46 .. WILMETTE LIFE O ctober 22, 1926· MllRlG BRln BAND FOR ROAD SAFETY . Evanston and Other Cook County Offi· ciala Form Metropolitan Body; See No help. in Wholesale Arrests Stage and Screen News and Reoiews BENNY MEROFF · A~]) JII S U ,\ ~ f) 0 }' 2;; l'E PSTERS I X A JtOLI. ICK I ~G F'OO'l'llALL I"ROLIC ~~THE PIGSKIN PARADE" ~lark with Joey Ray, and Marquette and others. JACK HASKELL'S Supf'rb spectacle of the VERSAILLES CASCADES ~~vERSAILLES" Hich with all the la.\'ishness and splendor of that royal Hpeurlt~rift, King Louis XIV. ON THE SCREEN ROD LA ROCQUE You'll be thrilled to the core at this story of Parisian life. DON'T MI!=\S IT! Alber t F . Brow n a t th e Glunt Wurll tzer ALL U OADS LEAD T O T ll E GRAN All A AVA I L YMEELI" OF }[AUK S BROS. SERVICE Something uni the way of special service has been Installed at the ranada, for your convenience. It is our THEATER PARTY SERVICE. Whenever you wish really entertain your friends at a theater }Jarty, merely call Rogers Park 7908 for particulars and we will arrange your theater fetes down to the smallest detail. Try this service once and realize its success. A dancing man in Paris. Insist on the Genuine Made in Chicago Solution of the Cook county traffic The Messrs. Shubert, now sponsorproblem progressed a step furt her ing ·the entertainme.iit on view in at this week with the formation of the least seven Chicago theaters, are apMetropolitan Traffic Safety committee . · · composed of Chicago, Evanston and parently of the opiniOn t 1 1at vanety 1s. Oak Park police officials and other much desired by local theater-goers. organizations interested in the work. At least, a glance over the productions Chief Wiltberger represented Evans- being shown would seem to substanton at the me~ting. tiate such an opinion. For those who favor the chills and The committee which will function thrills of drama as it is worked out on as a part of the Chicago Safety Coun- the South Sea isles, they are showing d l, met for the first time this week and laid plam for its future work. "~ongo" at the ~~incess where FredAt the first meeting this week a 1 enc Burt and hts capable assistants number of the members of the com- nightly gi\ e full measure along that nittee spoke on some of the problems line. of the traffic situation. · Of perhaps slightly lighter weight in The consensus of the committeemen the line of drama is ':;r'he Shelf" which was that strict enforcement of all traf- opens October 25 at the LaSalle with fie law·s would not lessen accidents. Frances Starr, Arthur Byron and Ac'Cording to several speakers a · cam- others. Dorrance Davis wrote it and paign of wholesale arrests in several it comes to Chicago after something of localities has failed to aid the situ- a New York run. ation. Music howeYcr. seems to be the particul~r field of endeavor i·1 which MRS. ABEL RETURNS TO LORD'S theY are unusually \Yell fortified. ·No Mrs. Louis Abel is again in charge les; than fi\'c successful musical enof Lord's millinery department. For tertainments arc being shown by the seventeen years she ·was millinery bt.y- Shu berts or will be on Yiew within er for Lord's and had built up a fol- the next few days. lowing which included hundreds of Those who liked the "Student women in Evanston and along the Prince" and others oi its kind arc North Shore. She resigned to go to flocking to the Great ~orthern where Florida and take care of her property the "Vagabond. King" has been so sucabout a year ago. cessful for mall\' \\·ecb. 1n this Dennis King is makinl{ thr hit of his life. 1 't"lt"lli10Dt" \\' IIJn .. ttt" S.~1 In addition. Oct. 26 sees the oj)ening of "The Princess Fla,·ia" at the 4 Coham. theater. This comrs with unusual recVETERINARIAN onmlcndation from ~c\\' York and else!tpet"lnllzlug in tlw trentmeat of your he tct trleuds the \\'here bringing again to us the mag"Dog aud Cat" nificent voice of Ho\\'arcl ~~ ar:-~h, star All ca118 r ..«·t> he my perao··· of "Blossom Tr111c" and of the !\ew attt"otloa 1000 RldJr' Ave. Wllm·ttt~. n1. York ca s t nf "Stmh:nt Princt." It is based on the llCI ".'t.'l, "The Prisoner of Zenda." Mthic in the lig-h ttr n·in i-; am pht a k c ~1 care o i hv ·· e e t h cart T i111 c" <~ t the Carrick. "kitt\·'s Kisses" at the Olympic and thL: ;,Crctll\rich Yillagc Follies" at the -Apollo. The first named is my idea of a clever, clean and DR. fRANK B. ERWIN S\\" Village Theatre W l :b~l E 1' T E, IL L. ·clean as tlr~ Sun's Hem ACCEPT· NO SUBSTITUTE l l I Your Home 'l'heater .J. D. KOJipel, llanaglng Dlrec ~or Ph one Wilmette lUI ~ Wh')' take a chan~e on something "Just as good" when you can get this Standard Guaranteed Fuel from your Neighborhood Dealer-CLEAN-FREE FROM DIRT. SMOKB AND SOOT-EASY TO USB AND CONTROL. I I ~;~~~;~·~~~=~~: I F:Hulngs i :30· 9; 1\lat. 1.' oes., B:SU ! Your comfort and satisfaction are assured ORDER TODAY Arrange with us for our Service Man to inspect your heating plant and explain GENUINE Koppers CHICAGO Coke to you. This servtce is free. A~.:~~~h~~~~~::ws ~ a nd Educntlonnl Com edy . 'l'hurs., }' rl., Sat., Oct. 28, 29, 30 1 t Mary Pleklord ~~LITTLE KUTTEN BROTHERS MEYER COAL ~ MATERIAL CO. EDINGER ~ SONS ANNIE ROONEY" "Daisy n ell" and Car·tone Song. "Daisy Ilell" ancl Cartune Song. ·-·- -·-a- Saturday ~lats. ! and t -·-·-·-~~-·-·-·