Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 15

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October 22, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE phasis will be laid not only on what has been done, but on what may be done. 1 Methodist Church A Junior Kindergarten ls belq Or· ganized In tht~ (' ool ,. F ·:it .I The annual Harv;;t Home dinner will M. F. ,,_,,_,..,_ be held Friday evening, October 29. · This of !-4 years wlll be given religious tn- happy occasion serves, each year, as. a structlon during the· Church school period welcome to the minister and his family. from ~ · : : ., .. '" tutlt·llt's 1ro n Divisions of the Ladies' Aid society National Kindt>rg-'~rtPn collpge will have . 11 meet on Thursday as follows: · charge of' thi~ K'rulPrl!arten; they are WlFirst-2 P m. Mrs. F. E. Fike, 1241 ' well trainPd in T{lwlPrg-'~rtE>n m"thotl~ Forest avenu~. hostess. and have hacl experience in Church . Second-tO a. m. Mrs. H. E. Poronto, school kind"rP."<>rt ~ n-:. 'f'hl~ is ::~n ex- 9 o1 Elmwood avenue, hostess. cE'ptional npnortunlty whlch is offered to Third-2 p. m. Mrs. R. J. Burrows, 216 c.hildr~"n ~"~" thl~ ::tg-P. for it prep'lrPs th~m Myrtle av(·nue, hostess. for klnnPrg-nrfpn wort{ in both the Fourth-tO a. m. Mrs. W. E. LindChurch school and Pnhlic school: and it blad, 720 Cireenwood avenue, hostess .. emnh::~~b;E'" thO!':P P~rllnc;;t rnlio-imts lmFifth-2 p. m. Mrs. ,v. w. Baldwm, pre~~tons whi"h ::lre the found~tion for 1015 'VIlmette avenue, hostess. a cleepPr rPllg-lon~ llfp In later r.hlldhood. Parents may enroll their children Troop Three of \V~lmette . Girl Scouts ~nnrlnv m"rninl!' fit !\ ·"0 in th(' Junlnr is in need ·or a captam. Th1s 1s an opT , t·t"n room lor-"tPrl In the Chilr 21 I ' "J.nflPr"'n ' "" ' nortunity for a young wo.man ove . <lrE>n's housP on the second floor. · years old who enioys workmg with gtrls I and who would like to learn more !1-bout Thf' th;rcl cli\'i ..:inn of thp LnrliPs' Aiel scouting, for hPr enrollment fE-e wtll b.e will mror·t n·t thn home of 1\[r~: R. J. Bur- paid for a training course at headct';l3;'rows. 21 r. Mvrtl"' strN't. 'VmnE>tka, for tf'rs as soon as she assumes responsibil, an all-rlay m""tln('l' 'T'hny will sew for ity. Anyone who qualifies a':ld w<!uld be the Lake Bluff orphanage. 1 interested is asked to oall Mtss Ltla .1\t· tig, Girl Scout exec';ltive at th~ WilThf> F.nwnrth lf'::tf"IIP will haYP a ~ocinl mPttc Parish Methodist church, Wtlmette hour Runrl:t y at ~ o'C'Iork in thf' Young 2348. Pf'op)f""' hn11~" · dn .. in<>' whlrh time 1.hl'y will Wf'knm~" n ... R"YY'th a~· t.hf'i!' minisLEGION AUXILIARY CITED tf'r. A ""rv lnt~"r('~ting proo-rnm Is hf'At the sixth annual convention held in~r plnnnNl: nnrl nll mPmh"rS of thf' Youn~ Pf'onle nnrl High school depart- at Springfield September 13 and 14 ·. the nwnt~ nf 1 ...,, f'hnrc.h r-::chool arc most \Vilmette Auxiliary .of the Amen~an cordially invitNl to come. , OC'toh<·r 2:l- 0C'tOhf't' :10 C:oorl f'hr>t·r ""M·lc 'f'hf' girls hn.\·c madf' f'0111f' \'t·n· rldinitP J)l:tn!'l for this Wf'ek amnn!! wh'"" ?"!" 