Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 3

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October ·~. 1926 , WI L' METTE L·l FE . RAILROAD ISSUES PLAN· Cbi~go ~ · CANDIDATES' EliNG · OF GRADE SEPARATION , _____ M_ar_c_h_ f_P_ro_g_re_ss_ _ _ _ . TO ~HEAR. HUGH MAGD.L · 0 !I and North Westem Road Files Blueprints of Proposed Improvement Here League of Women Voters Also Secures Other Senatorial Can· didates for October Z9 Grade separation, the dr eam of the north sh ore villages for many years, seems just a bit nearer realization with the appearance of blueprints, recently worked out hy engineers of the Chicago and North \Vestern railway, and j))aced on file with Windes and Marsh, engineers for Winnetka and Glencoe, and Charles N. Roberts, Wilmette village engineer. These preliminary . and, obviously, more or less tentative plans call for elevation in \Vilmette and Kenilworth and depre ssion of tracks in most of Winnetka and Glencoe, thus following in general, the natural grade through these communities. A casual survey of the plans indicates full height subways at Oakwood, Linden. Wilmette, Central, Lake, For·est and Elmwood avenues in Wilmette and Kenilworth and Melrose avenues in Kenilworth. Those in Wilmette, with the exception of Wilmette avenue, would he 66 feet wide over all. Wilmette avenue would be 80 feet wide. The Kenilworth aYenue subway would he 80 feet wid" over all. while Melrose avenue would be 66 feet. H un-h M aqill, independent candidate for United States senator, P. P. Christensen, Progressive candidate, and probably Col. Frank L. Smith, Republican nominee, will speak at a nonpartisan campaign meeting to be held October 29, at the First Congregational church, Wilmette, at 7 :45. Francis X. Busch, City Corporation coun. set , wilt represent George E. Brennon, Democratic candidate. Col. Smith will have a competent speaker at the meeting if he is unable to be there, it is explained. The meeting, it is pointed· out, has been organized by the Wilmette Leaflue of Women Voters to help the people of the north shore community The "earth works" thrown up as illustrated above presents a typical scene to understand better the positions of in the territory west of Ridge avenue that is rapidly receiving sewer and water the various parties and factions on the improvements. This view shows work in progress at Ridge and Lake avenues, different issues of the C:lmoaign. at the corner of the Ridge avenue pharmacy. After each talk, which will be about twenty minutes long, the speaker will be given five to ten minutes to answer NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE questions from the floor. Friday, October 22 Urge Big Vote Village Trustees Aak Plan ·Commiuion Besides sponsoring the candidates' 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette Chapter, R. A. to Seek Site for Garbage Disposal meeting, the League of Women Voters M., Masonic temple. Plant · · i" ·organizing- in co-operation with the Sunday, October Z4 Woman's club of Wilmette, a "Get Out 7 :30 p. m. Sunday Evening club. Wilmette Village trustees, who have Underground in Winnetka Comnegational churrh. Speaker: the Vote" campaig-n. studied the problem of garbage dispo· "Vote ! " ia their challenge to the elecRabbi Stephen S. Wise. Elevation \1\·ould continue north into sal for Wilmette believe the time is not to.-,..··. Winnetka to a gradual down grade, far away when an incinerator plant Tuesday, October 26 "You cannot escape the ballot boz. finding the first overhead bridge at will have to be built. The present 12 :15 p. m. Luncheon-\Vilmette "It follows you home! Cherry street. method of disposal, it is thought, will Optimist club. Lake Shore Ter"Votes decide public h.-a1·1t, t .. xea, . .race. North from Melrose avenue, sub- not last beyond 1927. schools, libraries, roads, police, fire, The plan commission has been asked 8:15 p. m. Guilmette Council No. water, playgrounds, parka, tral&c, marw ~· s would he constructed at Ivy 922. Knights of Columbus. Odd kets, weights and me,.aur·a, f"od in(footnath only), a 66 foot sub- by Trustee c.· E . Drayer, chairman of Fellows hall. Winnetka avenue, a 44 foot public service committee to make recau~rtion. "anitatio~n· garba~e disposal, Wednesday, October 27 t Sunset avenue, a 44 foot ommendatiGn for the location of an public utilities, prisons, charities, zonst1hway a · H~wthorn avenue and a incinerator plant in the expectation · 12:15 p. m. Luncheon-\Vilmette ing,-peace and war. that a site should be bought as soon as Rotary club. Guilmette Country footpath at Willow avenue. "If you don't vote, who will? club. "Join the League of Wom""'l Voters Thence north there is the first over- practicable. Commissioner of Public Works A. I Thursday, October 28 in your home town, ask th·m for head bridgr, 50 feet over all at Chern· 7:30 p. m. Wilmette Lodge No. 931, political facts without p~trtiaan basis, street; an 86 foot overhead at Oak W . Hanaford of the City of Evanston, A . F . an d A . .M ., M asomc · temp 1 street; 86 foot ot·erhead at Elm street, in response to an inquiry from. local e. so that, when you vote, you may vote . h h reports t at it -costs ts ctty 8 A T Sh L officials, SO foot at Pine street, SO foot at Elp. m. . . erman o d ge, N o. intelligently. Th~ league nfl!ver en1 8 I f 1 b 892 I 0 0 F Odd F 11 h 11 1 doraea candidates, but pri"ci..,Jea." dorado. SO foot at Tower road, 55 foot $ .1 to urn a ton o gar )age, exc usive of interest on investment and de' · · · · e ows a · · Dil'cuaa Tax Amendm·nt at Huhhard place. SO foot at Scott aveFriday, Octob·r 29 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette Chapter R. A. The League of Women Voters, unnue (Glencoe), SO foot at Woorllawn preciation of plant. M., Masonic temple. . oer tbe leadership of Mrs. P. M. avenur. 