Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE October 22, 1926 Congregational Church Mrs. Nellie Thompson of Los ·Ange-l Baptist Church · MINISTERS les arrived last Fdday to be the guest "Knock and it Shall Be Opened" is the Stephen A. Lloyd of Mrs. R. S. Swaim 701 Laurel ave- . theme on which Mr. Stifle~ will pre~ch ~n William E. McCormack . ' Sunday morning. This ts the th1rd m nue, until next week. Miss Virginia a series of the Sayings of Jesu :~. He L f B . G K . has a lready spoken on "Seek Ye First the On Friday the Sea Scouts meet at 7 :30 armon o ow 1 mg reen, y., IS Kingdom" and "Ye Are the Light of thP. p. m. Ewart Cook, skipper. spending the' week with Mrs Swaim World." The choir under the direct:on · · of Mme. Gilderoy Scott will sing and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____:______ Mr. Barnes will be at the organ. _ The Sunday school providing graded instruction for all ages begins at 9 :30. _ On Sundqy afternoon at 5 :~0 the High school B. Y. P. U. will hold their regular weekly meeting in Children's hall. At thiR same l1our the member!-i of the F. A. S. (Fellowship and Se rvice) will meet for their Evening DeYotional service. I Sunday morning each department of the Church school b;glns its services promptly at 9 :30 o clock. The Junior congregation convenes at 10 :30 a. m. and tbls Sunday Mr. l\fcCormack will tell about "The Mystery Man." The Junior Choir lrads the singing at this serv- ice. GOOD STEAKS When your mouth is watering for a nice, tender, juicy . steak cooked just to your liking, · this is the place where you can get it. Our patrons . come from far and near to enjoy our wonderfully good meals. your painting plans include your house and all of the other bu!fdings. Lumber has to be protected by paint when the life is out of it and the bark is off-and here you'll find the right paint. LET If you're going to sell or dwell, Paint the house-protect it well. Wilmette Cafe Meals that mtlsfy The Wamette Window Shade & Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor l · At thP 11 .o'clo<·k sf'rvica o~ worshir· Sunday mornmg- Dr. Lloyd w·ll pr(·ar-1 1 on the suhj~ct of "Christian Sportsman ship," and the quartet and Young PeoThis church co-openi.tes with the Sun- pl\~'s rhnit· will lca(l the singing. day Evenln~ club which PI'NH' nts at the Congregational church at 7 :~0. Habbl The "\Vilnwtte Sunday Evening- cluh Stephen Wise of New York · meetH at this church at: 7 :~0. Rabb 1 Stephen S. Wise will speak. Fire Weekly meeting of the ('amp On l\!(1nda:v the "\V::t <:;hlnrrf on a \'emu Girls at 3 :30 Monday. circle, Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith, chair The l\lission Study claRsrs continue on man, will hnl<l nn al1-rl1y mN·tinf! at th ·· Wednesday night at 7 :-t:i anrl this Wl't'k h nmC' of )frs. F . L. KiJn~>r, !i2~ Washing will be followed by a SterC'ontican lecture ton a\'f'll11~'. to sew for the naz11ar. -:\Tr!