Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 34

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36 WILMETTE LIFE October 22, 1926· Marshall Studio Is Scene of Fashionable By JEAN TEN BROECK With the apparent waning of the autumn wedding sea'son, comes a marriage with a setting unu sual. Again, as upon the occasion of her debut not lonv ago, the doors of the st udio-home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. MarshalJ, a spot now noted, on the edge of the lake at the Wilmette Harbor, opened to members of the beau monde of Chica~o and the entire north shore from Evanston to Lake Forest. For on Wednesday evening at 8, Miss Betty Marshall hecame the bride of Rich~rd Hill Fleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Fleming of the South Shore Country club. Dr. Albert MacCartney read the service in the garden of the studio, dotted with its high palms and banana trees, at the edge of the long pool, grass edged with stone walks rambling throu~hout, affording glimpses of balconied windows, reminiscent of Snain, of nooks typical of south sea islands, and of the distant Orient. Miss Marshall was a dainty brid·e in her gown of white velvet embroidered in pearls. Her tulle veil ·w as held in place by a Dutch cap of point lac<' studded in pearls. She carried a bouquet of orchids and valley lilies. \Vith the exception of the maid of honor, Miss Dorothy Marsh<lll, who was attired in a frock of pink chiffon and carried a leghorn hat filled with flowers, the bridal attendants, Mrs. Edwin L. Brashears and ··Mrs. James Marr, matrons of honor, and the four bridesmaids, Miss Alice Ransom. Miss Vir~inia · Vilas, Miss Jane Shuttler and Miss Emily Martin, were in dresses. 0f oink taffeta made iu period style. Thf',. wore hats of pink felt, and carried pink roses and larkspur. Harvey Fleming served as best man for his brother. and Edwin L. Brashears. Beniamin H. Marshatl, Jr., James 'Ma rr, Lewis · \Valton, Robert Lav and Don Bowev ushered. At 8:30 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh~tt were host and hostess at a weddin~ reception. Both the living room, where music played, and the large stu dio. where refre shments were served, cast forth the same charm of the unusual that permeates the entire ahode. Mr. Fleming and his bride departed immediately afterwards for their weddin1!' trip, their destination at this time unknown. theater for Monday evening, November 1, when a b~nefit performance of the "Princess Flavia" will be given. Mrs. Victor R. Clark is chairman, and the following are the members of her committee: Mrs. E. J- Brasseur, Mrs. George H. Bixby, Mrs. Roy 0. Nereim, Mrs. I. V. Edgerton, Mrs. J. M. \Varner and Miss Martha J. Moe. The Stevenson Memorial, to \vhich various north shore club's and organizations contribute, is a temporary home for women with children in need of assistance. This benefit performance, it is announced, is to be given to help defray some of the expense of the home during the coming winter and the ma'ny extra calls that cold weather always brings. Tickets for the performance may be secured from Miss Martha J. Moe of Evanston, phone University 1342. Wedding Marriage of Marian "Princess Flavia" to Betty Marshall Weds [· Be Gi'Ven as Benefit Seng to Evanstonian Recent Bride Richard Fleming in The Sarah Hackett .Stevenson MemSolemnized Saturday · Green Studio Garden .