n-in-law and · daughter. ~rr. and ).frs. Harold F. , Tidcman, 138 Abingdon road. ).f r s. I ~farriner \\'ill ~o to Florida aittr the , holidays. I 1 ~f ~f l1~~ -0- 0n Friday evening, October 2.2 The K<.' nilworth dub had a clinner - b~idge. There were thirty-four tables, the nl<,st the club ha.;; had ior vears. There 'r< t-- also dancing during dinner to thl' rH.·\r Orthophm~ic Victrola. I Added Beauty in Glasses Qroviding Glasses that enhance rather than take away from your looks is as· important as pre· scribing the right lenses ro correct your vision. Your Rugs Deserve the Best of Care ONLY those of long experience should be entrusted with the cleaning and repairing of your rugs( Many fine rugs have been ruined by careless workmanship. When your work is done by Kashian Brothers, all doubt is removed. Native craftsmen, with the skiiJ that comes with years of experience ( 1 7 years . on t~i North Shore alone) give to your floor coverings the ~areful attention that comes only with a fine appnciation of the art. ).Jr:--. Ckon Larson .( Cornelia Keith) · sto pprcl jor a icw da}'s in Kenilworth laq week on her way to settle her apartnH·nt at 220 ::Vfoss a\·cnuc. Peoria. .. Ill. -o\I r:-. George Benson, 210 I I ::VI elrose ;:n·cnuc. Kenilv.-orth was hostess to the Home and Garden club on ':\[ondaY. ~frs. C. D. Ewer gaYe a talk on flower ' arrangement for tables. · I -oThc evening briclp-e cluh met at the lwme oi Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumberland aycnue on ).[on day, October 25. 1 -o- Le on B. Allen 423 Cumnor road, Kenilworth left Sunday morning for Oklahoma City on a business trip. He will be away a week. l , eyes are your bread winners-It is wise to take care of them" ~·Your . II: DJo·enee U Wood n. I) V· AI· 709 114 5 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Ill. Telephone Wilmette 1200 MAIN STREET Phone Wil. 2000 ~ ,.,..,,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,......,..,.,,.......,· .,..,.,..,.,)

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