Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 47

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October 22, 1926 Glyn's novel, which comes to the Norshore theater Sunday, Moreno is a thorough Englishman, even down to his name, which becomes Hubert Culverdale. Pauline Starke has the leading female role. "Love's Blindness" is reputed by far the most stirring of all Elinor Glyn productions, having an absorbing plot, which has been unfolded skillfully and dramatically by Director ] ohn Francis Dillon. :fl. attractive musical comedy. From all indications it will be here for some time. "Kitty's Kisses" has just arrived and ha~s some very good points not the least of which is the fine comedy work of William Wayne and Ruth Warren. They have been here before but seem funnier than ever in their present em·ployment. The Greenwich Follies opens tomorrow night. Verily the Shubcrts are versa til~. -THESPIAN NE' \ YThe ~g~~~~t!O N ----------------------·----------------------NOW SHOWING Aileen Pl'lagle- Ben Lyon VILLAGE THEATRE "The Eagle," one of Rudolph Valentino's outstanding successes, will he viewed at the Village theatre Monday, Tuesday and \V cdncsday, October 25, 26 and 27, including the Tue sday matinee performance. In addition, there will be the R . P. M. Sportlight film, Pathc News and an Educational comedy. For Thursday, Friday and Sat urda)·, October 28, 29 and 30, ~f anagcr Kopp el has sect1red "Little Annie Roonev," Marv Pickforcl's latest picture. There \\·ill he the Pathe News reel and a cartoon comedy entitled "Daisy Bell-cartun c song." Chrysler Reduces Prices on All '60' Closed Models Sfi'Dstantial price reductions in the prices of all enclosed cars of the Model "60" Chrysler arc announced by the Chrysler Sales corporation, effective as of October 9. These r'e ductions are $40 on the club coupe, $50 on the coach and $50 on the iour-door. "These changes in price are made possible because of the record-breaking production of Chrysler products in ans\\·cr to the greatest demand ever known for them. Not only have deliveries to the public of the Chrysler '(,()' !l one exceeded $35,000,000 in the le~s than six months since its introduction, but sh ipments on all four Clu~· s l cr models continue at the highest point in the history of the company," according to ] . E. Fields, vice president in charge of sales. The demand for Chrysler cars has grom1 so rapidly that thi s company has gone from eighteenth place three years ago to fourth today among manufacturers in the National Autom obi le Chamber of Commerce. -------- ··The Great Deeeptioa·· also . Mack Sennett Comedy-"LOVE'S LAST LAUGH" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Renee Adoree.-Ralpb G·aves ··BLARNEY" also Latest Imperial Comedy-"DIZZY DANCERS" T H ~An Eva~o?.!~oY,_ R N NOW SHOWING THE CAMPUS "The La st Frontirr." an epic nf the we st in the day s of danger and valor, lead s th e hill today at the Campus theater. \Villiam Bovd and Marguerite De La ).f ottc ·carry the leading roles . Jack IT oxic. Gladys Brockw ell, ancl others arc in the cast. The s torv of a woman who was a genius as l;u sincs s w oman but a "dumbbell" in love, comes to th e screen ~Ion day with the shm\'ing of "The Clinging Vine," a romantic comedy featuring Lea trice Joy, Tom ~~ oorc and Robert Edeson. "Reel" GraJlgc in "One ~finute to Plav" \\'ill lea d th e bill at the Campus ?\fo.ncfay, Ko\'embcr 1. The picture proYidcs . ma . hing football thrills and a charming littlr screen story. Mary ?\f c:\llistcr plays the lead oppos ite Grange. Lew Cody ··The GaJ' Deceiver·.· 1\:IONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY · Gilda G·ey ··Aloma of the South Seas·· THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ?\f iss D oro thv Donnellv of Fargo, N. Dak.. is spending the \\~inter with her .~i!'lter, ~Ii . ..;s Frances D o nnelly, art directnr of the \Vilmctte schools. They ha \ 'l' taken an apartment in Evanston. ~I i:--s Donnelly was at the Cniversity oi ~I inncso ta last year. · ·The Campus i'lirt·· BALABAN & KATZ NEWEST .THEATRE Bebe Daniels THE HOYBURN "Thr Ga~· Dccei\' er," a picture 111 " ·hich ~lalcoltlJ ).lcGregor play s oppnsite ~f arccline Day in a ca~t that include s Lew Codv in the title role, Dorothy Phillips. ·c armel Myers and others, is the current showing at the Hovburn theater. Tom o rrow the bill wili change and bring the feature "The Campus Flirt," starring the sprightly Bebe Daniels. Percy Marmont, who played unforgetably the part of Mark Sabre in "If \Vinter Comes," is lead of "Aloma of the South Seas," v.-·hich \Viii be the feature beginning Monday. ·The showing is a Maurice Tourneur production, and the feminine lead is played by Gilda Gray. I"'NEW '-'AMPU s Cont. from 1:80 to 11 P. M. FIRST RUN PJCTURES TOU .\ Y·SATURDAY HOWAAD 6VI. IETWEEN .. L." ~ND t:L6AK The Theatre for the Creat North Shore RSHO 'TRl urHE LAST FRONTIER" William Hoy·l, )largn('rfte De L1t 'lutte, .J. F. "'H·Donaw, 1,500 Ill· cllau!'-:J,OOO Hufl'nloes lliHL JO,UUU others. At Xlght-I,Ictnre of N. U. vs.Notre Dame Football Gam~ )londay·Tues·lay_ __ Discriminating and Distinctive Stage Pres en ta tions! Stage talent drawn frotn America's finest circuit and productions conceived and staged by the famous Balaban & Katz production department enhance every program. THE NE.W EVANSTON \Vhat "Th.: Iron Horsr" was to the earlv railroads and "The Covered \Vagon" to the west-bound pioneers, "Blar.n ey" is said to be to the bare knuckle days of prize-fighting. "Biarnev" wilt come Monclav to the screen at ·New Evanston, adapted from a story by Donn Byrne and featuring Ralph Graves and Renee Adoree. It is a dramatic tale of sporting life in th~ '80's which appeared first as a magazine story. The current showing, "The Great Deception," is the screen version of "The Yellow Dove" hy George Gibbs. Ben Lyon and Basil Rathbone carry the leading roles. ""THE CLINGING VINE" J,eutri<'c Joy-Torn Jloore Wednesday- - -- -- "'TJIE MIDNIGHT KISS" ON 'l'JlE S'J'r\GE JL\ ~('Jo~ REVU:W -NOW P.LAYING- with Hi dancers - - - -Thursday_ _ _ __ MOMTE BLUE in the South Sea Drama ""J!LAMES" \Jrgluhl Yalli-Eugene O'Brien OX THE STAGE ""A Barrel ol Fun" ('ome ancl get your share. of laughs, ('umlng :i\lonclay, November ll!lt 'ACROSS THE · PACIPIC' -STARTING SUNDAYElinor Glyn'a brilliant story of love and marriage THE NORSHORE The Elinor Glyn touch, ,~~,rh ich changed Lew Cody from a villian into a romantic leading man, established John Gilbert as the great lover of the screen, and made Aileen Pringle, has now Anglicized Antonio Moreno. In "Love's Blindness," the MetroGoldwyn-Mayer production of Elinor "LOVE'S BLINDNESS" ANTONIO MORENO PAULINE STARKE LILYAN TASHMAN BIG STAGE AND MUSICAL PROGRAM

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