50 foot at Madison avenue, SO . vVilmette officials have been looking Keene, conducted a round-table disfoot at South avenue. 80 foot at Hazel mto costs and types of plants for the~· , cussion on the proposf'd t~x amendavenue, 80 foot at Park avenue, 50 foot past year. · Women s Gym Class Has ment to the state conc;titution. Monat Linroln avenue, SO foot at Green at the home of Mrs. ~. T. HellBay road, 35 foot at Sylvan road. HOLD ROLL CALL DAY Enthusiastic Inaugural day, muth, 170S Forest avenue. The educaPlans indicate that the elevation to Roll Call Sunday will be observed at The first meeting of the Woinen's tiona! committee, Mrs. Tohn · Camobell, grade would begin at Crcen bav road, the First Presbyterian church October reaching the g-r:lde at about ·Green- 24, with services appropriate to the gymnasium class held at the Howard chairman, is· conducting round-table discussions in the varil)us circles in the wood avenue, Glencoe. spirit of the occasion. Announcement of school last Tuesday was a pronounced villag-e and will he glad to S~'nd speakthe RoH Call program is to be found success, it is reported. About thirty., ers to those m:lking aoolications. She Would Close Green Bay in the Presbvterian church notes in thrf'e wonlPn jo;ned the group at that ;~rlrlrPssed thf' Hr.ward- Lnqan P~rentIt is contemplated, the engineers another colun;n of this issue of Wiltime and there were prosnects of se- Teacher meeting last week on this substate, that Green Bay road shall be mette Life. curing lll:lny others. Miss Reeser was ject. The Illinois Lea~Zue of Women closed rast of the railroad right-of appointed as instructor. The class will Voters has endorsed this tlmenrlment ways, this being in compliance with the ""' ~ · ""Pr .. 'l'n";rlav ~"""ninO' at 7 :~0 as being an opportunitv for imorovepronosition to es~ablish the through o'clock. This is a ,community enter- ment in the state tax~tion method. traffic highway just wf'st of and paralnrisr. it is emnha~ized an~ all women Against Modifie,_t;on lel with the 'Nort.h Western right-of;lre "·elcome. Tlwre is no regi"tration Thr Tllinois · Leallue of Women Votway throughout Glencoe. fee in connection with the class. · rrs takes a st~nd ~gairist the modificaPlans do not indicate the type of tion of the 11 Dry Law" enforcement in subwa vs con tf'm plated hv the railroad ordf'r to permit the "m<~nufacture, sale, Wilmette Men Attend eng-ineers, that is, whether they are to transportation, import~tion, or exoorfollow the design emploved in Evans· State C. of C. Meeting tation of beverages." The hw enforceton, or· are to be cut back at the emF. J. Budinger and John J. Moran, mt>nt committee of the Chicago Wombankments to permit a hr.tter view for were delegates from the Wilmette an's dub and the board of the Womtraffic approaching at right angles. Ch<1mber of Commerce to the annual an's Citv club S:}.Y "Vote no" on this Willow road subway, existent for and Dry" nl~"f'tinP' of the Tllinois ChamhPr of reft>rendum on the "Wet many ye:us, is being cJoced now in Commerce held Tuesday and · Wednes- which is presented to the vntf"rs on connection with the construction of rl;!v of this week at the Hotel LaSalle, Novt>mher 2, through the artivitv of Winnetka's stretch of the new tr;lffic rhicag-o. Miss Ruth Forberg, secre- the "Wets." Illinois has twenty-seven highway and the proposed undertarv of the lor.at Chamber of Com- cong-ressmen and of this numbf'r at the ground foot path is . now being conmerce, attended the secretaries' meet- nre<;ent time only eight are "out and If sbr drmands a fur coat and structed. ing in connection with the sessions. out" wets. won't br reasonable about it, thr Voting on this question is a matter Among the changes from the railprice can at lust br rusonablr. Toroad's plans, which would be requested -day's Want Ad Pagr offers: Mrs. L. Schultz, 419 Laurel avenue, of policy only. In view of the federal law many wa!' hostess Sunday at a dinner given by the Village of Winnetka, is the construction of an 80 foot overh«>ad FOR SALE - MARMOT FUR in honor of Mrs. M::trR'Uerite Schultz "drvs" consider the rrfPrf"mlum of no · d f h coat. Very reasonable. Tel. Wil. and son of El«rin and Mrs. Jeanne Fay significanc-e since h can .-fl,.~t nothing bridge at Hubbard place, mstea o t e 67. indicated 55 foot ~verhead, it is statett.l.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' and son of Edgewater. (Continued on Page 8) . · I WANT INCINERATOR I l I Fur for Her

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