Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1926, p. 7

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· Oct.ober 22, 1926 W_ l L METTE LIFE j . . . .-'~!!.~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ; Tuesday evening of this week, with $25,000 of the condemnation proceed~ ' ; ing expenses, pledged, by Kenilworth. ·. ,. ! Other interested property owners who · · · . were not present at the meeting MonReaadents Subscnbe Laberally To- day evening were to be called upon warda Expense of Conclemnina Tuesday. ' ·!i_ "No Man'a Land" At the time of the meeting Monday __ evening, the Wilmette Park board had ' Fifty-nine east side property owners not gi~en. definite assur~nce that it in · Kenilworth subscribed $1.1.597 at. a ~out~ mstttute condemnatto~ proceedmeeting at Kenilworth Community mg.s m the ~atter, h<?wever, tt was exclub, Monday evening, towards the ex~ pta~ J.w. both ·ij.festdent Murray a?d pense of instituting condemnation pro- Mr. Bonnet that the .h?ard ,felt dtsceedings for park purposes, the twen-1 posed to proceed, pro~tdmg tfie necesty acres on Sheridan road between sary expense money ts assur~d. The Kenilworth and Wilmette, known as b?ard was to meet t.he followmg eve"No Man's Land." I ' nm~, Tuesday, Prestdent M urr~y exThere were 170 people present, most plamed, and !or th~t reas~>n 1t was of whom came to vojce their protest necessary for tmme.dtate actiOn. against the buildin&-·~'f clubs and a mo-\ At a former meetmg, a few days ago, tion picture house and other improve- several ~housand ??ltars were pledge.d ments of similar nature in this tract, I by Kemlworth ctbzens. towards thts which, it was also expla'n~'d is in the fund, but all such subscrtber~ were re- 1 Wilmette Park board district. · !eased at the Monday evenmg ~eetJames C. Murray, president of the 1 mg, when t~e. other more eqUitable Kenilworth Village board presided and manner of ratsmg the money was dewhen he stated that $50,000 should be cided upon. available for the Wilmette Park board I Furthermore, it was explained by tSl .iJa.stitute -coh<h!innation proceedings, Mr. Bonnet, that, in the event the conmany response· s with liberal offers of demnation proceedings should reach a cash were received. ! point wh.e~ein the court. renders favorAssesses Eaat Side Property . able d.ectston for the vtl!ages, an.d th.e The decision to permit all east side j valuat.'on of. the. tract m question ts property owners to participate in the established, t! wtll then . be necessary Howeimpte-plenty of length in the back to perh:'lt . . contributions resulted in an assessment for the two vtllages to raise the larger, of $2 a front foot on such property, : or pur~hase sum, a~d it is t~en that the bending or sitting without strain, but held at the ~ip lw which it was estimated would raise more liberal donatiOns will be called a aeries of tiny pleats-front perfectly smooth. No Kenih~orth's share of the necessary f?r. That is, i~ was ~xplained, is parstrain p088ible; -no reinfor~ment nece~~ary. $50000 the balance it was stated was ticularly true, m Kemlworth, whereas, bei~g ~aised hy residents of Wilmette, s~ould the P.r~ceedings result in the The knee length Klckernick is The sport le~h bloomer~ particularly in that section adjacent to vtllages acqmrmg the tract for park mends itself aoecially to a joy to wear. It never binds at "No Man's Land." : purposes, it witt in reality be a park ' the knee, seat or crotch. No actift woman. No matter what A poll of the 170 present at Monday I under tlie jurisdiction of the :'Ni'mette blouaing or bulkiness between ~ do, etep into your car, play tennil, ride a hOI'Ie-tb.t evening's meeting indicated that of Pa_rk board and therefore patd for by tht lqL bloomer eta~ in ~ that number, 65 were east side proper-~ Wtlmette. We pret.,nt them ln 1 linea are beautiful and you IMWf ty owners, and when the subscription · -------1 feel it. 'arlety of fa brice papers we:e d.istributed for the volun- ~ Illinois . has the fir~t ste~l skeletoned Askio se., the aayon numtlt·r $1.59 to S4.95 tary contnbution of S2 per front foot, skyscraper, erected m Chtcago in 1884 v at tJ.tQ. 59 responded. from a consignment of the first steel Arthur Bonnet, who has just recent- beams produced in America. ly built a very fine home on Robsart place and who is very active in the Cl · D- · C -N work of converting "No Mans Land" asstc anClng lasses ow into a park instead of leaving it to a Open at I development which the home owners of that section feel would materially · rlamage their property value, was very For appointment . desirious, he said, to go before the Call Wilmette 5 Wilmette Park board, at its meeting KENILWORm BACIS P .ARK PROPOSITION I ' j I 1 True 13/oomer (omforl In tu n. 1 --------------.....S I W orthen..Carrico Co. Wilmette, Ill. VIOLA M SPECHT I' I I· Get Ready for the Fall Social Events! It won't be long before the mails or the phone will bring you invitations to this dance and that house party. Probably you'd better look over your wardrobe and see what things need cleaning for the coming social season. ~~ Delicate even1ng gowns or hubby's tuxedo or full dress suit. Sen4, them to us for perfect dry cleaning; they'll _ come bac~ spotlessly attractive and ready for another season'·s wear. . Schultz & Nord Cleaners for Particular People 1152 Central Avenue Phones Wiltnette 320.-21 ·

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