-= . C'harlt> s HoskPn an(l 1\frs. :vr. L. Rchmit 7. on "The Child Life of th e Nation." will bP tlw assisting host rsses. Thursday evening at S o'('lot·k the On :\fon<l:ty i\frs. J. \V. Al()f'r will Pn choir will m eet for tlwir rpgular \\'f'f'ldy trrta in tlw Xort h Encl C'ir<'l" . :\Trs . H . r _ rehearsal. · Torpprn, chairnw.n. at an all-dny mP· ·tingThe Wilmette Baptist church is lnr·atNI nt lH·r hnnw at !'1~1 C:rN'nwoort avenuP. at the cornE'r nf \Vilm ,.. tt t> :1 nd Fort·st T.un<'hron will lw st:n·rd at 12 :~0 anr1 "~rP '\frl' ~vPnU('S. The pastor. TIC' v. Fran is C. tllmw as.;;isting- lf""· Ald r· r Rtitler. m::ty be sN'n in his study during- Koontz, :\Trs. Knu1ltson, and 1\Ir!'l. Lawthe mornings of the wr<'k rx<"· ·Pt ::\[on - r r ncr. rhys ~nrl at nthf'r timPs hy 11PJ10intm(·nt. The church office in chn.rg-P of :\Tiss :\'T:lRoosPvc·lt Trnnp ~o . 2 tnN·ts at H r·adlwlle RennackE>r is open daily from fl un- quartr.rs on Tu,..s<lny Pvc·ning- at 7 :1 s til 12 and from 1 until !i. ('}osin!.!' at 12 David King, scoutmaster. o'clock on Saturdays. Church tc·IC' phon r Thf' .Tuninr chnir mN·ts fnr r1 · lw ar~ ·tT Wil. 2235. nn '\\',..(ln ,..~clny nftPrnnon nt 4. :\Tr. \\'. K l\fcf'orma~tk. rlirAC'tor. rto.:<:;i~t,..rl hy :\lr ~. Mrs. F. M. Andcrsgn of Paauh;1.u, L. F. C:atPS and Mrs . F. W. Trlsh . On '\Y C'd nP~rlay-('hurrh Fnmil~· nig-h t nt fi :::ln. Th P dinnPr ic.; r ,..n iJ" on tim· ·. A ft r r tlw dinn 0r 1\Trs . .T . :\fnl\·i llr· nrl)wn . C'hairman nf Forf' ig-n :\Ji~cion s, will ha\'1 ('harg-e of tlH' mf'f'tln~r. TTflrr:.· \V. '\Yh itP . nwmhrr nf tlw TntPrnnt iona I · CnmmittP· · nf thP Y. ,-:\f. f' . A . will ~P"'" l< . f:d \'(lUI rP!'Pr\'ation to thP rhnrC'h offic<'. · , Glass, Picturt Framing, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering, WaJipaper and Art Materials. 1 1 3 3 Central A venue Phone Wilmette 3 4 9 3 Hawaii, " ·as the guest la st werk of Mr. . and Mrs. Oliver Dennis, 707 Elmwood ~vcmH>, :-tnd Mrs. S. ·E. Gay, 929 Twelfth strrrt. Mrs. Anderson · hac; just returned fro111 a visit to England ::~.nd Scotland. She is returning to Paauhau where Miss Ruth Dennis and Mrs. J. Mairn Campbell, who \\'as ~fi ss Jessie Gay, arc now residing. Young- PPonlr's rhnir prartif',.. on Thursday f'""""""' nt 7 :1;) p . m . Port·' r -o\V. TTrn ps, director. Miss Elsie Lockhard of San Francisco is a guest at the home of Dr. Miss Susan Northam 731 Tenth and Mrs. C. G. Smith, 1325 Greenwood I strel't, is planning- to spe~d the winter avenue. season in California . .Those Shimmying FORDS If your Ford has a habit of shim· mying with its front wheels; bring it to us. We have the cor· rect prescription to remedy all sh4nzmying Fords. Professional experience to insure ·the proper lenses. At the same time the selection of that frame that hfst bPccmes the individual's features. FLORENCE WOOD 709 Main Street Phone Wil. 2000 Guaranteed Cure Our Cleaning Service Domestic Rugs Oriental Rugs Drapes Tapestries $}~ · Efficiently r e a c he s the entire :. North Shore. No matter what the article is to be cleaned, we can do it satisfactorily for you. .... Miller & Miller "Equipment equals Maintenance" Repair Dept. of Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street Phone Wil. 636 Pillows Suits Overcoats Evening Gowns All Clothing Furs and Hats Phones ·· wn. Sl>! untv. ut:;~ · JACK H. IPJIAN, 1\lgr. 1738 Sherman Avenue· One mock North ot Post CLEANING-PRESSING-TAILORING-REP AIRING omee

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