___ _ _ _ _ _ ____, orial has bought out the Four-Cohans Donald ('ameron Beidler photo ---- Mr. and ~1 r:-.. Regiilald A. Bullinger arc Spl'nding thl'il h01ieymoon in Asheville, l\. C. Pr(:>r to her niarriage, Mrs. Bullinger was Miss Marion Benzin&{, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Benzinf!, 139 Ahing.Qon road, Kenilworth. The ,,·edditig\ took place October 2. at tht· Kenilworth club. Upon returning the young couple will reside at 930 Judson avenue, Evanst~n. Glencoe Society Women Patronesses for Ball Glencoe women who will be patronesses for one of the largest social functions of the season, the Charity ball given by the Clencne center. Tnfr~nt Welfare Society of Chicago, are Mrs. Henry H. Brigham, Mrs. Frank E. Compton, Mrs. William R. Dawes, Urs. Harry C. Halloway, Mrs. H. Earl Hoover, Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, 1Irs. George' Pope, Mrs: J. H. Roberts, Mrs: James M. Sheldon, Mrs . Henry T. Smith and the group of sub-chairmen, Mrs. W. Hamilton Walter, who is chairman of arrangements; Mrs. William T. Cresmer, chairman of publicity; Mrs. Francis S. Graham, ticket chairman; Mrs. Henry L. Stout, chairman of cards; Mrs. Harold S. Elliott, dance chairman. Mrs. E. F. \Vieboldt is general chairman for ti1e entire affair. The ball will be held at the Evanston Country club Wednesday eYening. November 3. for th" h"'nrfit of the .Mary Crane Infant Welfare statio n. · Mrs. Francis S. Graham and her enthusiastic committee are busily en· gaged selling tickets for the ball. Graced with pink chrysanthemums and white flowers, the St. Francis Xavier church was the scene of the marriage of Miss Madan Seng and Jerome K. Flaherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flaherty of Evanston, last Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Mgr. Thomas Shannan and the Rev. Bernard · Bradv officiated _ at the wrdding service wh-ich was followed immediatr.ly by the serving of a wed~in~ breakfast at the home of the bnde s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Seng of 435 Lake avenue, where autumn flowers were used in decoration. Simplicit;· marked the fashioning of the gowns of both the bride and her only attendant, her matron of honor, who was her sister, Mrs. Charles Holland of Chicago. Miss Seng's dress was of white velvet with a single ornament of pearls and brilliants. She wore a court train and a cap veil with a coronet of pear~~ anrl trimmed with orange blossoms. . She carried a bouquet of garder:ias, valley lilies and orchids. Mrs. Holland wore a ~I)Wtl of like material, of shell pink shack, with a velvet hat of brkspur blue. Her houq u et \\·as of pal c ye 1\.)w rc 1St~. Francis Seng served · as best man, and the ushers were Raymond Srng, Charles Holland of Chicago, and John Hughes and Ed'gar Hartney oi Evanston. · · Mr. and Mrs. Flaherty have gone to Cuba on their wedding trip. Philanthropy Bridge Given Next Wednesday Thr coming week brings an event of social iml)ortance in the life of the village a~ wdl a~ a benefit' for the varion~ Wl'lfarv agl'ncies to whose support the \Yuman·~ club of Wilmette contributes. On \Vednesday afternoon in the club building, the fi-fteenth annual bridge party for the benefit of the pltilanthrt)py department of the Woman's cluh of \\'ilmette will he given. Tickets fur th.r affair have been sellrapidly. ~frs. ~\'alter Gore Mitchell is in charg·c oi table r'eservations, . with Mrs. \\'illiam 11. Holmes in charge of the tickl't sale. Junior School Boys Will Benefit by Rummage Sale · The North End branch, Friends of Chicago Junior school, is giving a rummage sale October 25. Mrs. Mabelle R. Johnson of Chicago, P.hone Bitter· sweet 2366, chairman of the committee in charge, will arrange for the disposal of all contributions. · Clothing- dresses, hab, coats. :-.hoes, -or any pieces of furniture or other household goods, may be contributed. Many residents of the north shore are members of the North End branch, and include Mrs. G. R. G. Fisher, Mrs. A. E. Lundquist. Mrs. Albert J. Nyst rom, Mrs. M. W. Zabel and Mrs. Harold Molter, of Wilmette; Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, Mrs. Elmwood Ankrum, Mrs. Patricia Jennings, Mrs. George Karnrs and Mrs. James J. Kennedy, of Winnetka; Mrs. H. Marshall, Mrs. G. Albin Nilson. Mrs. Perry Ulrich and Mrs. D. A. Day, of Glencoe. I ., Fout" Day Bazaar ·for . St. Francis Hospital A bazaar for St. Francis hospital will be given at 355 Rid!Ze avenue, Evanston, \\·edttt'suay, Thursdav, Friday, and Saturday, ·October 27. 