Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 13

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October 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 13 COLLEGE BOARD TO MEET Wilmette Recreation Events .January 28. The accompanying sched ule : ; of yarii p. m. 1. American Leg. n; Congrega. (lU=' athletic activities to he conducted 2, St. Joseph, 2 vs Presbyterian. during the winter months under di~. K. of C., 1 vs I. 0. 0. F., 1. rection of the Wilmette Recreation 4, I. 0. 0. F., 2 YS Term. A. C., 2. G, :Methodist vs Baptist. hoard are in continuation of ~ched ule s Eng-lil:ih Lutheran vs St. Jos., 1. tabulated in last week's i:o::'ta: of \Vrr.- s p . m.2,1, Cham. of Com. yg I.O.O.F., 3. ~~ ETTI: LIFE. ~. St. Joseph, ~ ...... I i p . m . 1. St . .TosPr>h; 2 ·Ys St . . Jos., 1. Decem bet· 2. 2, K. of C., 1 YS Congregational. 7 : ~:~~ p. m . Howard, K. of l' . \'s St . Jos., 1. ? I. 0. 0. F., 2 vs Presbyterian. ~ :. ,(! )). m. Howard, St. Jos .. 2 n; Bap. Methodist n; I. 0. 0 .. F.. 1. · :OU ll. m. Stolp, ('ongre. \ 's :\IHhodist. :., Clwm. of C'om . vs T e rm. A.C., 2. S : :~u p. m . ··tolp, Hin~r . P .T ..\. Y:o: Tt>r. A.C. x p . 111. 1 . St. .Tost·IJh, ::l vs B~ptist. · December 9. · 2, ~t. .Johns \'R T. 0. 0. F.. 3. ~ :11!'1 Jl. rn . How., ~t. JoH .. 2 Y::-~ St. Johns. 1 'rPrrninal ..\ . C., 1 yr.; J{. of C-., 2. ':::11 J>. m. How., Cong. , .s St. Jo~t!ph, l. Engli~h. Luth. '"" .\m f· r. L('gion . 7 :1:" Stolp, Hr>W<lrll P.T.A. \'s Baptist . F·~bt·unry 11. '\ : :: n p. rn . Stolp, Tt· rm. A . (' . \'s :\[dhod . 7 p . m. 1. K. of C .. 1 Ys American Leg. l lt:>ef· m b('r lfl. 2, I. 0. 0 . F ., 2 \'R St. Joseph, l. 7 :f111 Jl. 111. Howard, Cong . Ys K . ,· ,f 1 ·· :l, 1\I('thodist vs Congregational. ~ ::lu Jl . 111. Hw ., How. P .T.A . \ ' S ~t. .Johns. 4, C'ham. nf C'o~m. \'S Prt·RhytPrlnn. · :110 ~t11lp, 'l'··rn1. , \ , ('. vs St. .lnst·ph, 1 . ;,, St . .Jm-H · plt, :-: \"S 1. 0. 0 . F .. 1. ' :::11 p . 111. :-)tolp, ~l1·thodist \":-' HaptisL R p . m . 1, Rt. John:- \"~ 1\·rminal A. C .. 2. TJt ·('(·tnbl'r 2:1. ·~. Tt·nnin :d .\. ('. , 1 vs Rat)tl~t. ~ ;1 111 p. 111. Jlw ., Hw. P .T.A . \ ' s St. .·ftls . , 2. :~. K. n r < · .. 2 "s r. o. o. F .. a. "::: If p . m. lliJ\\"., TPJ'lll . A . ('. \'s K. of C. 1. !·: 1Hdi<:h Luth. Ys St. .Tr,~.. 2. 7 :11 11 J·. m. St11lp, .:\ff'thod. '"~ ~t. .l11hns, · t. F,·bruan· 1S. ' :::11 Jl . Il L ~tolp, Sl. .Tns . , J \ 's f{n]ltist. Jt . m. 1 . T. ( }, n. F· .. 2 n; ~t . .los .. 