so WILMETTE LIFE October 22, 1926 11 · Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. C. G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, KenilwCM"th, returned from her trip to th~ East on Wednesday. While in the East, Mrs. Burnham visited her sons, James and David, at Princeton, and Philip, at the Canterbury school in New Milford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Burn ham expect to leave soon for .Chandler, Ariz., where they will spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mr·s. Hamilton Howe (Margaret Backus) were in an automobile accident while driving from Los Angeles to Long Beach, Cal. The car in which they were driving overturned, and Mr. Howe broke his collarbone and Mrs. Howe escaped with minor injuries. Both are said to be recovering. The Georgian at Davis Street and Hinman Avenue WELL FURNISHED Unmatched yet harmonizing furniture is the basis of Georgian furnishing. Yet the various individual pieces wtre not selected helter-skelter. The furniture of 'The Georgian period is related to that of the Ei1bteenth Century French and Italian-it belongs to the same family. Under the intelligent guidance of skilled decorators the furnishings for Georgian suites have been individually selected. You .will enjoy the personality of Georgian suites and furnishings. And relieved from the work of keeping up your home you will have time to enjoy the other pleasures of life as well. -oWilson Decamp, son · of Mr. and Mrs. M rs. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, David R Decamp, 615 Abbottsford Kenilworth, was hostess at a dinner road, Kenilworth , came home last weekThursday evening, October 21. end for the Northwestern-Indiana -ogame. Three boys from the Sigma Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 Wood stock Chi House were his guests over Saturrtvenue, Kenilworth, was hostess at a day and Sunday. luncheon on Thursday, October 21, in -0Mrs. Robert M. Beckler, 632 Ah- honor of Mrs. Bellamy. -ob6ttsford roarl, will entertain at dinner Mrs. James H. Prentiss, 201 Cumberon October 29, on the evening of the Hatlowe'en dance at the Kenilworth land avenue, entertained at dinner on Thursday evening, October 21. club. Mrs. Frank R. Young, 333 Cumnor B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, left Saturday for his ranch in Wy- road, Kenilworth, entertained her luncheon and _bridge club Thursday of last oming to be gone ten days. week. -o-0The Misses Hazel and Helen Frazer, Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, 236 Cumnor 645 Abbottsford road, went to Champaign last week-end for the Illinois- road. gave a tea in honor of Mrs. RPIIamy, formerly of Kenilworth, on Iowa game. Monday, October 18. -o-oMr. and Mrs. Sidney Corning Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue. Kenilworth . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnet are will be at home to a few of their no\v occupying their new home at 157 friends on Sunday, October 24, from 3 Robsart road, Kenilworth. until 6. · -o- . Mr. and Mrs. William H. E<h·.:ards -oR. C. Osgood, 423 E ssex road, Ken- of Los Angeles, arrive Monday, Octo ilworth, who has been in Canada. for ber 25, for a few clavs' visit with Mrs. a week, returned to his home Monday Edward s' niece, Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, night. 234 R~cigh road, Kenilworth. -o- -o- -0- lHE WISE MAN ALWAYS- HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Cottage, and Early 1'ulips, Hyacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., · r of exceptionally fine quality. Order early while assortment is complete. ) BUYS THE BEST!- HECAllS US UP-WE·' DO,THE r_/ I J PEONIES Best varieties in ·strong clumps. Do You Play Bridge? We shall be glad to furnish you with Auction Bridge Score pads free of charge upon telephone or personal request. PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown plants. New and choice sorts. · It is. planting time now. Send today or our Catalog. . Phone Winnetka 450 We'll do the rest. I!I For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 FRANKEN BROTHERS, Inc., Deerfield, 18.