WILMET·TE LIFE October 15, 1<>2, , . member of the state Rehabilitation committee of the Legion. Brig. Gen. Samuel c. Stanton, chapl~in of Wilmette Post, is the unofficial repre1 ~---------------..1 sentative of the Post at the National Wilmette Post No. 46 of th~ Ameri- convention held this week in Philadelcan Legion )1eld its regular monthly phia. . .meeting Tuesday evening at St. AuTuesday, October 26, the Post wtll gustine's Club House. Entertainment give an informal ,par~y at the Lake featured and lunch was: served by Shore Terrace, Shendan. road and Mac of Bowling lunch fame. Chestnut .street. There wtll be cards Andy Rogers of Evanston recently i and dancing. . · . elected district commander of this dis- I Last week W!lme~te Post recet\'ed trict, gave a short talk outlining work a citation from ~atwn.al Commander for the coming year. McQuigg for havmg this y~ar exceedFred Lippen, vice-commander of ed its average membership for the Wilmette Post, has been appointed a past four yeaFs. II Legion News ·-- The Result of ·Service An additional deli very truck for our North Shore Clientele HE United States Supreme Court defines Goodwill, "as the disposition of a satisfied customer to return to the place where he has been well treated." In response to the ever increasing demand for our unexcelled family laundry services~ we have added another delivery truck to our present North Shore fleet o~ three. The big reason for our increased patronage is because hundreds of North Shore housewives have found a few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man results in a New Day a week for them-and . the ·removal of W ashday fr<?m their calendar forever. i / a bench under a win m the hvmg room of the hous ·and pushed the window up with a pok Burglars Get Little Loot and Are it was later discovered. They took a Frightened Away · in Two Cases; purse belonging to Mrs. Travis and Police Investigating coat belonging to her husband, lm Mrs. Travis heard them talking and Two prowlers entered four homes on turned a light on upstairs, whercup ct n the east side of the village early last they fled, dropping the ptirse and coa t . Thursdav morning, the total of their At the home of G. A. Hahn. 11H loot heit~g a watch and two purses, o_ne Sixth street, they entered through ;, of which contained $6. The burglanes dining room window. They touk ;, occurred between 2 and 3 o'dock in watch belonging to Mr. Hahn and the morning. .Mrs. Hahn's purse, which contained 111 , At the home of Frank A. Meter, 114 money. ~1rs. Hahn was awakened an d Fourth street, the men entered through heard them talking. They started tu a kitchc11 \\'indo\\" and departed with ascend the stairs but were frightene d a pur se containing $61.)elonging to M.rs. away. · They made no attempt ·to ta k t Meter without arousmg the fanuly, silvenYarc or other \'aluahles, asleep upstairs. It is thought they next entered the home of Mrs. Anna Sieren, directly in amp Ire roup l'Yes the rear, at 114 Fifth street. There Treasure Hunt Tonight they gained entrance through a winTl T h 1 k' L~ F're gro . · a sun pore 1 1 f tl 1e 1e os o , o d. I amp dow 111 1 at t 1e rear o h' f 1 1.1 ,. 111 '[ . 1 Tl t 00 k M _ Sieren's purse under the guar tans tp o 1\ r .., , ·' . 1· 0t~se . ley . r-s. . . · R 'd f tl 1 Baptist church '"ill h< .Jt ~ e ht whtch was downstatrs, but 1t contamed efi t ' , t no money and was found in the \'ard a. hat 1 1CrR(1afug her treas~llrebtlllll 1( l ~t 1 f d · mg t. e res men s wt e se n· -( 1 t e nCex · afterwards to those participatit: ·~· i;; ame a)B. ac k S econ d N' tg ht Mrs. · Sieren said she thought the the hunt. . men came back the . fotlo·wing night. Last week the group held Its ek ~· Police were called and iailed to find tion of officers, who now are: Jcan anv trace of them but members of the Ragstale, president; Salty Clark, viet fa1;1ily found a "jit;1my" in the yard the president; :\I arian Conely, s·ccr~tar~· following morning. Ardis Rcicl, treasurer; ] ane Spnn.g ~·r Another home entered was that of deed recorder; Betty Ball, pubhcJ t_' Charles T . Travis, 125 Fifth street. chairman. The ENTER FO UR HOUSES I : dow 1~1en pull.e~ c F. G c· ° T Unseen Sources of Long Life The basic sources of automobile value are not always apparent to the eye· . A motor car, like a house, may LOOK a great deal more substantial than it really is. Because of this difficulty, more and more thousands are turning to Dodge Brothers product for insuranca against disappointment. I \, ·" The years have proved, and each year proves anew, . t hat Dodge Brothers are as deeply concerned with the UNSEEN goodness of their motor car as with the seen. The mileage it will deliver, the safety it will provide, the ex.pense and trouble it will save the owner over a period of years, are quite as. important to Dodge Brothers as the more obvious details of equipment and style. Touring Car Coupe Sedan $ 86o.o~ 9 I :z.oo 1 ,o I - CALL IN BILL TODAY·· . HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY Special Sedan Delivered 965.00 7.50 20% Discount on UJOrk brought in and called for C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street · Univ. 224 l ·, EVANSTON D CD 6 e. .B -ROTHERS MDTDR C:ARS ' ..