2. Indoor Baseball -1, Term inn I A. C., 1 Ft·LruarY 4 vs K. of C., 2. YR St. Johns. The annual meeting and dinner of the governing board of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, will be held in Marienthal, 2532 . Asbury avenue, Evanston, on Friday evening, November 5, at 6 :30 o'clock. A ' short program has been planned, which will include reports on the work and progress of the colle'ge for the past year-an outstanding year in the history of the college. The Wilmette ·a nd Winnetka Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of · Mrs. W. S. Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, ·H ubbard V/oods Monday afternoon. 1\.fovember 1, at 2 o'clock. Reports £rom interesting speakers will be heard. I"MBWS '-AMPU 4: 4: Ia -STARTING MONDAYContinuous 1:30 to 11 P. M. · I ' Basketball ; llll ' : 11 ( 1 ·~. :~. ., : 1111 ~ : 1111 Dt ·Ct· ml>PI' I. Huwarll, St. .TIIhll:-: , 1 \ 's t:ap . Jl . Ill. lluwar<l, T· ·rn1. Ys ~t . ,In:-:., ·) , p . m. How., St. .Trtltns, 2 \"s ~ff'tll. , :? . jl . 4, ;,, p. I ll. m. 2. 'l ' :"" p . m . Stnlp, K . uf (·. \"s ~T;·Ih·1;l·.·. Jl . lrl. Stolp, Pt't ·sl)\·. \ 'S St .J,,, 1. 1. 1 '.· ..\.mc·rican Lc·g·i?n·l T 0. o . F.. :1 Y!': R 1 · t)ttst. ('~m . of C'nm. ,.s St. .To.::., 1. 1 s{'~TOSt · ph, 3 YS ('one:ro·g·,ltionnl. 1. St . .Johns Y!'l Prr-sbytc· riaiL · Tt ·rmin:t1 .\ . r. \ "ST. 0 . 0. F., 1. I K . ,,f <' .. 2 , .s T··1·m . "\ . f' .. 2. I' Englis" Ltnh. , .._ K . (If f'., 1. :\T,·IIH·tli;;t F· · hl'ttHl'\' I 1viUSIC STUDIOS VILLAGE THEATRE BUILDING 1150 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette · ~ : ·HI \'s ('.,IH~I'··. ' : 11 11 Jl . Ill. Htl\\'ill'<l , St . .John:-:, :.! n.; Hap . : · : 1111 ll"wanl, l'r· ·sby. \'s St. .Jost ·ph , ·"> 111 11 . nt. Stolp, K. of(' . \ ' s :\l..tllodist, ~. 7 :1 ':111' 11 . ll l. Strtlp. ~II'thml . , 1 ,.:-: St . .) ns .. 1. l> .. ··r·mh<·r li· . 7 : til) Jl . lll. Hw ., ~t. .Jolm:-: , ~ \":-: ~l . .lll!Js, 1. < ·. 1 " '<'··mhr·r llrm·arll, Tl'l'tn . .\ . \ : llll :· : 1111 Jl , Jl. 11 . ~ :1111 ' · 11·1 p. 7 :Ofl p . ' : 1111 ·· : 11 11 Jl . 1'· 7 ; 1111 Jl . l!l. sr.,Jp, St. .J.,:-;., 1\; 1111 )1 . 11 1. St .. 1p. :\f..th n fl ., ~ MISS MAYSIL B~RRY p . 111 . 1 . :.\rt'lhntlist · \'s K . of (' ., 1 . 2. ('han\ . (tf t ·.. m . \'s St . .fus .. ! . Pia11n and H arnroll .\' Violin Class :~ St . .T·1 "< ··nh. :~ , . . .: .\ m··l'. L Pg- ion . ..·.: For appointment phone Wabash 7120 I, ~1 . .Tuhns \s · ~t. .To<:,·ph. 1. I "· T··" 'll . .\ 1 ·. 1 '" C'nn'~T··g·rt. ! ' p . n1. 1. h-: . .. .- t' .. ~ \S p,·,·shyt. ·rinn . j :: T. 0 . < ' · F .. ~ \'s T. ·n. 0. F ., 1 . 1 Ill. lTIJ\~ar~. }J~ · sby . \"~ (~Jngr, ·. ... 11,,ntist \"S T· ·l'lllinnl .