October 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 9 ·Get them play by play with a king Rad·~: Askfor King Model61, Six Tubes, Three Dial Control In Beautiful Two- Tone Cabinet on't Miss tJ e 'toothall Games It's in a beautiful cabinet. You'll aiways be proud of it. And the price is so reasonable it ·will an1aze you. T breathless broadcasting of this fall's football gamesfrom across the field the stirring music of college bands led by haughty drum majors in high hats-the stirring roar of cheering thousands-then-"Signal~ !"-and off they go! You can get it all-in your own home-if you have a King Radio. A King will give you the station you want In daylight-bring it in clear and loud and strong so that you need never miss a single play that is broadcast. The King Radio shown here is the 61. It's a six-tube .et, built to &ive you distance and volume and quality. HERE'S nothing more thrilling on the air than the SIS.OO Down Gets This King Radio Best of an,' you can get it for· a sn1a1l down payment, the balance to be taken care of in small rnon~hly amounts as you enjoy the set. We will install the set · a n ready to tune in and show you how to use it. · Come in today und see this King. Radio. Vv' e have ·others up to $210.00 fron1 which to choose. If you can't t.Ome; phone us and we will have the set in before to}nonow night. But don't del&y--and miss the big foot· ball ev~nts. Come in today! Adams Electric Shop Eveready Batteries-Radio Servicing and Accessories Y2 Block North of "L" Terminal, ,a t 521 4th St.-Phone Wilmette 1040 'Yost Radio Per Dollar" NGRADIO