28, 29, and 30. The sale will open with a dinner in charge of the staff doctors' wives, at 6 o'clock, \Yedne sday evening. The following aftf'rnoon at 2 o'clock, the hospital auxiliary will be in charge of a card and bunco party. The student nurses will give a play Thursday evening, and the following night. the St. Franci5 alumnae will entertain. The closing night the student nurses will be in charge of a reception. Special motion pictures of local appeal will be given each night, and a door prize will be offered every evening. There wilt be no admission charge. Mrs. A. J. Smith president of the hospital auxiliary, is general chairman of the committee in charge. ~-- "Donny Brook Fair" Will Take Place This Month Donny Brook Fair is the name of the bazaar to be given in Evanston the last of October by the Chicago chapter of t:te Goucher College Alumnae association. For some time Evanston and north shore Goucher alumnae have been meeting every week to sew for the bazaar. Imported toys, children's clothes, fine needle work, leather goods and Christmas goods from Italy, Russian brass, and many other articles \\'ill be on sale. Don;1y Brook Fair is a name of particular significance to Goucher and its traditions. It is the name of the college year book. The name was taken from a fair held in a town on the outskirts of Dublin and has now become so firmly connected with Goucher associations, that the stream on the new 421 acre campus at Towson, has been named Donny Brook. R"'Veal Betrothal The enga~ement of Miss Dorothy Marguerite Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Olson of 736 Roger avenue, Kenilworth, to Rollin S. Thompson of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Thompson of Amboy, Ill., was made known Friday of last week at an Alpha Xi Delta sorority "cozy" at the home of Miss Olson's parents. Both Miss Olson and Mr. Thomnson were members of the class of 1923 at Northwestern university, where Miss Olson was an Alpha Xi Delta and Mr. Thompson a member of the Acacia fraternity. For Ex-Service Men· Everyone in Wilmette intt·re:-.ted in welfare work among ex-service men and their famili'es, may be a guest at the card party to be ~ivcn this evening by the auxiliarv of the \\"ilmette Post, American Le~ion, at the home of Mrs. William Jones. 12.32 Elmwood avenue. The proceerts frPm this affair witt he added to the auxilian· welfare fund, it is announced. · Work for Benefit Bridge As a benefit for the St. Francis Xavier school under the auspices of the Woman's . Catho11c club of Wilmette, a card party wilt be given Tuesday October 26, at the Wilmette Woma~'s club. Mrs. William D. Leary is the chairman in charge, and she will be assisted by Mrs. P. J. Joyce, Mrs. Paul Fieberg, Mrs. Harris Davis, Mrs. ]. F. Wiedlin, Mrs. H. L . Barker and Mrs. Thomas Chambers. ._.. ___ . ~· The Korth Shore Musical society will hold its next meeting Monday afternoon, October 25. at the home of Mrs. Olive Ahara, i35 Eighth street. Wilmette. The orogram \Yilt be .of Russian and Poli:-.h char:tcter. Of interest to north shore re<>idcnts is the announcement made bv Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Mathisen of Chicago of the engagement of their d::~ughtPr, Kathleen, to A. 0. M4y. Miss Mathisen is a graduate of Northwestern university and a member of Chi Omega sorority. Among the several homes opened Monday, October 18, for the benefit 0,: t 1,_ South Prn 'V' opwn '~ l·:du"" +;,.,,l =1l alliance. was that of ~frs. \Viltiam Truesdale of \Vinnetka. Mrs. Truesdale opened lwr - home for a brnf"fit rard party, and was assisted hy 11 rs. Dwil!ht Green, Mrs. Edwin Priu. 1ft rs. George Dovenmuehle of \Yinnctka. and Mrs. Paul Chace of Glencoe. j .

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