\. r., 2. I =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 111. Tlt~l1ll'~ . 1~ . ,,f (' . Ys l~l)'list . 4. ~tlg1is11 T.uth . \'s T. (1. ~. F., 2. 1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m. St·olp. ~1..th . , 1 ':-: ~l. .fos .. 2. :\T;Hi' h 4. I t;i; 11 1. St.,Jp, :-;t . .To~ .· 1 , .s ~~~ · til .. ~. 7 p m . 1, ('ham . of C'om . Ys T. 0. 0 . F., 2. 1 lt ·<·· ·ml>t ·l' ~~. 2. St . .To st·ph, ~ \ ' s K . of ('.. 1 . 111. If,.w ., Pr· ·shy. ,. ~ T· ·l'lll . · \ . 1 ·. · :!. ~1 . .Tnhns \'~ St. .Tnso·nh , 2. 1 111. ll o\\' .. K . 11f <' . \ 's ~t. Johns , 1. I 1. 'l'o ·nllitl<tl .\ . ('., I Y .' . \nH·r . l.·'R ·! 111. lf.,\\'ard . :'>rdiHHl .. I \·s <'nnt.:rt·. :i, K. r,f C .. ~ y,; St . .Tnst"·ph. AVE you been waiting for just the ~. ~:I . r, I \'s Baptist. \s ~I .. los .. ~. -: Jl . \11 . ' ·· - ..J:l nuary :.. ·n .. p . llt. K . 1o!' (' . \'s St . .1111111:-: , 1111 p . 111. 11"\\'., '\I I'll! .. 1 's 'l't·r111. ,. \ . 1111 J· . 11 1. fl\\' ., :-\t. .los., 1 , .s ~r . .J 1 ,J 111 s. 1111 " · Ill. Stolp, (~f!l\).:l't ·. \ :0: .'oft.th . "" Jl . m . ~t .. lp, ll;,q,t . , .s St. .Tfls., H"""'· ~. 1. (,, 1. 7 p . m . I') ~?. ~. 1. T. 2. 1 1 2. ::, 1, :;, q 11. ·Quoits ltt ·('i' ll1h(·l' .· . m, ~. 1. l·:nt:". L11th. \':-: 1. t 1. 1 ' · F' .. :i. :1, 1 !aptist \'s K . flf r·.. ~. l t, .,, T··nn . . \ . 1 · .· ~ \':-' To·l'lll. ~\.C'., l. I. I. I I. I I, F .. 1 \'S St . .Toht1:-:, I .·· Pr··.:-:I,~· t··rian n .st. .TIIst·ph, :i. 1 l\I iss F'rances Levi cam~ from Mil· ' p . 111. 1. < <JllgTt·g·a . \·s 1 !tam. of 'om. 11 1 F 'd :.:. St. .I11s· ·J,h, 1 ,.s :\T..thollist. waukee Downer co ege. ast n ay to ~. :\nkri<'an Lt·g. n 1. n. < ' · F .. 2. spend the week-end wtth her father, .J, :-;t , .Tost<ph. 2 \'S I. nf (' ., 1. Edwin J. Led. 730 Forest a\'enue. ()(·('t·mbC'r 1 n. . · -op . m. 1. Eng-. Lutlu·ran \'s Haptb1. , 1 L d ·- 1 · d . :!, T· ·rm . ,\.C'., 2 \'s 1. c) o. F. 3. l\1tss M) rt e un qm::.t 1as 1eturne ::, r. o. o. F., 1 , :-: K.. 11f (· .·. 2. to her home at 727 Linden avenue ·1, Pr··s!Jyt.·rian \'s T··m1. ..-\ . < ·., 1. after an extensive Yisit in California. ... < ~ongr··~:a tiona l , .s St . .T nh ns. '\ I' Ill. 1, !-;t, .los., 1 Ys St . .Till:it·ph, 3. u :!, Anh'ri<'an L('g·. \":-: c 'ham. of ('om. :~. ~t. .liJSt·ph, " YS }fl'thoclist. ·1. K. (It' ('., 1 \'!-: T. 1). 1). F., ~. n(·('t- mhf'r 17 . 7 1' 111 . I, Eng-lish Luth \"s Tt·l'lll. .\. <'., 2. 2, 1. I J. 0 . [·'.. 1 \"s Baptist. .·, Prt·shytt ·rian \'s I . ! l. 0 . F. , :l. ~. (',mgTegational rs K. (If <'., 2 . · 1, Rt. Jost>ph ~ \'s Tt·rnl. .\. (' ., 1. ~ p . m. 1 · .