1hl' fnlJowing: OC'tohf'r 2:l - l\fotlH'r's day. Or tol)(·r ? ·1- _ r:: .. l Rrmtt Sun1l::ty. Thr girl<; ha\'" (] nC'id" rl to nttencl C'hurch as a grnun and in uniform. Or·tohr·t· 2t. - (;irl Rrnnt Hf'nlth · Dn.y. nr· mon~t r:· t j t ·n~ and f'Xhibitlons In store ·will hP fl fr··1turr>. O~"tllht·r 2~ - -:\f~"~th<'r's Outing Day. The Srout will f'nt f' rt"~in hPr mother. Octol)('r ~0-Dnfldy's n"v. flirl~ are planning good times for their daddle~. A Cutting and Fitting Service,' Our experts assist you in planning a style es-· pecially adapted to your type. We do the· cutting and fitting and make ready for you to finish. Or will finish if you prefer. Phone Dearborn 7015 for fitting appointment today. The Goodrich Shop ,. 1107 Stevens Bldg. 17 No. State St. T egion received a citation for havmg a' one 'hundred per cent membership. is r.irl SC'out SPA11LDING & · co. "WORTH WHILE GIFTS f 9ewelers and ~;[,nsmiths MODERATB. PRJ.CBS" AT A !o:t·rit·" of introductory lllf'l·tings is ht ·ing- J)l :u11v·d by tlw pn. l" tor anfl vario~1s nrgamza tions in tlw C'hurrh. Th<>Sf' wtll 1w hf'ld in th f' chur<'h on Wf'dnPRday nirrht "' · :\Tt ·mlv ·r<: of thf' chur<'h ROC'ietlcs will thf'n deRcribe the work of their organizations to the nf'W minlst ·r. Em- Mrs. L. E. Youngquist, 211 Fourth str<'et, reJJtrned with her two children last week from California, where she had been since August 1. --o!\f r. an(l Mrs. Donald L. Potter, 595 Rosewood avenue, Winnetka. entertained at 'bridge Saturday evenmg, October 16, for Mrs. William Weidhoft of Ch.icago and Holl~wood. -oMr. and Mrs. H. M. Webber, 1219 Elmvmod avenue. will leave Saturday to spend the foll9wing. week in Detroit. Mr. \Vebber wtll attend the National Safety council. J IJ te1· Dinner Coffee ~et Coffee Pot $17 Suga1 and Crtame) $18 1 pitceJ $35 GoRHAM Hallowe'en Favors Favors and decorations that contribute so much to making a party a success are to be found in a most complete assortment at Rosen berg's. Novelty Favors, 1Oc Invitations, doz., 75c Dance Programs, doz., 40c Place Cards, doz., 3 5c Tallies, dozen, 35c N~H~7 ~ilrver Plate The name ((GORHAM" in itself is a guarantee of Qualityo In our department of Silver Plate you will fiJ?d many inexpensive things that come under the ·head of "WORTH WHILE GIFTS" Seal Decorations, box, 1Oc Nut Cups, 5c, 1Oc, 15c Light Bulbs, 15 c Jack-0-Lantern~, 15c Crepe Paper Costumes, $1.39 ... The Advantage of Ordering Your Engraved Christmas Cards Now You can now choose..,.your cards unhur~ riedly, the engraving will be done with greatest care, and you will have personal Christmas cards to be most proud of. Vegetable Dishes, single $10 Vegetable Dishes, double, $20 2.-qt. Water Pitcher, $2s 14..in. Meat DishJ $16.50 The above are merely examples of what '~c$paulding)sJ-' consider to be the finest Silver Plated Ware made- the name GORHAM is on every piece I R.o~--=!}?ers 's Davis Street-Downtown Evanston SPAULDING & Co. goldsmiths "' Sil,ersmttm . , ]ewtle-t:s Michigan Avenue at Van Buren Street ~ 1636 Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON CHICAGO 23 Rue de Ia Pais, PAltiS

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