October 22, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE FIRST OFFERING, Residence Sites in Most Exclusive Country Home ~ection within ·Winnetka · Village Limits tNDIAN HILL GOLF CLUB $85 ~ PfR fAONT fOOT BASIS DAUGHADAY ACRES Motor Out and see this deveJoptnC11l in the most exclusi~e country home di strict of the n·e ar N\:>rth Shore. in · \'Vnme~ka. dnve w·~ st on. \tVinnetka Avenue (H-ill Road-see map) to the· property, or follow Elm Street to Winnetka vi\tage hall, then south to Winnetka Avenue (H\H 'Rbad ~ and west. From Sheridan Road From·Waukegan Road ~r~v: o~:s~ Lake Ave1 e or willow Street to I-Iibbard Road. thence east along Winnetka Avenue (HiU Rood) · to No. 1105. OU, perhaps, are one of the many who are . seeking to withdraw from homes on "Monoxide Avenue," in order that your children may play safely-in the real country-· yet enjoy every advantage of the most exclusive residence district. To make this possible for a limited number we are improving a thirty acre tract just north and we~t of the Indian Hill Club, along lines that assure the finest country home developments throughout. These residence tracts front on winding private roads within a mile of the Y Chicago and Northwestern station at Winnetka. Sanitary and storm sewers and water mains are · under construction. The land is' beautifully woodedt well drained and lies in the midst of an environment of cou~try homes, golf clubs, rine schools, paved roads and rapid transit lines not excelled anywhere. Values a short distance east exceed $-200 per front foot. To those who act immediat-tly~ the choicest of these tracts are available not later than January 1st at prices on the basis of $85 a ftont foot and with advances assured. Aw.~J Shown by Appointment- office at 1105 Hill Road (Winnetka Winnetka DAUGHADAY BROTHERS, Exclusive Agents 168 North ·Michigan Avenue, Chi-cago Telephone State 5192,. 8949