\nwri can Lq.:·. \ ' s St . ·Johns. ~. ~t. Jn~ .. :? YR ~r. .Jostlnh. ~. .· , K. of C' ., 1 Ys ('11<1 111 . of Com . ·1, 1. n. 0. F., :! \:0: ;\[Ptho<list . 11 . 111. F .. :~ \'S r'nn~I 'C·ga tinn n l. l: ·q)l i"<t \'s p,·,·siWI··J'i !·n . T· ·rminnl A. C .. 2 Y!'l T.O .O.F .. 1 : Eng·Jish Luth··l'!lll \'S :\f,·tho(li!-:t. I '\f ··n·h 11. 1, ~t . .Tos.. ph. :? \'s ::\fdhodist ~t . Johns \' S 1. n . n . F .. 2. T .. rmlnal _ \ . ('., 1 \'S T. of C'., 1. I K. of C' .. 2 \ '!" St. Joseph, 2 II T. 0. 0. F .. :~ , .s _,\nwJ'iC"...,n L(·g. 1 P.aptist Ys St. Joseph, 1. · Tt·rminal A. ('., 2 \'S Congt'C'. T. 0 . 0. F.. 1 n; Prc·sbylt>rian English Luth. Ys Cham. of C'om !), n. 1.1 H right occasion Photograph made? to have · a new I What better time than this Christmas season, to express your love and friendship with a Portrait of yourself. For Appointment Call Univ. 2238 Hoyburn Building 615 Davis Street I t Your .Neighbor Has His Car Greased Here Regularly 188 Proof ALCOHOL for Your Radiator .T:otnuary .... 7 p . m. 1, PrP~bytPrian ,·s 1't·l'lll. A. f' . " C'ongrl'gational \'s naptist. :~. St . .TosC'ph, 1 Ys T. U. 0. F., ~. l , :\m··l'i<"an Lt'p;. Ys I. of C'., 2. .·. :-\t . .Tost·pll, 2 ,.s Tt'rm. A. C' .. 1. '\ p. 111. 1. Eng-lish Luth. , .s T. 0. 0 . F.,t. ~. K. of C'.. 1 ,.s St. Johns . :L f. (). (). 1~ ., 2 \' ~ St . .ToBc))h, 3. I. ::\fdhnclist \ ' S C'hamher of ('om. January H. -;- 1' · 111. 1, t 'on~n·g·a tiona 1 y:,; I. n. <.~. F., ~. 7. You Will Too-If \V e Once Grease Yours A Special Service Supplements our Expert Greasing. We call for and Deliver your car at no additional cost. .. , ~. ' :1, p. m. ~· p. m. I') 4: ~. .· , ·1, ~ .,, I. 0. 0. F., p. 111. 2 \'~ T. 0. 0. F., 3. 1, 'M ethodist Ys K . of C.. 2. 2, C'ham. of C"om. "~ Tt!rm. A.C". 1. :-:, Rt. .Joseph, 3 vs Rt. Johns. 4, English Lutht'ra n \ 'S Congre. St. Jos(·ph, 1 \'S '1\,rm. A.C., 2. A nwrican Lt>g-ion Ys B:·qlt i~t. St. .TosPJ)h \ 'S T. 0. (I. F., :~. K. of C., 1 \ 'S K. <,f C., 2. 1, Eng-lish Lutlwran Ys Prt~su.r. T. Cl. 0. F., 2 \'S Tenn. A. C'., 1. ~Tt·tlwclist ,·s St. Johns. St. .Tost?ph, 3 YS Cham. of <'om. .January 21. I, St. .JosPph, 1 Y~ Pn·~b.rt(·rian. Ameriean Lt'g'. \'s f. 0. 0. F., 1. St. Joseph, 3 Ys St. .TohHs. K of C., 1 Ys Baptist. 1.1 X a TEjACO _;, ~ I We have this alcohol here in bulk. so that we can put"it in your radiator right here at the station--and also carry it in 1 gallon and 5 gallon cans. 14 2 8 Sheridan Road, just South of "The Cottage" Distributor Just phone us Wilmette 3379 Stephen ShiiDonek Jr . GASOLINE AND OILS

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