Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 10

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11 WILMETTE LIFE · Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. Herman w. Meyer, M. A. pastor. 406 Prairie Avenue. Telephone 1396. Church telephone ,3111. _ October 22. 1926 t L h S t. J0 h n s ut eran IBible to a study of the Book of Job. This Hour is given especially for all I SERVICES: 9 :30 a. m . SundaY school and Bible classes. 9 :45 a. m. First service and sermon. 11.00 a. m. Second service and sermon. Subject: "'fhe Secret of Peace." Meetings: Monday and Friday at 4 : Children's classes. Thursday at 7 :41i: "The Bible Hour." I I After an absence of three Sundays on which Pastor Meyer occupied out-of-town pulpits he will deli\·er the sermon Rt St. John's the coming Sunday. The subject of the sermon is: "The Secret of Peace." l~veryone is very cordially invit ed to at- 1 tend the services. . those who find it impossible to attend the Bible classes on Sunday morning. Last term there was an. average attendance 1 of 45 at. these meetmgs .. We should do 1 better th1s year. A partiCular invitation goes out to the fathers and mothers to attend these Bible Hours regularly, W e , llave not yet m et one that d c1 no~ enjoy Ithem and profit by them. fiPm<' mber it begins at 7 :41i-JlUnctuall:r- and is out at 9-sharp. Tlw Sunday 1'(\lwol staff will nwt·t imm ediately aftt·r the Bible Hour on 1Thursday, OctobPr 2 8. Bwory t ~<af'lwr and officer should be there. English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh \Villiam Guise, pastor. Watch This Space for information on HOW TO JUDGE DIAMONDS Based on our practical experience Before you buy consult a diamond special~st P AUL 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ill ' -JEWELER- DAVEY Phone Wilmette 6 AND DIAMOND SPECIALIST I Ill lllllllllllllllllllfiHIIIIIUID lilfiiiHI lltllnnmltllltllllllllllilllllll IUiillllllltll 111111111111111111111111111111 Ill l fm ~ Sl'n·ict·s for Octobf'r 2 4 : The graduation exercises of the nurst·s "The Parable of th(· Talt·nt~·· will h· of the Luth eran Memorial hospital will be h<'lrl next Sunday afternoon, Octob<·r the th e m p at th·· s··n·icl· of worship. Thi ~ 24, at Peace Lutheran Church, 43 and will lw thf· third in a st·rir·s on tht· Pa r CaJ.,fornia avenues. Everyone Is lnvit t· <l abks of .Jl·sus. to attend. Pastor Herman \V. Ml·YH "Joshua, lsnu·l's :'-:t·\\' Lt·:ult ·r" will J,. wlll deJ.Inr the address. tht· lt·sson in tlw Bihle <'hti'S in t ht · Hihl· · The Lutheran Exposition rece ntly h c·lrl school which conn·tws at !J :4G. Tlw atat the Sherman hotel has been pronounCt'd t e ndan ct· was g-ood last SlltHlH y . X· ·w one of the biggest successes ever experi- sdwlars an· always welconH·. enced by the Lutheran Church in Chicago. Six programs were given duringTht· Lutlwt· kag-ut· will ll1t-t"t F'ri,la v the two days, and every one taxed tlw t'Venlng- of this Wl'Pk at th· · hom, . c;f banquet hall far beyond capacity, and it :Miss CarolinE· UuchlH1l:t., 22:i ( 't·ntriLI a,.,. _ seated two thousand. During the sam<' nm'. Tht· young· JH·oplt· of tlk )wt·ish tim(· th e <·xhlbit hall adjoining was and tlH·ir iri··nds art· ilwilt·<l. crowded. O\·er 18,000 people ::>aw thl" exhibits during the two days. The frN'TIH· Junior ('hoir will tW·t{ ·f,,r r· will off<>rings amounted to over $3,()00. hearsal Saturday al 1 :~0. Tilt· nwmht ·r ;-; As a pr·actiea:l means of imparting in- c1f lh·· choir g-a\'t· a goo<l <tc'('OUnt of th· ·mformation on the church's work through- SC'ln:s last Sunday. Tlwlr first nnth· ·m out the world the exposition probably was l'l'lldt'red in a \'cr,;Y pleasing- mannl'!·. did more good than can be computc·d. 'l'he ))lan inauguratt'd by Chicago will ht · 1 Tho \Yilnwtt ~' ·hool of Ht·ligious J·:·lu carried out in othC'r Ct' ntf·rs throughout· ('a lion OJwns next 1'Ut'!-'dar t·Y··ning· in th· · Cc·ntral sdwol. Our s<·hool will h·· l'· ·pr· ·thl· country. St·ntcd b~· its ftt11 quota. NPxt Sunday f'Yenl " g at 8 o'cloc·k th(! Lutheran Young Pt'Ople's leaguC' of ChiOur HalloweC' n Social will ht · h· ·ld F ri cago and vicinity will giY<' a song srn- . day f·nl ning, October 2!\. A II nlt-mb· r ~ icf· at St . .John's, 'Vilmcttf', to which ! and friends of the congrl"ga 1 i1111 ;1n· it .f· \·errone is invite d. The soloists are Mrs. \'ited. H. F. Rohrmann, contralto, and F. \Y<·n..;_ d<'lin, Yiolinist. Harold Poll ex fornwrl~· Our autumn dinn<·r will h .. h· ·ld \\', olorganist at St. John's will br at th< : o··-r neRda,·, NovembC'r 17. Tlw la<li· ·..; <·f t h·· g-an. Th ?.fferin~s .are for th r Chicng11 :\lil'.si!; nary so<'it·ty. han· alr·· ·Lcly mad· · LuliH·ran C1ty MtsSlOn. th<'ll' plans for a fm (· ft·ast f111' :til \\' Ill· 1 attend. 'l'lu· spr·cial committ ··t· in <·11.1 r::· · lwld again of the 1)rogram are Me~srs . K n·~tll sr 11 t , rlc\'Ott·(l Brandt and Pdcrson. I First Natiorial Bank of Wilmette Member of Federal Reserve System Condensed Statement of Condition at · the close of busine ss October 11, 1926 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .......................... $ Overdrafts : . ................................ . U. S. Government Securities ................. . Other Bonds and Securities ................. . Federal Reserve Bank Stock ................. . Bank Building and Fixtures ................. . Interest Earned (uncollected) ................ . La,vful Reserve ·\ vith Federal Reserve Bank ... . CASH AND DUE FROl\1 OTHER BANKS ... . 434,408.87 436.74 170,462.50 474,257.20 2,250.00 12,179.58 9,315.36 57,829.41 104,554.10 Spend a Little and Save Much SEND your fine rugs to Kashian Broth-· ers. l'hey '-Viii save you .dollars by preventing the stealthy inroads of unseen moths. . T~ey will forestall the trifling but tragtc httle breaks that ruin the fabric if neglected. And how the soft. luxurious pile will be lifted, and the precious colors renewed! . $1,265,693.76 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ................................. $ Surplus and Undivided Profits ............... . Discount collected (unearned) ............... . Reserved f.or Taxes, Interest and Depreciation .. 50,000.00 48,461.68 2,704.91 6,164.01 DEPOSITS .......................... .. ..... . 1' 133,245.16 Dividends unpaid ............................ . 118.00 Bills Payable ............................... . 25,000.00 $1,265,693.76 Comtnercial and Savings Accounts Bonds, Securities and Foreign Exchange Sa·fety Deposit Boxes for Rent-Interest Paid on Deposits j "' )QtShian)3ros. I I 45 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Ill. Telephone ·Wilmette 1200

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