WILMETTE LIFE October 22, l926 Red Cross Takes Charge of Relief. in Flood Area · Colder we~ther is adding its miseries to the thousands of homeless flood 1 victims in the 143,000 acres of water1 covered lands in and about Beardstown and Jacksopville, Ill. Gov. Len Small has · issued a proclamation calling for food and mone ~· to 1 be sent to the stricken communities for 1 relief. The American Red Cross l1a" hern appealed to by the local authorities of each community to step in and organize the relief \York. National RNl cross from -w·ashington has · sent $10,000 to start this r<'lief. Each chapter of the American Red Cross througho·1t · th~ s.-~ t(' awl C~>untrv will do its best in . raising an adequate fund for the relief of these friends and neighbor :; in distress. Parents of High School Students View Class Work Members of the freshman and sophomore classes and their parents met at Ne~ Trier High s-chool Thursday of this week for the first of the series of meetings to be held this season un der auspices of the ;-.[ ew Trier High school Parent-Teacher association. Thursday's session began at 1 :30 o'clock and continued through the evening, with dinner in the school cafeteria. The parents were privileged to witness the actual procedure of classroom work. The next meeting of this nature t :' scheduled for Thursday, November 4. when the parents of junior and se nior students wilt spend the day at the school. On November 18 there will ht <t meeting for parents, only. The final meeting of the year will be held Mav S. 1927. comolete arrange mcnts for which h;we not as yet been made. It is known that a promincn ~ 1 educator will be secured to addres s (lw members of the association. AGAIN PROMOTED Bradlee Pruden, 631 Central avenue, senior at the University of Illinois, who two \Yeeks ago was promo~ed from first lieutenant to major, has been ad ,·a nccd again and is now commissioned as lieutenant colonel, R 0. '1'. C., Corps of Engineers. This is the highest commission \vhich can be acquired at Illinois except one, that of the stu dent colonel of the Brigade. -ol\tr. and Mr s. S. P. \Vatkins, 1322 Greenwood avenue, returned Saturcla~' from a six weeks' visit on the Pacific coast. The points they visited included DcnYcr, Seattle and Aberde en, S.D . I , I I I IHunters in Canada Lose · Belon~ings in -Lodge Fire Goon : ; ~ I . ; I' · ! 565 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Fountain Square invites you ·to inspect its equipment installed in the Two M. o del Homes · (2 Blocks West of Kenilw.o rth Station) erected by the · ·Ke.n il\vorth. Community Development (MURISON, CUM·MJNGS and SANFORD. Architects) t Earle L. Hart, 1211 Ashland avenue. \Vilmette, rrot ~,or.e than the hunter:S a.ccustomed thnll m a recent exped1hon to the Hudson Bay country. The story runs like this · : ~[r. Hart, in comoany with six other huntsmen, went to Desire, Canada, seyIeral weeks ago, to hunt in the Hudson Bay country. Arriving- at the palatial lodg-e of a friend at Desire, they deposited all their belongings, including money and railroad tickets. and proceeded northward in the prescribed hunters' garb. . After a successful expedition the party returned to Desir.e only to find the lod~re a mass of charred ruins. I £,·erything they had taken from home 1 · had been lost in the fire. I -o1£ r. and Mrs. f G. Elder, 6.25 ~f aple avenue, had as their guests for last 'reek-end, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Keller. I ·Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24 Demonstrations of ··THE HARDINGE OIL BURNER KEL VINATOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION CHAMBERS FIRELESS GAS RANGE KITCHENAID - SIMPLEX IRONER AMERiCAN. BLOWER KITCHEN VENTILATOR WHIRLPOOL WASHER ; I · Introducing the MAY All in actuar .operation ! · Model .H.omes Open for lnspect.ion Every Afternoon ·and Evening Until November First. Presented i~ Silver Cloth with Silver Kid Trimming attd Heel fHR flRCH ~~5~ERVEn 630 Church St. SHOP INC· Evanston Zipper Boots and 4 Buckle Artica to Fit All Shoea